We need President Trump to roll back the Jihad

I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

So your argument is that because Obama does it, it's OK if Trump does it too?

Shouldn't Republicans be setting a higher bar than that?

ANYTHING Trump will do will be a HIGHER BAR than what the Manchurian muslim has done...don't you agree?
I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

You'll get no argument from me about the amount of land the federal government owns in the West. It is an issue that needs to be seriously discussed and neither party is really interested in having that conversation. Republicans in Congress have become more vocal? So the fuck what? Does them being vocal about it actually change anything or is it just lip-service? My guess is the latter.

Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.
I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

So your argument is that because Obama does it, it's OK if Trump does it too?

Shouldn't Republicans be setting a higher bar than that?

ANYTHING Trump will do will be a HIGHER BAR than what the Manchurian muslim has done...don't you agree?

Do you support the government seizing private property so other private citizens can make money?

Seems like someone only who isn't a freedom-loving patriot would agree.
There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

You'll get no argument from me about the amount of land the federal government owns in the West. It is an issue that needs to be seriously discussed and neither party is really interested in having that conversation. Republicans in Congress have become more vocal? So the fuck what? Does them being vocal about it actually change anything or is it just lip-service? My guess is the latter.

Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.

Perhaps in that time span OTHER TOPICS were of more importance to the PEOPLE?...AND NO ONE brought them up?
Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

You'll get no argument from me about the amount of land the federal government owns in the West. It is an issue that needs to be seriously discussed and neither party is really interested in having that conversation. Republicans in Congress have become more vocal? So the fuck what? Does them being vocal about it actually change anything or is it just lip-service? My guess is the latter.

Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.

Perhaps in that time span OTHER TOPICS were of more importance to the PEOPLE?...AND NO ONE brought them up?

That is an insanely lame excuse. No wonder nothing ever fucking changes. People only care about their side winning the election and then when they don't shit, the excuse makers coming rushing to their defense.

I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

you have made a point----sorta. It SHOULD come up -----in some question/answer

Trump's support of Kelo v. New London is an issue that should raise some eyebrows. It was a horrible decision.
i agree, living in the next town over for ten years, i was very aware of the blight, on the community, and the constitution.
susette kelo doesn't live there, they moved her house across town (rather bizarre). she will tell you that the upshot is that many states changed their laws, to make forced seizure of property from private to private, to make the process more difficult. the court should have left this alone, and defined natural born instead.
pfizer moved across the thames river, as far as i know the river front tract remains untouched, it's where i bought my lobster.

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Lessons From a Little Pink House, 10 Years Later

eminent domain meets climate change, i like it.

the global change cult has eminent domained PBS, and are brainwashing our children, at the taxpayers expense.

The devastation caused by eminent-domain abuse - The Boston Globe

that must be the house that Gary Larson based his idea

with the family that did not understand gravity


"Buildings Account for 39% of CO2 emissions in the United States The commercial and residential building sector accounts for 39% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States per year, more than any other sector."

yeah, I'm convinced. No more private property! Surrender to the AGWCult, their are in control
I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...
is he using monument anitiquities act, so many of his actions are written by andrew sorkin.
I am not sure Trump is the person you want to go to rushing to when it comes to protecting private property considering he believes eminent dominion is wonderful.

There never was and never will be a president who would not consider using eminent domain when using the powers of eminent domain wold benefit society at large. That is why we have roads, railways, buildings, schools, national and state parks.

Eminent domain can and should be used for what you listed above; however, eminent domain to take your property and give to another citizen so they can develop it? Fuck that. You want my land for a private endeavor? You pay the price I set, not go rushing off to the government and have them cease my property.

Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

So your argument is that because Obama does it, it's OK if Trump does it too?

Shouldn't Republicans be setting a higher bar than that?
they usually do harper. hey are you/have you going to weigh in on cruz being A canadian ?

if not then take off hoser....
Oh my eminent domain affecting HOW MANY, compared to the current administration...perhaps EQUIVALENCY should be looked at?

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of ...

Obama Administration Makes Attempt to Seize Millions of Acres Across America ... Republicans in Congress have recently become more vocal against some of the ... of seizing nearly 24 million acres of land in the American west and northwest, however, ... Second, government-controlled land takes away opportunities for ...

You'll get no argument from me about the amount of land the federal government owns in the West. It is an issue that needs to be seriously discussed and neither party is really interested in having that conversation. Republicans in Congress have become more vocal? So the fuck what? Does them being vocal about it actually change anything or is it just lip-service? My guess is the latter.

Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.

Perhaps in that time span OTHER TOPICS were of more importance to the PEOPLE?...AND NO ONE brought them up?

That is an insanely lame excuse. No wonder nothing ever fucking changes. People only care about their side winning the election and then when they don't shit, the excuse makers coming rushing to their defense.

you're right, why anyone would voluntarily wade into the cesspool is beyond me. but they do, there never seems to be shortage of politicians.
You'll get no argument from me about the amount of land the federal government owns in the West. It is an issue that needs to be seriously discussed and neither party is really interested in having that conversation. Republicans in Congress have become more vocal? So the fuck what? Does them being vocal about it actually change anything or is it just lip-service? My guess is the latter.

Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.

Perhaps in that time span OTHER TOPICS were of more importance to the PEOPLE?...AND NO ONE brought them up?

That is an insanely lame excuse. No wonder nothing ever fucking changes. People only care about their side winning the election and then when they don't shit, the excuse makers coming rushing to their defense.

you're right, why anyone would voluntarily wade into the cesspool is beyond me. but they do, there never seems to be shortage of politicians.

That is b/c its a sweet gig. You get elected to Congress to become rich and feather the nests of your cronies.
Of course it's currently lip service...Even if they actually had the balls to pass a bill in both houses, the scum bag in the WH would simply VETO it.... we've been here before!

This is an issue that is decades and decades old. The GOP had control of the White House and Congress during the Bush years and didn't do shit about it. The GOP can attempt to pass a repeal of the ACA dozens and dozens of times but challenging the federal government in it's vast ownership of land, even if it did fail, is somehow off the table.

The fact that so many people are being consistently duped by Democrats and Republicans is maddening. Vote for us b/c this is more important election in our lifetime and this time we promise to be different.

Perhaps in that time span OTHER TOPICS were of more importance to the PEOPLE?...AND NO ONE brought them up?

That is an insanely lame excuse. No wonder nothing ever fucking changes. People only care about their side winning the election and then when they don't shit, the excuse makers coming rushing to their defense.

you're right, why anyone would voluntarily wade into the cesspool is beyond me. but they do, there never seems to be shortage of politicians.

That is b/c its a sweet gig. You get elected to Congress to become rich and feather the nests of your cronies.
word on the street is harry reid hasn't paid his taxes. Where Does Harry Reid’s Wealth Come From?

According to OpenSecrets.org, Reid’s net worth is somewhere between three and 10 million dollars. How he made this money is uncertain, as he has refused to release his tax returns — despite harassing Romney for releasing his own tax returns. Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson affirmed earlier this month that Reid will not be releasing his returns because “he’s not running for president.”

i wish someone would feather my nest.

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