We need to educate our people


Oct 16, 2011
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.
You can't educated people who believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Once they've gone this far over the edge, there is no turning back.
I had to teach someone how a credit card works the other day. They were 23....
You can't educated people who believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Once they've gone this far over the edge, there is no turning back.

Your knowledge on any subject you opine about could be written on the back of a stamp. You're an embarrassment to the country. Moron.
You can't educated people who believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Once they've gone this far over the edge, there is no turning back.

Educating a blind man while he is covering his ears is hardly worth my time, honestly.

If they want to go over the edge, let them. They want to wallow in their ignorance, fine. Let it be.

The moment they decide to push that crap on me I will step on them.
I had to teach someone how a credit card works the other day. They were 23....

I understood this crap at the age of 10 (no, I'm fucking serious). Now you understand where financial problems come from.

THANK YOU. My exact point for why we need some program to educate people. All this bad credit was fueled by citizens not understanding how the heck this industry functions and how the heck to use credit to your benefit. Which is hardly use it at ALL!
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

Awesome thread....reps coming your way. Business managament needs to be taught in public schools starting at a very early age and I would like to see YOU teach it...:)
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

Awesome thread....reps coming your way. Business managament needs to be taught in public schools starting at a very early age and I would like to see YOU teach it...:)

I would LOVE to teach it. I took Finance and Business Management in High school. But they were electives and I was about the only person that chose to take them. Everyone else were the kids that got forced cause they never chose an elective.

Ive been telling people this needs to be mandatory since I was a sophomore in high school. Im sorry but Physics can be used by 10% of the people that take it. Finance can be used by 100% of the people that take it. Hmmmm.
I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people.

The right would never agree: not their ‘problem,’ too much ‘government intrusion,’ not the ‘role of the government to teach,’ and last but not least, it will cost too much.
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

Awesome thread....reps coming your way. Business managament needs to be taught in public schools starting at a very early age and I would like to see YOU teach it...:)

I would LOVE to teach it. I took Finance and Business Management in High school. But they were electives and I was about the only person that chose to take them. Everyone else were the kids that got forced cause they never chose an elective.

Ive been telling people this needs to be mandatory since I was a sophomore in high school. Im sorry but Physics can be used by 10% of the people that take it. Finance can be used by 100% of the people that take it. Hmmmm.

Well, now you've made an error, Sir. Because I AM a physicist and I disagree that only 10% of people who take it use it. It's NEVER a bad thing to know how reality works, otherwise you simply impart useless sentiment on other people that has no validity to it.

There is no reason they can't both be taught though.
I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people.

The right would never agree: not their ‘problem,’ too much ‘government intrusion,’ not the ‘role of the government to teach,’ and last but not least, it will cost too much.

Im about as far right as you can get. Extreme conservative. I would definitely enjoy cutting a few programs to institute this. I can think of about 1000 that need to go!!! :)
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

listen,, with all due respect.. I have NEVER had a single solitary financial class.. and I never buy more than I can afford to pay for. it's called common sense. too bad our government has no common sense.
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Awesome thread....reps coming your way. Business managament needs to be taught in public schools starting at a very early age and I would like to see YOU teach it...:)

I would LOVE to teach it. I took Finance and Business Management in High school. But they were electives and I was about the only person that chose to take them. Everyone else were the kids that got forced cause they never chose an elective.

Ive been telling people this needs to be mandatory since I was a sophomore in high school. Im sorry but Physics can be used by 10% of the people that take it. Finance can be used by 100% of the people that take it. Hmmmm.

Well, now you've made an error, Sir. Because I AM a physicist and I disagree that only 10% of people who take it use it. It's NEVER a bad thing to know how reality works, otherwise you simply impart useless sentiment on other people that has no validity to it.

There is no reason they can't both be taught though.

haha sorry to pick on your field. Physics was just an example. I hated science lol. I took two classes that were extremely helpful to me. Intro to Law and Justice and Financial Issues. I just want people to understand how to take care of THEMSELVES. That is all. I don't care how we get it done. It just needs to happen. We can't have a society where 50% lives in the dark.
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

I now love you and want to call you George. You have to excuse me because I am posting on NyQuil.

Forgive me.

I heard a caller the other day talking about financial literacy to a talk show (I have the flu so bear with me My coherency is only getting 3 from the Russian Judge but I'm trying). No one teaches this anymore.

One has to learn to budget.

And I don't want to be horrid here but don't people need to learn to live within their means?

ETA: great thread
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Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

This is to risky. If people get smarter then they might see that the banks own all of us, they might realize that government doesnt care what the population thinks. The might choose to reclaim the constitution as the governing force and overthrow the corrupt government with a new congress elected by the people and for the people.

Worse then that the people might decide that endless wars across the globe are not good things, and that maybe there are consequences for our acttions.

Much to risky.
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

listen,, with all due respect.. I have NEVER had a single solitary financial class.. and I never buy more than I can afford to pay for. it's called common sense. too bad our government has no common sense.

Oh I agree about the common sense. It's just that it isn't very common anymore. You and me may know that $25,000 isn't enough to afford a $30,000 car with a $200,000 house. But others don't. And they need to. Thats my point.
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.
Everything you've said makes perfect sense. But there is a factor in the situation you've presented which must be considered. I offer the following anecdote as one example of what I mean.

I once thought I wanted to be a lawyer so I enrolled in law school (Fordham University). I tried to apply myself but my grades became consistently poor and I couldn't bring myself to continue after the second year of barely passing grades. For me, reading law was incredibly boring. I couldn't stand it and I retained little to nothing.

When I switched curriculum I did very well, which proves that aptitude in specific fields is of primary importance. Some people simply cannot deal with the grinding boredom inherent in the study of law and I'm sure the same circumstance applies in the case of finance. It takes a certain mentality to focus and concentrate on such subject matter and the average person is not equipped to do that.

The best analogy I can think of is music. Some people can learn to play an instrument almost overnight while others are simply tone deaf. So it may be said that most people are tone deaf when it comes to the intricacies of finance. And because you are not "tone deaf" it is difficult for you to understand this absence of aptitude.
Im 20 years old and I am lightyears ahead of many people I have met in terms of financial knowledge. Granted I have 5 classes under my belt but I still don't know that much. People have no clue how the banking system works. They have no clue how credit works. They have no clue how to make and keep money.

I would love to see the US institute some program to educate our people. If people knew what they were doing and they knew benefits and consequences of their financial decisions we would have a much more economically stable country instead of this volatile mess we are in because everyone bought way more than they could afford because they had no clue what they were doing.

So many people carry thousands in credit card debt every month but turn around and buy a new car, or buy a house. WTF?? This needs to change.

This is to risky. If people get smarter then they might see that the banks own all of us, they might realize that government doesnt care what the population thinks. The might choose to reclaim the constitution as the governing force and overthrow the corrupt government with a new congress elected by the people and for the people.

Worse then that the people might decide that endless wars across the globe are not good things, and that maybe there are consequences for our acttions.

Much to risky.

You mean people may take Don't Tread on Me to heart? And understand what that means? And understand what our forefathers created the constitution for? Andddd understand big government is BADDD for all of us???

OMG I can only dream.

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