We Need To End Section "8" Housing


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
And we need to start at the top and that top is the United Nations. With all it's limos and servants/guards and perks it's really no different then some Harlem high rise. In the old days we needed it because it made it easier to spy on people but with today's tech it is far out dated.

U.S. law does NOT apply inside the U.N. building OR it's grounds. Members are NOT subject to fines/arrest or prison for drunk driving or drug dealing or even murder. A U.N. member CAN commit any crime and just claim "Diplomatic Immunity".

We pay outright or a large portion of ALL bills. Why are we wasting tax money on something we do not need? Why are we paying a group of people to live ABOVE the law of our country?

The U.N. demands we pay for and protect that building and it's residents and we DO. When it's one of ours say Libya? We get squat. The "playing field" is far from level and far from fair and we are paying for it to be that way. We ARE smarter then that right? This goes beyond parties it's just an issue of brains.

The current U.N. is made up of party fat cats from whatever country they represent. We as well are guilty of sending some of the biggest dumbest mental sloth's to the U.N. as reps. And that reflection is now evident in our state department and has been for some time.

OUR state department IS a pay off system to the traitors the back stabbers the swindlers that FAILED to make political office. Condi Rice was the last person to hold that job that had ANY skills ANY talents or ANY abilities to do that job.

Bottom line is....The United Nations is THE biggest waste of domestic spending there is. The ONLY thing that makes it different is the limo's the servants and the guards. Trimming a welfare program proper means starting at the top. And this is one section 8 project we CAN live without.

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