We need to focus on young males of 15-24 years old


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
We all know that young men are the cause of probably the vast majority of all murders, rapes and violent crimes within this country. I feel we must direct our resources at young males from the age of 15-24 years of age if we wish to solve our violent crime problems.

Young men of all RACES think it is "fun" when they beat someone up as they're driven by violence and anger. Look at the violence within our inner-cities to see this.... Who will you find doing most of the killing? Young males of that age range above. They think that joining gangs is the way to go as they love violence. They're naturally driven to be violent! This is the reality that we face. A sad one but the transition between childhood and adulthood is a time of much violence. We need to profile young males as they're at the core of violent crimes within this country. It isn't just humans but throughout the animal kingdom that young males of all species are naturally violent.

Here's how we fix this...

How do we fix that which is "natural" without cracking down hard? The punishment must be so severe on this age group that they're utterly in fear of doing violent crimes. My solution for this age crimes should be execution for murder and rape, and a taste of their own medicine for everyday violence. Do you agree? Society must have laws that understand the nature of the beast we're doing with.
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We all know that young men are the cause of probably the vast majority of all murders, rapes and violent crimes within this country. I feel we must direct our resources at young males from the age of 15-24 years of age if we wish to solve our violent crime problems.

Young men of all RACES think it is "fun" when they beat someone up as they're driven by violence and anger. Look at the violence within our inner-cities to see this.... Who will you find doing most of the killing? Young males of that age range above. They think that joining gangs is the way to go as they love violence. They're naturally driven to be violent! This is the reality that we face. A sad one but the transition between childhood and adulthood is a time of much violence. We need to profile young males as they're at the core of violent crimes within this country. It isn't just humans but throughout the animal kingdom that young males of all species are naturally violent.

Here's how we fix this...

How do we fix that which is "natural" without cracking down hard? The punishment must be so severe on this age group that they're utterly in fear of doing violent crimes. My solution for this age crimes should be execution for murder and rape, and a taste of their own medicine for everyday violence. Do you agree? Society must have laws that understand the nature of the beast we're doing with.
This guy figured out murder is just like a disease. When ebola broke out in Africa they isolated everyone in contact with the original victim. Anyways, the guys method has lowered the murder rate something like 50%.
You do realize that you stating that you want to focus on young males has a whole new nuance after your coming out right?
A 100 years ago, murder and robbery got the gallow. Current liberal socialist democracies will never allow that, because they need the chaos to control everybody.
A 100 years ago, murder and robbery got the gallow. Current liberal socialist democracies will never allow that, because they need the chaos to control everybody.

Actually, your way (Reagan's war on drugs and crime) doesn't work. We have to try something different. And I will bet you a million dollars that the real solution is a liberal one.

Can Murder Be Tracked Like An Infectious Disease?

Crime dropped 45%.

The gallows don't deter. Prisons don't deter. I'm not saying I wouldn't like killing all the violent criminals but that's not going to stop future violent criminals from being born. There is a way to fix this but it's a liberal one. Conservatives don't have a clue.

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