We Need to Have School Choice Because Our Public Schools are Failing


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Alethia got me started on this, lol, but my eyes have been opened as to how bad our public schools have become across the whole country.

Disruptive Students force teachers to evacuate classrooms

Oregon classrooms in crisis

New Jersey public schools in chaos

Green Bay Award Winning Teacher resigns due to safety concerns and describes

Teachers quitting due to chaos and violence

Georgia students cause teachers to quit
Why Teachers Quit? Student Behavior
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The videos, if you watched them, mention kindergartners attacking teachers and other kids. How are the public schools responsible for that?
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The videos, if you watched them, mention kindergartners attacking teachers and other kids. How are the public schools responsible for that?

Not sure. But as I said, private schools seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kid, instead of letting them shitcan the whole class.
I've always said that virtually all of our primary problems in this country are culture-based, and this is no exception. This stuff isn't only about our educational system, it's about parenting and the constant lowering of standards and expectations we've been pushing for the last three generations.

We're in this non-stop race to lower standards and expectations essentially everywhere, and we're seeing the very predictable results. Everywhere.

Whether it's the behaviors or students, parents, various grievance groups or the even the behaviors of the President of the freaking United States, we keep lowering standards, making excuses, and refusing to hold each other truly accountable, and this is what it looks like. A bad cartoon, a disaster.
I've always said that virtually all of our primary problems in this country are culture-based, and this is no exception. This stuff isn't only about our educational system, it's about parenting and the constant lowering of standards and expectations we've been pushing for the last three generations.

We're in this non-stop race to lower standards and expectations essentially everywhere, and we're seeing the very predictable results. Everywhere.

Whether it's the behaviors or students, parents, various grievance groups or the even the behaviors of the President of the freaking United States, we keep lowering standards, making excuses, and refusing to hold each other truly accountable, and this is what it looks like. A bad cartoon, a disaster.

1. Yes, primarily this is about culture. Especially the breakdown of the family.

2. But the choice by schools to mainstream kids with real issues, is ruining the school for the rest of the children too.
Alethia got me started on this, lol, but my eyes have been opened as to how bad our public schools have become across the whole country.
They should start having live online classes. But those students that has their own personal computer at home can have class from their home. But those that don't. That there should be a place in their own neighborhood, like a community center, that has computers. That they should have video cameras and security guards replacing teachers to make sure that none of the students doesn't vandalize the equipment, and or being disruptive to other students that has came to learn. But the teachers teaches from their computer from their homes. Which this will solve the problems of teachers having to relocate to areas that the cost of living is so expensive, and solve the problem of them spending money for traveling expenses., and having to spend money on a babysitter. And this will prevent the tax payers from spending on busing kids, insurance and the maintenance of the school grounds. And the parents will know what their children are being taught. And the things that they don't want their children to learn. They can just tell their children to ignore.
But trying to force children with mental issues due to toxins in their bodies. That it will cause them to be aggressive around others. That it is not a wise to do. That they should have a special place for them. Like a room with a t.v. behind bullet proof glass. That only shows reruns all day of Leave it to Beaver shows. And just hope that these reruns will recondition the child's mind.

Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The videos, if you watched them, mention kindergartners attacking teachers and other kids. How are the public schools responsible for that?
Liberals in the public schools are responsible by allowing it to become common practice

Kids will do whatever they are allowed to get away with

If one kid attacks the teacher and is not stopped others will feel free to act up also
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The videos, if you watched them, mention kindergartners attacking teachers and other kids. How are the public schools responsible for that?
Liberals in the public schools are responsible by allowing it to become common practice

Kids will do whatever they are allowed to get away with

If one kid attacks the teacher and is not stopped others will feel free to act up also
It is the corporations that has control over these schools. That parents must allows them to make money from off of their children. No money, no education. They know that these kids have mental issues that their products has caused. That they are trying to get the tax payers to pay for medications to treat these mentally ill children. And so they will not let the schools use disciplinary measures to correct these disobedient children that will make the schools safer. But they will not allow the obedient ones to come to school unless they are vaccinated with their dumb-you-down drugs.

Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Banning Schools From Suspending Students For 'Willful Defiance'

Parents of non-vaccinated children denied the right to attend school as left-wing judge orders them to stay home during outbreak carried by VACCINATED children

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ

Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425 (Mar. 13, 2009)

This is despite a finding from the EPA under the Obama administration that the pesticide should be completely banned, and a previous court order telling the agency to act on it.

Environmental health experts say there's evidence that exposure to even low levels of chlorpyrifos through conventional produce can lead to developmental and cognitive problems in infants and children and that they haven't found a safe level for children or pregnant women
. EPA allows continued use of pesticide linked to developmental issues in children
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Yes, people who shouldn't be teachers because they can't control a classroom are still teachers... that's kind of a problem.
I've always said that virtually all of our primary problems in this country are culture-based, and this is no exception. This stuff isn't only about our educational system, it's about parenting and the constant lowering of standards and expectations we've been pushing for the last three generations.

We're in this non-stop race to lower standards and expectations essentially everywhere, and we're seeing the very predictable results. Everywhere.

Whether it's the behaviors or students, parents, various grievance groups or the even the behaviors of the President of the freaking United States, we keep lowering standards, making excuses, and refusing to hold each other truly accountable, and this is what it looks like. A bad cartoon, a disaster.

Yes, Stormy, it's all about your little pet theory...
I've always said that virtually all of our primary problems in this country are culture-based, and this is no exception. This stuff isn't only about our educational system, it's about parenting and the constant lowering of standards and expectations we've been pushing for the last three generations.

We're in this non-stop race to lower standards and expectations essentially everywhere, and we're seeing the very predictable results. Everywhere.

Whether it's the behaviors or students, parents, various grievance groups or the even the behaviors of the President of the freaking United States, we keep lowering standards, making excuses, and refusing to hold each other truly accountable, and this is what it looks like. A bad cartoon, a disaster.

Because we live in such a permissive culture that gives clean needles to addicts, free rubbers and abortions to children in school, and a revolving door prison system that has nothing to do with rehabilitation and promoting personal responsibility and instead seeks to blame society for their bad decisions instead.
..yes--it's cultural and familial problems .....you can't have school choice or some schools would be over crowded and/or have a bunch of jackass thugs ruining that school ...I knew a teacher who worked in the ''''bad''' schools.....he said the students had no respect for the teachers ......same way it is with the police---they have no respect/common sense/etc--that's why they get shot
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The reason private schools seem to do better is because they did not have to abide by federal rules many if which were enacted due to this same violence in the schools.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Well, yes and no. Private schools do often seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kids, instead of letting them shit can the whole class.

The videos, if you watched them, mention kindergartners attacking teachers and other kids. How are the public schools responsible for that?

Not sure. But as I said, private schools seem to deal with it better, even if dealing with it, is just shit canning the fucked up kid, instead of letting them shitcan the whole class.
..because there are far less blacks at the private schools...they don't have to DEAL with as much crap in the first place
...and private schools have a higher graduation rate
The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - Elementary and Secondary Enrollment - Private School Enrollment - Indicator January (2018)


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Alethia got me started on this, lol, but my eyes have been opened as to how bad our public schools have become across the whole country.
They should start having live online classes. But those students that has their own personal computer at home can have class from their home. But those that don't. That there should be a place in their own neighborhood, like a community center, that has computers. That they should have video cameras and security guards replacing teachers to make sure that none of the students doesn't vandalize the equipment, and or being disruptive to other students that has came to learn. But the teachers teaches from their computer from their homes. Which this will solve the problems of teachers having to relocate to areas that the cost of living is so expensive, and solve the problem of them spending money for traveling expenses., and having to spend money on a babysitter. And this will prevent the tax payers from spending on busing kids, insurance and the maintenance of the school grounds. And the parents will know what their children are being taught. And the things that they don't want their children to learn. They can just tell their children to ignore.
But trying to force children with mental issues due to toxins in their bodies. That it will cause them to be aggressive around others. That it is not a wise to do. That they should have a special place for them. Like a room with a t.v. behind bullet proof glass. That only shows reruns all day of Leave it to Beaver shows. And just hope that these reruns will recondition the child's mind.


That's a great idea! It is just too bad that it doesn't work! Online learning is a failure, has been a failure and will always be a failure because the human interaction is what causes learning to take place.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Yes, people who shouldn't be teachers because they can't control a classroom are still teachers... that's kind of a problem.

And you can not control the classroom when a violent kid is disrupting the class!

If you remove the kid those like you scream saying it is unfair and the kid should be there and if the kid is a minority you scream louder that it is racism at play and the other kids should suffer because of the disruptive brat.

You will not allow schools to put these kids in behavioral classes and demand those disruptive kids be allow to hurt and injure other kids and teachers, so tell the board how is it the teacher fault?

You put thirty plus students in a room and demand one person to control the little town of brats, and remember you can not correct the child that is out of control, so you blame the teacher as usual.

Be a parent and knock the crap out of your kid when shown how your darling is disrupting the class!

As for School choice I am for it because the School can deny the brat if they have behavioral issues!
That's a great idea! It is just too bad that it doesn't work! Online learning is a failure, has been a failure and will always be a failure because the human interaction is what causes learning to take place.
I think the problem is that there has been a little too much human interaction has been going on. I think that teachers interacting with children online is enough interaction for children. But online, a parent can monitor their children conversations with their teachers.


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