We Need to Have School Choice Because Our Public Schools are Failing

No more school choice, that way our public schools will get better. Devos was put in to end public schools , she tried to ruin them in Detroit. Her and Engler.
This is one of democrats new Jim Crow laws ,, can you imagine educated assimilated blacks graduating not with their pants hanging down, sexually assaulting a female while walking out of school?
Private schools can have parents:
1) sign waivers to let little johnny get paddled or not let him in.
2) The waivers can state that if little Johnny disrupts class the first time he gets detention, the second time he gets paddled, the thiurd time he is evicted and the money paid refunded on a prorated basis.
3) The private school can also have a minimum GPA to maintain in order for the kid to still qualify for the school.

My son went to a private school for a year and they are totally 100% different than public schools. Parents are fighting to get in them.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Yes, people who shouldn't be teachers because they can't control a classroom are still teachers... that's kind of a problem.
Control a classroom? Teachers are eunuchs. When they do something about troublemakers they are fired for it. And to many of them are Progs anyway.
No more school choice, that way our public schools will get better. Devos was put in to end public schools , she tried to ruin them in Detroit. Her and Engler.

Detroit schools just like Chicago and Houston have been failing for decades and not just when Trump became President...

It is those like you that refuse to admit the failure of the system and demand people be forced to put their little darlings in a system that breeds nothing but leftist lunatics...
That's a great idea! It is just too bad that it doesn't work! Online learning is a failure, has been a failure and will always be a failure because the human interaction is what causes learning to take place.
I think the problem is that there has been a little too much human interaction has been going on. I think that teachers interacting with children online is enough interaction for children. But online, a parent can monitor their children conversations with their teachers.

There is no interaction on-line. My 21 years as an educator and experience setting up these online learning programs has proven every single one to be an utter disaster. My own son took a low level math course to substitute for a higher level math in which he struggled, and he often has said that if it was not for my being a certified math teacher, he would have failed that online class. His reason was,there was no interaction with the teacher during the "class", as it was always self-paced and it took a day or two to get even simple answers from the teacher..

Our school system did away with the program due to the school managers providing feedback that the programs were boring, and utterly useless in terms of students retaining the information.

One of the reasons I had to ban cell phones from my class and stop giving homework completely was math apps on cell phones. All you do is photograph the problem and the app will show the step by step procedure for you to copy for you homework.

It was akin to copy and pasting an essay from a website and claiming it as your own. Because there was no actual working of the problem, the students never retained how to do them, so on test day, they had not a clue as to how to do the work.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

Yes, people who shouldn't be teachers because they can't control a classroom are still teachers... that's kind of a problem.
Control a classroom? Teachers are eunuchs. When they do something about troublemakers they are fired for it. And to many of them are Progs anyway.

You are absolutely correct! I was once called on the carpet by my principal and threatened with firing because I yelled at a student to put down a deck that he was threatening to drop on another student. The irony was that this kid was a refugee from Liberia because his father was leader of a Communist rebel group and his life was in danger there.

I told the principal that I would finish the year, but I did not want hi to renew my contract. That led to my being "black-balled" from the school system for 6 months until I found a district desperate enough to hire me. It turns out that was one of the best jobs I ever had because the principal had my back.
Private schools can have parents:
1) sign waivers to let little johnny get paddled or not let him in.
2) The waivers can state that if little Johnny disrupts class the first time he gets detention, the second time he gets paddled, the thiurd time he is evicted and the money paid refunded on a prorated basis.
3) The private school can also have a minimum GPA to maintain in order for the kid to still qualify for the school.

My son went to a private school for a year and they are totally 100% different than public schools. Parents are fighting to get in them.

Why aren't there ore private schools? That's an easy answer. I am sure you can come up with one!
Lets attack the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it.
the schools started going downhill with integration and continued their decline with the loss of discipline. Schools were no longer allowed to reprimand kids that were disruptive. Teachers were afraid of the kids instead of the kids respecting the teachers.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

I humbly disagree, Sue. When I was in school in the 1970's, I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment when needed.

OTOH, the local Government School were extraordinarily chaotic places when the children ran amok. A friend of mine who went to government school still has the switchblade that his dad insisted he bring to school each day. Kids getting shivved in the boys rooms was common
Lets attack the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it.
the schools started going downhill with integration and continued their decline with the loss of discipline. Schools were no longer allowed to reprimand kids that were disruptive. Teachers were afraid of the kids instead of the kids respecting the teachers.

That's bullshit. I went to an integrated school, we had 2 African American boys in the institution, and they were fine and the place was orderly.
Private schools can have parents:
1) sign waivers to let little johnny get paddled or not let him in.
2) The waivers can state that if little Johnny disrupts class the first time he gets detention, the second time he gets paddled, the thiurd time he is evicted and the money paid refunded on a prorated basis.
3) The private school can also have a minimum GPA to maintain in order for the kid to still qualify for the school.

My son went to a private school for a year and they are totally 100% different than public schools. Parents are fighting to get in them.

Why aren't there ore private schools? That's an easy answer. I am sure you can come up with one!

The number of nuns and brothers has really plummeted since back in the day. Since the religious staff didn't have to be paid, the savings could be passed on to the tuition payers, making it more economical.
I've always said that virtually all of our primary problems in this country are culture-based, and this is no exception. This stuff isn't only about our educational system, it's about parenting and the constant lowering of standards and expectations we've been pushing for the last three generations.

We're in this non-stop race to lower standards and expectations essentially everywhere, and we're seeing the very predictable results. Everywhere.

Whether it's the behaviors or students, parents, various grievance groups or the even the behaviors of the President of the freaking United States, we keep lowering standards, making excuses, and refusing to hold each other truly accountable, and this is what it looks like. A bad cartoon, a disaster.

Kindergartners aren't stabbing their teachers because Donald Trump is president you fucking tool. I agree with you that it is a cultural problem. Social liberalism has destroyed the culture.
Lets attack the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it.
the schools started going downhill with integration and continued their decline with the loss of discipline. Schools were no longer allowed to reprimand kids that were disruptive. Teachers were afraid of the kids instead of the kids respecting the teachers.

That's bullshit. I went to an integrated school, we had 2 African American boys in the institution, and they were fine and the place was orderly.
and you know why they were fine? you answered it in you last post
I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

I humbly disagree, Sue. When I was in school in the 1970's, I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment when needed.

OTOH, the local Government School were extraordinarily chaotic places when the children ran amok. A friend of mine who went to government school still has the switchblade that his dad insisted he bring to school each day. Kids getting shivved in the boys rooms was common

It's not the 70s anymore, idiot. Any adult who lays hands on a kid today is putting their career and even their freedom at risk.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

I humbly disagree, Sue. When I was in school in the 1970's, I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment when needed.

OTOH, the local Government School were extraordinarily chaotic places when the children ran amok. A friend of mine who went to government school still has the switchblade that his dad insisted he bring to school each day. Kids getting shivved in the boys rooms was common

It's not the 70s anymore, idiot. Any adult who lays hands on a kid today is putting their career and even their freedom at risk.

That's the problem nowadays. The schools need to reinstitute Corporal Punishment to help them keep order.

It actually works. When kids realize they could get swatted or curb-stomped in a minute for acting out, they will straighten up and fly right.
Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

I humbly disagree, Sue. When I was in school in the 1970's, I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment when needed.

OTOH, the local Government School were extraordinarily chaotic places when the children ran amok. A friend of mine who went to government school still has the switchblade that his dad insisted he bring to school each day. Kids getting shivved in the boys rooms was common

It's not the 70s anymore, idiot. Any adult who lays hands on a kid today is putting their career and even their freedom at risk.

That's the problem nowadays. The schools need to reinstitute Corporal Punishment to help them keep order.

It actually works. When kids realize they could get swatted or curb-stomped in a minute for acting out, they will straighten up and fly right.

If kids are acting this bad in school, their parents obviously aren't disciplining them at home. What makes you think they'd let some stranger do it for them?
Lets attack the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it.
the schools started going downhill with integration and continued their decline with the loss of discipline. Schools were no longer allowed to reprimand kids that were disruptive. Teachers were afraid of the kids instead of the kids respecting the teachers.

That's bullshit. I went to an integrated school, we had 2 African American boys in the institution, and they were fine and the place was orderly.

Who knew that having 2 African-American boys in a school is considered integrated?

Um I have been sounding this gong for a few years now. These evacuation circumstances are not at ALL "rare" and it is NOT the problem of the "public schools". You could disband every single public school today and you would still have this problem. It's a SOCIETY problem.

I humbly disagree, Sue. When I was in school in the 1970's, I was in private school and the religious brothers who ran the joint kept the place in order using violence and corporal punishment when needed.

OTOH, the local Government School were extraordinarily chaotic places when the children ran amok. A friend of mine who went to government school still has the switchblade that his dad insisted he bring to school each day. Kids getting shivved in the boys rooms was common

It's not the 70s anymore, idiot. Any adult who lays hands on a kid today is putting their career and even their freedom at risk.

That's the problem nowadays. The schools need to reinstitute Corporal Punishment to help them keep order.

It actually works. When kids realize they could get swatted or curb-stomped in a minute for acting out, they will straighten up and fly right.

Conservative state legislatures are the ones doing away with corporal punishment.

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