"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

I love my country. I will gladly pay more for education for all, and healthcare for all BECAUSE I love my country.

Whose stopping you? Ooooh...I seee...by that you mean you would gladly spend other people's earnings for your dogooder impulses. Is that more accurate? Because nobody is stopping you giving your own money away.

socialism 2.jpg
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.
Let's audit the drug war or the poverty war, instead of the Fed. How much of that spending should be under the common defense? Our "wars on crime, drugs, and terror" should be under defense spending.

How many times have you been busted
at least once. just a waste of the (other) Peoples' tax monies.

But clearly not objective and it shows.

disclaimer - I am no drug war supporter.
No; but, Only the One Percent, "shirk their civic duty".
/---/ how much does the one percent pay in taxes vs what you think they should pay?
They pay less in taxes than they have in generations

Anyone making more than a million a year should pay 50 percent
Reading comprehension issues? This is why education is so important.

Allow me to clarify, any adult who loves America would have no problem paying into education for all, because it is what's best for the country they love.

You added that little "all" didnt you :) When faced with decent families, which you never had, supporting their kids education as is their moral responsibility.
My pay has increased significantly. There's a reason for it. I've raised my skill level to offer something worth more money. Same for my wife.
Good for you. I made a generalized statement about our country over all that you can't refute.
I would be more impressed with your story if you started out with nothing and pulled yourself out of poverty. But I have a feeling mommy and daddy paid your way into adulthood, Mr personal responsibility.

I'm not the only one and be both know generalized statements are false.

Since you have that feeling, why don't you prove it, asshole. Claims like that should come with something to back it up. Do you have anything?

I didn't come out of poverty nor was I handed things like you falsely claim. I didn't live in poverty because my parents practiced what they taught me and their parents before them did the same thing.
Minimum wage increase since 1990 is around 20% the living cost increase in nearly 70%. Is your math better than your reading comprehension?

I'll find you a link after work.

Don't waste your time.

When the skills to do a job in 1990 is the same skill level required to do the same job in 2017, your wages aren't going to increase very much. You blame it on anything but the ones offering minimum skills. Here's a novel idea. Improve your skills and be shocked as just how much greater your wage percentage increases over living costs increases. That's what I did. That's what my wife did. That's what many people do. The only ones whining are those that maintain low level skills and do nothing to increase them. And the idiots that think someone with $5/hour skills and something a monkey could be trained to do deserve more than $5/hour.

Get to work. Your minimum wage, low skilled job is waiting on you. I'll have fries with that.
I don't make minimum wage, and my story is much more impressive than yours. I did climb out of poverty, I did put myself through school, I did start out with an entry level position and have moved up consistently in my field. My field which directly works with poverty. So I even know what I'm talking about :2up:

Since you don't know what my story is, just another claim you can't prove. I'll be waiting on something to back up your claim. I don't expect to get it just like you didn't provide a thing for your other claims about me.

As for the rest, don't think you're the only one that did those things.

If you did, I'm glad you climbed out of poverty. Just one less freeloader to feed, house, clothe, provide medical coverage, and anything else freeloaders think is owed to them.
What about it?

The national debt is not an issue?

How much debt do you carry?
I carry more debt than my annual income

Guess what?

I pay less than four percent interest on my debt. Allows me to afford two houses

More debt than your annual income is better than most - think house prices.

And interest rates have always been and always have been at these levels.

If leftists hero Jimmy Carter were in office what would your interest rate be?

How much of your debt do plan to impose on future generations?

Ever studied economics or finance?
I remember mortgage rates over fifteen percent.
My first mortgage was twelve percent

Jimmy Carter did not set interest rates but he had a balanced budget

I am done until you answer my other questions.
You are not the boss of me
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

My pay has increased significantly. There's a reason for it. I've raised my skill level to offer something worth more money. Same for my wife.
Good for you. I made a generalized statement about our country over all that you can't refute.
I would be more impressed with your story if you started out with nothing and pulled yourself out of poverty. But I have a feeling mommy and daddy paid your way into adulthood, Mr personal responsibility.

I think all taxpayers should pay for your Hysterectomy. It's obvious you have no balls, and are a scum sucking parasitic socialist. So you need a Hysterectomy and have your Vagina Permanently sewn up, so you can no longer "BREED" & so we don't have to listen the damn thing you have to say.

How about this? Why don't you quit being a LAZY unmotivated Fuck Up of a Parent and get off of your ass and make a life for you, your family and your genetically defective offspring?

Why in the Hell should I give you Free Food, Free Housing, Free Clothes, Free Phones, Free Healthcare Free Money, and now Free College Education?

Go Get Bent Fucking Couch Surfer.
I'm a great parent and my kids want for nothing. No one gives me anything. Done with you intensely duranged rampage?

Since you think the kids of those that don't provide for their kids need help, why don't you personally provide for them and stop demanding the rest of us do it?
I don't make minimum wage, and my story is much more impressive than yours. I did climb out of poverty, I did put myself through school, I did start out with an entry level position and have moved up consistently in my field. My field which directly works with poverty. So I even know what I'm talking about :2up:

In other words you work at some low paying government agency, or university for 17,000 per year, or a non profit funded by the government.
Your field is worthless. Unless your "field" can report a decline in poverty levels.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Why don't you ask why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the working class' earnings? That was the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history.

Reagan promised that his tax cuts to the wealthy would "trickle down" to the working classes but it never happened. Instead, American wealth trickled up to the 1%.

Before Reagan's tax cuts and war on unions, working class Americans had equity and savings. That's been wiped out. Now the working poor need social assistance just to put food on the table.

Why do conservatives never talk about this transfer of wealth?
Reagan is still the President?

That was a long nap.
We are still paying for Reagans policies
I'm a great parent and my kids want for nothing. No one gives me anything. Done with you intensely duranged rampage?

Ill bet they wanted for a father..as did your grand kids.
Last edited:
How many times have you been busted
at least once. just a waste of the (other) Peoples' tax monies.

But clearly not objective and it shows.

disclaimer - I am no drug war supporter.
No; but, Only the One Percent, "shirk their civic duty".
/---/ how much does the one percent pay in taxes vs what you think they should pay?
They pay less in taxes than they have in generations

Anyone making more than a million a year should pay 50 percent
/----/ What is their motivation to make a million a year if you Progs will just confiscate and squander it? If it were me I'd do my best to hide the income overseas away from your grubby little paws.
I think that is America 101?

aka Personal Responsibility 101.

The free college idiots want those of us that aren't a kid's parents to invest in that kid. If their own parents don't consider them a good enough investment, they can't convince me it's a good investment for me.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?

How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

I think that is America 101?

aka Personal Responsibility 101.

The free college idiots want those of us that aren't a kid's parents to invest in that kid. If their own parents don't consider them a good enough investment, they can't convince me it's a good investment for me.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.

I don't keep education out of reach for those that are my responsibility. Someone else's kids aren't my responsibility.

If you want them to have a higher education, pay their tuition yourself. If their own parents don't consider them a good investment, neither do I.
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

Do we all see the choice presented here? Hand over your paycheck for redistribution among the non productive...or hand over your purse to the thug with a knife. Either way be prepared to hand it over.

It is certainly not his fault he decided to knock you in head for your wallet...right Aries?
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Why don't you ask why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the working class' earnings? That was the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history.

Reagan promised that his tax cuts to the wealthy would "trickle down" to the working classes but it never happened. Instead, American wealth trickled up to the 1%.

Before Reagan's tax cuts and war on unions, working class Americans had equity and savings. That's been wiped out. Now the working poor need social assistance just to put food on the table.

Why do conservatives never talk about this transfer of wealth?
Reagan is still the President?

That was a long nap.
We are still paying for Reagans policies
/----/ So? We're still paying for LBJs policies. Where is your fake outrage over that?
I am with you. Lets stop giving subsidies and bailouts to everybody, even the ones that the Democrats love so much.
Lol well I don't resent the man for saving our economy, but whatever floats your boat...

As I said...you have zero problem with "corporate welfare". Its a trope you trot out to corrupt the conversation. No credibility at all.
How's it welfare if they paid it back?
I am more against people like Donnie Johnnie dodging fed taxes for 2 decades while a single mother of 3 pays her fair share every year.[/QUOTE]
how you figure a single mother of 3 pays taxes?
I think that is America 101?

aka Personal Responsibility 101.

The free college idiots want those of us that aren't a kid's parents to invest in that kid. If their own parents don't consider them a good enough investment, they can't convince me it's a good investment for me.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.

Thanks for admitting that those wanting the taxpayers to fund their kids' college don't love America.

I gladly pay into the education for the only ones to which I'm responsible. MINE.
Reading comprehension issues? This is why education is so important.

Allow me to clarify, any adult who loves America would have no problem paying into education for all, because it is what's best for the country they love.

So now you get impose what is the best allocation for that scarce resource.

Not for me darling.

However, feel free to contribute your money and lead by example.

Don't expect Aries to do anything close to that. Just another typical bleeding heart that claims to care so much but is willing to do so little when it comes to financing it.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
How many times have you been busted
at least once. just a waste of the (other) Peoples' tax monies.

But clearly not objective and it shows.

disclaimer - I am no drug war supporter.
No; but, Only the One Percent, "shirk their civic duty".
/---/ how much does the one percent pay in taxes vs what you think they should pay?
They pay less in taxes than they have in generations

Anyone making more than a million a year should pay 50 percent

Because you want more free stuff.


For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?
The national debt is not an issue?

How much debt do you carry?
I carry more debt than my annual income

Guess what?

I pay less than four percent interest on my debt. Allows me to afford two houses

More debt than your annual income is better than most - think house prices.

And interest rates have always been and always have been at these levels.

If leftists hero Jimmy Carter were in office what would your interest rate be?

How much of your debt do plan to impose on future generations?

Ever studied economics or finance?
I remember mortgage rates over fifteen percent.
My first mortgage was twelve percent

Jimmy Carter did not set interest rates but he had a balanced budget

I am done until you answer my other questions.
You are not the boss of me

Trump is.

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