"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.

So you want to continue to support a bunch of fucking unskilled freeloaders? Got it.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???
aka Personal Responsibility 101.

The free college idiots want those of us that aren't a kid's parents to invest in that kid. If their own parents don't consider them a good enough investment, they can't convince me it's a good investment for me.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.

Thanks for admitting that those wanting the taxpayers to fund their kids' college don't love America.

I gladly pay into the education for the only ones to which I'm responsible. MINE.
Reading comprehension issues? This is why education is so important.

Allow me to clarify, any adult who loves America would have no problem paying into education for all, because it is what's best for the country they love.

So now you get impose what is the best allocation for that scarce resource.

Not for me darling.

However, feel free to contribute your money and lead by example.

Don't expect Aries to do anything close to that. Just another typical bleeding heart that claims to care so much but is willing to do so little when it comes to financing it.

He is willing to try to get others to pay for it....
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Then explain to me why Americans working 40 hours a week can barely make rent.

This is not the economy of the past. People are working extremely hard, and STILL can't make ends meet.

Thirty per cent goes to taxes..Plus 71/2% to social security. If they drive they pay outrageous gasoline taxes. There is a tax on their phone bill to give out free phones to non workers and a tax on their water bill and a tax on their cable bill to give free cable to inner cities. They have a little left...but to spend it face a sales tax of up to ten per cent on everything else. If they want a raise the Mexican who just floated over the border will do the job for half price.
aka Personal Responsibility 101.

The free college idiots want those of us that aren't a kid's parents to invest in that kid. If their own parents don't consider them a good enough investment, they can't convince me it's a good investment for me.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.

Thanks for admitting that those wanting the taxpayers to fund their kids' college don't love America.

I gladly pay into the education for the only ones to which I'm responsible. MINE.
Reading comprehension issues? This is why education is so important.

Allow me to clarify, any adult who loves America would have no problem paying into education for all, because it is what's best for the country they love.

So now you get impose what is the best allocation for that scarce resource.

Not for me darling.

However, feel free to contribute your money and lead by example.

Don't expect Aries to do anything close to that. Just another typical bleeding heart that claims to care so much but is willing to do so little when it comes to financing it.

He is willing to try to get others to pay for it....

He cares so much he's willing to let you and I pay for it.
Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.

So you want to continue to support a bunch of fucking unskilled freeloaders? Got it.

While it's true the Walton's hold no positions in the company, I'm sure they have some skills. But no we should stop supporting them.
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.

Things would be better if the rich would stop sending jobs to other countries.
Corporate welfare. For example, Walton's are very rich while paying very little to employees. So little that employees also collect welfare. So tax payers supplement the wages for the billionaire Walton's.

No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.
at least once. just a waste of the (other) Peoples' tax monies.

But clearly not objective and it shows.

disclaimer - I am no drug war supporter.
No; but, Only the One Percent, "shirk their civic duty".
/---/ how much does the one percent pay in taxes vs what you think they should pay?
They pay less in taxes than they have in generations

Anyone making more than a million a year should pay 50 percent
/----/ What is their motivation to make a million a year if you Progs will just confiscate and squander it? If it were me I'd do my best to hide the income overseas away from your grubby little paws.
View attachment 145463
Why do I need to motivate them

If they don't make the money someone else will
No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.

So you want to continue to support a bunch of fucking unskilled freeloaders? Got it.

While it's true the Walton's hold no positions in the company, I'm sure they have some skills. But no we should stop supporting them.

They have enough skills to be worth more than a million of you could ever be. Why are you jealous of them?
Higher education shouldn't be for the wealthy. Any America loving adult would gladly pay into education for all because at the end of the day, we NEED an educated population to stay competitive.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.
The poor have it so good.

I was in the store the other day and they were getting filet mignon and lobster with food stamps

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?

Can I answer the questions for the Moon Bats?

There will never be enough for the greedy little welfare queens. They want a big welfare state government but they sure as hell don't want to get the bill for it. They want somebody else to pay for it. Anybody except themselves.
For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?
Neither does our President

Freeloader Donnie
They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.

So you want to continue to support a bunch of fucking unskilled freeloaders? Got it.

While it's true the Walton's hold no positions in the company, I'm sure they have some skills. But no we should stop supporting them.

They have enough skills to be worth more than a million of you could ever be. Why are you jealous of them?

Been born is a skill? You are impressed easily. None even hold a position in the company.

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?

Can I answer the questions for the Moon Bats?

There will never be enough for the greedy little welfare queens. They want a big welfare state government but they sure as hell don't want to get the bill for it. They want somebody else to pay for it. Anybody except themselves.

The Walton's and other rich do love that corporate welfare.
No such thing.

They pay they're employees what the skills required to do those jobs are worth. If those employees collect welfare, it's their fault for not having better skills. That should stop. Taxpayers supplement the skill equivalent wages of people whose skills are so low they can't do even the basic things in life.

If one has a $5/hour set of skills, paying them $5/hour is fine. If that isn't enough to live on, improve your skills.

They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.
/---/ depends on the quality of education. Why do we have to import engineers?
It really doesn't depend on anything. People with a higher education level make more money. You want poor people to stop being poor? Stop keeping education out of reach.
/---/ let's look at the drop out rate in inner city public schools. They reject the"free education " How come?
They have no money for college, got to start hustling.
If impoverished kids thought they had the same opportunities as rich kids the thug life would be much less appealing.

That doesn't make it my problem.

They're real impoverished with their cell phone, $100 shoes, designer clothes, etc.

If they'd quit making excuses and demanding others do for them, things could get better. Those good at making excuses are rarely good for anything else.

Things would be better if the rich would stop sending jobs to other countries.

They would quit sending them overseas if people like you would quit punishing them for keeping them here.

Half the working class already pays nothing in income taxes. How much more of a break can they get?

A family of four pays zero in income taxes until their family income is twice what is considered poverty level. If they love their country, why aren't they willing to help?

Can I answer the questions for the Moon Bats?

There will never be enough for the greedy little welfare queens. They want a big welfare state government but they sure as hell don't want to get the bill for it. They want somebody else to pay for it. Anybody except themselves.

The Walton's and other rich do love that corporate welfare.

No such thing.
They are making the Walton's billions. I don't think taxpayers should subsidize their pay.

I agree taxpayers shouldn't subsidize the workers for Walmart, etc. That's why all such welfare payments to them should stop. Also, the government should have no say in what the Walton family pays their employers.

So you want us to continue to have a slow economy. Got it.
/----/ I though Obozo left us with a robust economy not seen since Eisenhower. Didn't Obozo run the DOW up a zillion points? What happened???

He turned around a recession, but growth is slow.

It is? Not according to you boy. He said just a little over a year ago, and I quote, “America’s economy is not just better than it was eight years ago — it is the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” That doesn't sound like slow growth.

He said, at a State of the Union speech, "Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999." That doesn't indicate he believes the economy is slow.

That's just two quotes that contradict your claim. At other times, he talked about records he set and used the word booming. Slow and booming aren't antonyms.

How about you look at actual growth numbers? Idiot.

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