"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Then explain to me why Americans working 40 hours a week can barely make rent.

This is not the economy of the past. People are working extremely hard, and STILL can't make ends meet.
For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

No you dont. There isnt a "corporate welfare" program you dont support...assuming it gives you a stick to beat other citizens with.
I do agree. The welfare queens (top 1%) can never get enough.

"There's no such thing as being too greedy" - Donnie Johnnie

They will leave us all starving in the streets if you don't pull your head out of your ass.
For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

You mean like when that asshole Obama gave billions to GM and Chrysler and hundreds of millions to Solyndra and other environmental wcko shysters?

I am with you. Lets stop giving subsidies and bailouts to everybody, even the ones that the Democrats love so much.
For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

You mean like when that asshole Obama gave billions to GM and Chrysler and hundreds of millions to Solyndra and other environmental wcko shysters?

I am with you. Lets stop giving subsidies and bailouts to everybody, even the ones that the Democrats love so much.
Lol well I don't resent the man for saving our economy, but whatever floats your boat...
The national debt is not an issue?

How much debt do you carry?

The point of Keynesian and socialist economics t make sure you dont save. If you do and the economy slows they seize it from you and spend it. It is part and parcel of the theory. For example in 2008 people decided they wouldn't give GM money for their shitty cars. So the government seized the peoples money and gave ti to GM so they could keep making shitty cars people didn't want.

And screwed the senior bondholders in an unprecedented fashion in favor of enriching the union.

Whatever happened with that bit of lawbreaking? I remember some lawyer from the northeast filing suit but then he suddenly found himself with an a tax audit and then I never heard anything about it again. How did they get away with with putting bondholders at the end of the line? Did the rule of law break that early in the Hussein administration?
Lol well I don't resent the man for saving our economy, but whatever floats your boat...

As I said...you have zero problem with "corporate welfare". Its a trope you trot out to corrupt the conversation. No credibility at all.
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I am with you. Lets stop giving subsidies and bailouts to everybody, even the ones that the Democrats love so much.
Lol well I don't resent the man for saving our economy, but whatever floats your boat...

As I said...you have zero problem with "corporate welfare". Its a trope you trot out to corrupt the conversation. No credibility at all.[/QUOTE]
How's it welfare if they paid it back?
I am more against people like Donnie Johnnie dodging fed taxes for 2 decades while a single mother of 3 pays her fair share every year.
How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

Wow. Almost like free citizens! You know liberals are happiest being controlled. And think nothing of giving a long impassioned speech about how this or that group of people cant handle paying bills, cant get an education, dont know how to work and cant be trusted to decide their own healthcare, cant be expected to understand english or provide their own birth control or even manage to present an ID card to vote...yet they say it is important that every effort is made to enable them to vote and help run a nuclear power.
I guess I shouldnt throw rocks at the plan...it almost elected Hillary.
Americans lived in poverty before 1916 and died in their fifties

No they didnt. We had one of the most advanced societies in the history of the world. We were pretty much unstoppable.
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The national debt is not an issue?

How much debt do you carry?

The point of Keynesian and socialist economics t make sure you dont save. If you do and the economy slows they seize it from you and spend it. It is part and parcel of the theory. For example in 2008 people decided they wouldn't give GM money for their shitty cars. So the government seized the peoples money and gave ti to GM so they could keep making shitty cars people didn't want.

And screwed the senior bondholders in an unprecedented fashion in favor of enriching the union.

Whatever happened with that bit of lawbreaking? I remember some lawyer from the northeast filing suit but then he suddenly found himself with an a tax audit and then I never heard anything about it again. How did they get away with with putting bondholders at the end of the line? Did the rule of law break that early in the Hussein administration?

Being a bond speculator and that being an exciting time I followed it at the time with amazement.

I was just glad I did not get involved and get the shaft.
For the greedy welfare queens enough is never enough. They want more.
I concur. Let's end corporate welfare and give tax breaks to the working class!

You mean like when that asshole Obama gave billions to GM and Chrysler and hundreds of millions to Solyndra and other environmental wcko shysters?

I am with you. Lets stop giving subsidies and bailouts to everybody, even the ones that the Democrats love so much.
Lol well I don't resent the man for saving our economy, but whatever floats your boat...

So if you give corporate welfare to companies employing the filthy ass UAW that contributed millions to Obama's campaign then that is OK?

You really are confused aren't you Moon Bat?

You bitch about corporate welfare but yet you supported that asshole Obama that gave corporate welfare out like candy.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much. You don't have a clue what you really believe, do you?
How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

Wow. Almost like free citizens! You know liberals are happiest being controlled. And think nothing of giving a long impassioned speech about how this or that group of people cant handle paying bills, cant get an education, dont know how to work and cant be trusted to decide their own healthcare, cant be expected to understand english or provide their own birth control or even manage to present an ID card to vote...yet they say it is important that every effort is made to enable them to vote and help run a nuclear power.
I guess I shouldnt throw rocks at the plan...it almost elected Hillary.
Blah blah blaaaaah bottom line is that because of our current economy there are too many people that can not make ends meet at minimum wage or even slightly above minimum wage.
If you want those millions of Americans to be able to pay their bills minimum wage has to rise in proportion to the continuing rise or living costs.
No magical wands exist to change that. The only thing that will change that is making sure ALL of our people have access to what they need for not only survival but for success.
By "supply side" they mean "freedom", "capitalism", 'American business practices" etc etc as far as they mean anything at all. Ask one of the idiots to oppose and contrast it within a Keynsian framework..or Demand management Theory. You will get a "duuhhh..I was told to say supply side".
I would gladly put more wealth in the hands of working Americans. They actually put it back into the economy instead of shipping it overseas

tell us your plan?
Return to 50 percent tax rate on income over a million
Tax capital gains as regular income

Put the added revenue into education, healthcare and retirement funds

How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

That's called anarchy

There you go Mr I-never-read-a-book-in-my-life...playing with words again. Anarchy means "a situation in a country, an organization, etc. in which there is no government, order or control".

A few short years ago we paid for our own medicine, education and retirement. It was hardly anarchic. My grandmother paid my mother's college...and drs visits and provided her own retirement. No anarchy anywhere around her or her community...who all did the same thing. Maybe you accidentally confused "liberty" with "anarchy".

Stop torturing words for cheap points which dont stand up to scrutiny.
It sounds retarded because it is retarded.
Trickle down is income, redistribution. Only the right wing, never gets it.
trickle down is the rich creating jobs for the middle class to feel good about accomplishing something of value and then spending the money they earn on items that allows them to enjoy themselves and fund another group of americans with money they also get to enjoy based on jobs.
[I am more against people like Donnie Johnnie dodging fed taxes for 2 decades while a single mother of 3 pays her fair share every year.

I dont know who Donnie Johnie is but I do know very few "single mother of three" pay their fair share. They are a huge burden we all have to carry.
How about people pay for their own education, healthcare, and retirement like the responsible people do?

Wow. Almost like free citizens! You know liberals are happiest being controlled. And think nothing of giving a long impassioned speech about how this or that group of people cant handle paying bills, cant get an education, dont know how to work and cant be trusted to decide their own healthcare, cant be expected to understand english or provide their own birth control or even manage to present an ID card to vote...yet they say it is important that every effort is made to enable them to vote and help run a nuclear power.
I guess I shouldnt throw rocks at the plan...it almost elected Hillary.
Blah blah blaaaaah bottom line is that because of our current economy there are too many people that can not make ends meet at minimum wage or even slightly above minimum wage.
If you want those millions of Americans to be able to pay their bills minimum wage has to rise in proportion to the continuing rise or living costs.
No magical wands exist to change that. The only thing that will change that is making sure ALL of our people have access to what they need for not only survival but for success.
illegals caused stagnant salaries. eliminating illegals will open up worlds of opportunities without having to increase minimum wage. minimum wage increases are job killers. learn something. eliminating illegals = job growth.
No magical wands exist to change that. The only thing that will change that is making sure ALL of our people have access to what they need for not only survival but for success.

Says the greedy pig engaging in magical thinking lol
I remember mortgage rates over fifteen percent.
My first mortgage was twelve percent

Jimmy Carter did not set interest rates but he had a balanced budget

Jimmy Carter's budget deficits
  • FY 1981 - $90 billion.
  • FY 1980 - $81 billion.
  • FY 1979 - $55 billion.
  • FY 1978 - $73 billion.
And if you remember 15% mortgages then of course you remember Jimmy Carters staglation right? What a miserable time that was.

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