We need to reopen fostergate

The Death of Vince Foster, the nuclear codes that were leaked, and how the Clintons refused investigators access to Fosters' office after his death.

Re-read the case and re-open the investigation.



"The White House undeniably mishandled the review of documents in Mr. Foster’s office following his death. Department of Justice and Park Police investigators told the Special Committee that their investigations were hindered and impeded by the refusal of senior White House officials to allow them to review Mr. Foster’s documents. The question before the Committee, then, is whether senior White House officials simply committed an inexplicable series of blunders and misjudgments or whether these officials deliberately interfered with the investigations into Mr. Foster’s death and, perhaps, into the Whitewater and Travelgate affairs. After careful review of all the evidence, the Special Committee concludes that senior White House officials, particularly members of the Office of the White House Counsel, engaged in a pattern of highly improper conduct in their handling of the documents in Mr. Foster’s office following his death. These senior White House officials deliberately prevented career law enforcement officers from the Department of Justice and Park Police from fully investigating the circumstances surrounding Mr. Foster’s death, including whether he took his own life because of troubling matters involving the President and Mrs. Clinton. At every turn, senior White House officials prevented Justice Department and Park Police investigators from examining the documents in Mr. Foster’s office, particularly those relating to the Whitewater and Travelgate affairs then under investigation. This pattern of concealment and obstruction continues even to the present day. The Special Committee concludes that senior White House officials and other close Clinton associates were not candid in their testimony before the Committee. Specifically, the Committee concludes that Margaret Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady, Susan Thomases, a New York attorney and close advisor to Mrs. Clinton, Bernard Nussbaum, then-White House Counsel, and Webster Hubbell, former Associate Attorney General and now-convicted felon, all provided inaccurate and incomplete testimony to the Committee in order to conceal Mrs. Clinton’s pivotal role in the decisions surrounding the handling of Mr. Foster’s documents following his death. Finally, the Special Committee concludes that ...."

I don't know what you are going on about. Are you complaining about how I link my sources? We are not in a fucking classroom you are not my teacher. I will run my online post how I want to. Quit trying to control me. MY Gawd I answered your questions and you just don't like my answers. It's that simple. :dunno:
And you have yet to show us anything any link you've offered that demonstrates that Vince Foster didn't commit suicide.

Your source...is you. Citing you.

Why would we reopen the Vince Foster investigation, almost 30 years later, because of you? You're nobody. You haven't even read the sources you've cited.
I cited it you just don't like the way I did it. But that's a YOU problem not a me problem.
I don't know what you are going on about. Are you complaining about how I link my sources? We are not in a fucking classroom you are not my teacher. I will run my online post how I want to. Quit trying to control me. MY Gawd I answered your questions and you just don't like my answers. It's that simple. :dunno:

Show us where in your sources they draw the conclusions you do: that Vince Foster didn't commit suicide.

If you can't....then you're not citing your sources. You're citing yourself.

And you're nobody.
Show us where in your sources they draw the conclusions you do: that Vince Foster didn't commit suicide.

If you can't....then you're not citing your sources. You're citing yourself.

And you're nobody.
I already did. You are right I am a nobody so why are you so invested?
I cited it you just don't like the way I did it. But that's a YOU problem not a me problem.

Nope. You've cited nothing from either source that concludes that Vince Foster didn't commit suicide.

And you misquoted your citation. You claimed that they denied investigators access to his office.

Your citation doesn't.

"Department of Justice and Park Police investigators told the Special Committee that their investigations were hindered and impeded by the refusal of senior White House officials to allow them to review Mr. Foster’s documents."
You've cited nothing that concludes that Vince Foster didn't commit suicide.

And you misquoted your citation. You claimed that they denied investigators access to his office.

Your citation doesn't.

"Department of Justice and Park Police investigators told the Special Committee that their investigations were hindered and impeded by the refusal of senior White House officials to allow them to review Mr. Foster’s documents."
Whatever ya say. I'm done with your weird obsession. People can read for themselves and they will. :)
Whatever ya say. I'm done with your weird obsession. People can read for themselves and they will. :)

Its not me that contradicts you. Its your own source.

So why would we reopen a 29 year old investigation based on your misquotes and claims you can't back up?

And 900 pages that even you won't read?

Good luck with that.
Moving on.
The Fiske report says blonde hair, carpet fibers and wool fibers were
found on Foster's body and clothing. Whose hair was on his body? It was
not his. Foster's diary, which they took out, which Clinton's people
when they went into Foster's office later that day, when they took that
diary out of there, that diary could have told us a lot about who
possibly was with Foster and whose hair that might have been on his
The other body went to great lengths to obtain a diary of one of its
Members in a sexual harassment case. This one is a death. Yet we have
not heard one word from the special counsel about the diary. Did Fiske
read Vince Foster's diary? Why hasn't he said anything about it in his
report? Because it could give us evidence and maybe even tell us whose
blonde hair was on his body and where Fiske was between 1 and 5 that
Robert Novak, columnist Robert Novak is the only one that I know of
that has been able to get Robert Fiske to respond to any questions.
He asked Special Counsel Fiske why they found no skull fragments in
the park. Fiske responded, ``Because the search wasn't conducted for 9
That is a terribly sloppy way to conduct an investigation. If someone
is killed in a given location or commits suicide, the forensic expert
should be out there that afternoon or the next day, especially if it is
someone as highly visible as the Assistant Counsel to the President of
the United States. Any kind of mysterious death or murder that takes
place like this, they are out there right away, yet they waited 9
months before they went out there with the FBI and the forensic
Mr. Novak asked Fiske why he did not try to identify the hair.
Fiske's response was almost insulting to the intelligence. He said:

While we have not concluded where this blonde hair came
from, there is no evidence to suggest that it provides any
evidence of circumstances connected to this death.

"The following list is offered as a comprehensive and itemized outline of all of the noted discrepancies, inconsistencies, and problems that have been identified in the Vincent W. Foster death investigation to date."

The following list is offered......by who? You're literally citing an unsourced Email send by ....someone.

Can you confirm the claims made in this anonymous Email with actual evidence?

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