We need to stop funding Planned Parenthood, they make millions on their own


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why is Planned Parenthood getting millions from tax payers when they just turn around and spend it to help elect liberal politicians? That is the same as each of us handing over money to support people we don't like.

PP makes millions each year and spends money for campaigns. We shouldn't give them a damn dime.

They are planning their largest ever campaign blitz this year.

Planned Parenthood plots largest-ever campaign blitz in 2014 | Fox News

Not to mention, they've taken on the role of teaching teens all about sex, including bondage and sadomasochism. And we're helping to pay for it.

Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens
Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens | CNS News
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.
Why is Planned Parenthood getting millions from tax payers when they just turn around and spend it to help elect liberal politicians? That is the same as each of us handing over money to support people we don't like.

PP makes millions each year and spends money for campaigns. We shouldn't give them a damn dime.

They are planning their largest ever campaign blitz this year.

Planned Parenthood plots largest-ever campaign blitz in 2014 | Fox News

Not to mention, they've taken on the role of teaching teens all about sex, including bondage and sadomasochism. And we're helping to pay for it.

Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens
Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens | CNS News

The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it. - Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood
Girl Scouts Lesbian Infiltration

Teacher’s Career Could be Over Because He Dared to Challenge Planned Parenthood
Jim Sedlak of the organization STOPP explains the situation well: “Planned Parenthood is ruthless. This is about political power, not the truth, the children, or good teachers. They will no doubt pack the hearing with pro-choice activists to sway the outcome.”

Teacher's Career Could be Over Because He Dared to Challenge Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.

If you are that worried about over population, no one is preventing you from taking your own life.

I wouldn't personally, but you seem to have no problem offing other people.
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.

They make millions in profits each year. If they want to abort more babies, they can take those profits and offer to perform the procedures for free. Instead, they fund campaigns with OUR money.
Dear Clementine: I'm ready to write up a national petition, to both parties.
Why not nip the issue in the BUD, not have to chase after EACH and EVERY corporation, 501c4, truethevote, ACORN, PP, etc. that gives money here or there to whichever party.

why not just declare all political parties to be treated as religious organizations,
and ke ep their funding and agenda OUT OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVT.

the govt should be run by the RULES AND PROCEDURES OF THE CONSTITUTION.

if you don't agre e on interpretation or application, that is a sign to ke ep that
policy within YOUR party. And only save the federal govt, funding and authority

Resolve all conflicts in house or between party members/leaders, and only
present the final agre ements that are universal to all people to govt to pass or implement.

If we had this rule, all members of Congress and parties would still be working to resolve issues with ACA BEFORE passing anything. so the American public would not be abused as guinea pigs forced to pay the costs of being experimented on. isn't that basic?

require consensus on issues of conflicting ideologies, treating political beliefs equally as religious beliefs. and only approve policies and programs by consensus of the public.
everything else can be done by party, and not impose on anyone outside that agre ement.

Can you help me write this up?
Let's start a petition online, and credit USMB.

Why is Planned Parenthood getting millions from tax payers when they just turn around and spend it to help elect liberal politicians? That is the same as each of us handing over money to support people we don't like.

PP makes millions each year and spends money for campaigns. We shouldn't give them a damn dime.

They are planning their largest ever campaign blitz this year.

Planned Parenthood plots largest-ever campaign blitz in 2014 | Fox News

Not to mention, they've taken on the role of teaching teens all about sex, including bondage and sadomasochism. And we're helping to pay for it.

Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens
Planned Parenthood Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens | CNS News
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...
We need to fund them much more. We have plenty of babies already, ones we don't care for.
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...
If you object to paying child support, tell it to the judge. :muahaha:
Speak for yourself.

Planned Parenthood has made itself synonymous with serial murdering parents.

Why should the entire public fund such doudy deeds as serial abortions?
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...
If you object to paying child support, tell it to the judge. :muahaha:
I don't object to paying child support for America's children.
If you'd like to be brutal about it, pay me now or pay me later. Which would you rather pay for, 18 years of welfare for a child, or an abortion? Let's see if you can do math...
If you object to paying child support, tell it to the judge. :muahaha:
I don't object to paying child support for America's children.

Then feel free to pay it. Just stop trying to rob others to do so.

If you want euthanize the population, you can start with yourself, but again i'd recommend against it.

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