We now have 3D printed HOUSES - thanks to white males

You say "we" as if you were somehow involved in something.

1. The act or process of deluding.

2. The state of being deluded.

3. A false belief or opinion.

labored under the delusion that success was at hand.

4. A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.
He said "we" as if he were a member of the set. Is English not your first language?

What set? Inventors? I'm pretty sure he hasn't invented shit
Whites, Einstein. Whites. If you're going to join a debate, at least read critically first, huh.
You say "we" as if you were somehow involved in something.

1. The act or process of deluding.

2. The state of being deluded.

3. A false belief or opinion.

labored under the delusion that success was at hand.

4. A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.
He said "we" as if he were a member of the set. Is English not your first language?

What set? Inventors? I'm pretty sure he hasn't invented shit

The point is, Speed Shooters is taking credit for everything every white male has ever done, proving uncategorically he is a complete moron.
Just for the record, Chuck Hull is a white American who invented 3D printing.

And yes, it is now on the incredibly long list of modern inventions that white males have brought the world.

We are good at that stuff.

as neil degrasse Tyson said, let us know when the opportunities are the same for all people and then talk about "ability".

and you have no right to say "we".... it wasn't your invention. i'm pretty sure you never invented anything.

You've never heard of the "white male club" ?
Sometimes one of my brothers takes the lead and creates the invention, and sometimes it another one of us, but we all get credit.

We're white males, we built this city ! :eusa_clap:
What set? Inventors? I'm pretty sure he hasn't invented shit
Whites, Einstein. Whites. If you're going to join a debate, at least read critically first, huh.

Wait... because he's white he's an inventor?

What about you what are you inventing these days?


It's our culture of hard work and critical thought that gives us the advantage. Think about it....This is what you leftist bastards want gone!
Notice in the pic, that these are free standing houses, meaning no foundation below the freeze mark of the geographical location, much like a trailer house,,no thanks..
But historically the Chinese are always good inventors...

Me thinks they are happy about this because 3d printing will reduce the price of mobile homes. Matthew and shootspeeders can now get a double wide trailer! A new Pussy Brigade clubhouse or a place where they can shack up, I'm not sure. I wonder what digital drifter will bring as a house warming gift, a white pride flag is my guess.
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Whites, Einstein. Whites. If you're going to join a debate, at least read critically first, huh.

Wait... because he's white he's an inventor?

What about you what are you inventing these days?


It's our culture of hard work and critical thought that gives us the advantage. Think about it....This is what you leftist bastards want gone!

Not really, I think they just want pussies like you gone. You sure are dense, are you sure you are a member of the master race?

Wait... because he's white he's an inventor?

What about you what are you inventing these days?


It's our culture of hard work and critical thought that gives us the advantage. Think about it....This is what you leftist bastards want gone!

Not really, I think they just want pussies like you gone. You sure are dense, are you sure you are a member of the master race?


Coward, you are a traitor to western civilization. I want trash like you to go play in the traffic and take a shit all over the road.

Hi SS: I'm sorry that the media has become so anti-
that you have to go out of your way to be pro-
just to come out even!

It looks like this particular application was a collaborative effort.
Because of the housing demand in China with excess population,
the necessity of that inspired the use of 3D printing to make
faster cheaper housing by layering the materials.

(Also see what the need for fuel efficient cars inspired:
Elio Motors: Ultra High Mileage Vehicle
and yes this is another white man, professional engineer/manager formerly with GM)

Of the greatest contributions I would list:
* the founders who transcribed natural laws into what became our
Constitution and Bill of Rights
* whoever developed the Internet
but the applications of these still require collaborative effort
and innovation to expand the education and knowledge of laws
to all people to become self governing in groups
* any form of music (when I hear the classic symphonies and orchestral instruments,
I am reminded how divine the gift of music is, and I wonder at the wide variety of cultures)
* all religions that reflect universal spiritual laws (especially Buddhism and Christianity
which I find amazing how these universal concepts and languages have influenced so
many lives across centuries and continents, to which I would also add Constitutional laws to the list.
Of these you can credit Constitutionalism to the white founding fathers from European traditions,
but for Buddhism this is mainly rooted in Asian cultural tradition, and Christianity is a mix of old and modern cultures
mostly typified by the Western/American expressions though other cultures and denominations are widely diversified)

The natural laws America was founded upon remain the same (but in practice change with each diverse application), but come from God or Nature as the universal source of life
and was not "invented" by man, much less white men, but came THROUGH
the European lineage as a traditional patriarchal culture that documents history
in a linear structure.

This certainly helped provide lasting structure and tradition, and the added advantage of
the other cultures that are more "collectively" and "relatively" oriented is to expand on and share this knowledge on even broader scales.

We are going through a phase of balancing those approaches, the linear approach that is more Eurocentric vs. the the collective/relative approach that is more inclusive;
and instead of trying to void one for the other.

Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

P.S. about people who make things
you can also point out how much of the inventions by "white men"
have DESTROYED things. that should at least come out even!
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Whites, Einstein. Whites. If you're going to join a debate, at least read critically first, huh.

Wait... because he's white he's an inventor?

What about you what are you inventing these days?


It's our culture of hard work and critical thought that gives us the advantage. Think about it....This is what you leftist bastards want gone!

Culture? I thought this was about skin color. You were born with white skin right? Does that mean you will invent something? Do you deserve credit?

As opposed to being an ordinary, garden variety racist like you two jackholes?

Pathetic, that's what you are...

You're the white-hater who supports affirmative action so YOU are the racist. I want to stop the persecution of white people.

You have no idea who worked on this project. Just because it is China, that does not mean women and blacks were not involved in the project. Lots of women in China work in many different fields, including the sciences. Countless men and women from the West work in China, especially as engineers. They might just as well be black as white or Asian. You are making assumptions based on ignorance and bigotry.

HAHAHA. I have a very good idea who worked on this and so do you. We both know women and blacks had practically nothing to do with it.

as neil degrasse Tyson said, let us know when the opportunities are the same for all people and then talk about "ability".

Hey i'm all for equal opportunity and that means getting rid of affirmative action. The kind of AA that tyson himself benefited from. The field advantage is now with blacks. They have an easier time of getting into college and getting a scholarship but when they do, they waste the chance by studying liberal arts crap. But then, that's all they can do. Tough to major in physics when you can't even tell time.
P.S. about people who make things
you can also point out how much of the inventions by "white men"
have DESTROYED things. that should at least come out even!

HAHAHA. You want to return to the pre-industrial age? Say 1200 AD? Be my guest but nobody else does. The inventions of white males have helped everyone immensely, esp you stupid blacks even though you contribute nothing to the world.
The OP is a sham.. And shameful and embarrassing. I've been in science & engineering for over 20 years, and I seem to remember how the BEGINNINGS of 3D printing started..

HowStuffWorks "Famous Black Engineers Throughout History"

Let's start with one of the early pioneers of a small feat of engineering that's arguably the most important invention of the 20th century. Born in Jamaica, Walt Braithwaite received a degree in engineering in 1966 and joined up with Boeing the same year. Just as commercial flying was taking off, Braithwaite began flying up the ladder, leading and developing some of the most important aircraft and systems [source: Large].
Braithwaite's team developed computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems for Boeing, which led the way for airplanes and, eventually, many other products designed entirely through software. (Goodbye pen and paper drafting!) Braithwaite also became the highest-ranking black executive at Boeing when he was named president of Boeing Africa in 2000. After 36 years with the aircraft titan, he retired in 2003.

That's right -- the modern age of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) was started by a black man at Boeing.. Suck that you scumbag racist twits....

I put an editorial in the San Jose Mercury when Jesse Jackson came thru Silicon Valley on a "shake-down for cash" tour. I invited the Reverend to send me a TRAINLOAD of qualified Black Engineering graduates and I would take a year off --- to help place them in LUCRATIVE jobs. He never contacted me. But my boss offered to pay me to take that time off..

It's a matter of getting into the education picture EARLIER in their lives. To make sure black kids are not CHEATED by low expectations in school. So that SCIENCE, MATH, and TECHNOLOGY are even options for them by the time they are looking at College.

Most all black Scientists/Engineers I've worked with have been been from the Caribbean (like the Boeing dude) OR Africa (strangely enough). We are just doing something wrong in this country.
Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

There you go again, ShitSpreader, arrogantly presenting your personal opinion as fact.

What have you made, besides the turd you deposited in your porcelain throne this morning?
Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

You consider the Chinese to be white? Do they?

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