We now have 3D printed HOUSES - thanks to white males

Hi Luddly thanks for the effort to read and reply.
I understand your point and sorry I was not clear;
my point should have been more clearly about
"relying on those PEOPLE" not relying on their choices of diet.

1. Even if these people don't "rely" on meat, if that is how those PEOPLE "naturally choose" to operate,
even by "free choice" it is STILL relying on those PEOPLE. (And yes, there are people like me working two jobs and not having time, but RELYING on any food I can get quickly just to sustain.
So this DOES apply to me at least, because of political strain I am under where I have been operating on this "crisis basis" for years until other help can take over the excessive burden on me.)

2. Laborers who have needed to work longer periods of time at harder labor DID rely on meat diets to be able to sustain. This may apply more in the past than it does today.

Maybe we need a different thread for this, because I think this same problem comes up with other issues, but in different forms.

This was not really the best example; the issue of SLAVE LABOR seems more important.
Because our economy does rely on that still, until we work out ways to convert sustainably.

Hey retard. Chinese are not white.

PDIRRP (Please don't insult really retarded people)

Also, how many of these American inventors benefited from Chinese or other slave labor to have the time, money, equipment and other resources to focus on development, instead of working overtime in a factory just to survive day to day? We credit our Vets for our freedom, but what about the slave workers who sacrifice their equal rights for our freedoms we take for granted, every day, which they cannot access or enjoy?

I tell this to Vegan friends, that just because you don't eat meat or buy it on the market,
how many people who bring you your vegetables or other goods and services
RELY on meat in their diet in order to work manual labor jobs?

Don't leave all that out of plans to convert all production into sustainable economy!
Clearly, we'd all have to work together to make that happen. So this political division stuff by class isn't going to get us there.


Except that they don't "rely" on meat in their diet.

They CHOOSE meat but they don't "rely" on it.

If it helps you to understand, turn it around.

I don't "rely" on being vegetarian. I'm healthier for it, have more energy, less illness and will likely live longer than meat eaters, but I don't "rely" on it.


Reason is, the vegan/vegetarian could choose to eat meat and the meat eater could choose vegan/vegetarian diet.

Get it?

Sorry about the off topic post.

Maybe we need a different thread for this:
This same problem happens with left and right, rich and poor, blaming the other groups for exploitation by not feeling "included" in the political equation but taken for granted:

a. The left complains that the right "didn't build businesses by themselves" but relied on the benefits and labor of others; while the right complains the left excludes the representation of taxpayers with dissenting beliefs, but "relies" on them to fund contested mandates.

b. with the Hobby Lobby case, the right argues that the left "does not need to RELY on federal govt health care mandated through private business"; but the left is using this federal policy as an assumed standard of "equal protection and access to care."

c. with marriage, abortion, gun issues, instead of arguing "one side over the other," including people regardless of belief takes pressure OFF "relying" on the state to impose laws one way or another, but allowing free and equal choice; and the issue is really about RESPONSIBILITY for one's choices instead of imposing the CONSEQUENCES on others.
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Hey retard. Chinese are not white.

They're intelligent so they're honorary whites. Blacks are stupid so they're honorary chimps.

I think you meant whites are honorary Asians. The Chinese established civilizations long before you climbed out of caves and established Greece.

The Asians are considered having the same White Privilege.

Only if Asians push for some anti-discrimination issue,
then they count as minorities.

But if Asians work underpaid or unpaid, that doesn't count as bad as Black slavery
because Asians are considered privileged anyway
and it's honorable to work that hard.

Some Blacks I met find it insulting to expect them to work "live slaves"* to build themselves up from nothing by their bootstraps as other immigrants or minorities, when "other people" benefited from Black slave labor, and the engrained politics of racial segregation contributed to that social state of catching up from behind. * I equally found it insulting when they didn't mind benefiting from my "slave labor" to help them, but complained when I asked them to work even half as much as I did; they treated me as part of the privileged White class that "owed" them help because I had advantages they didn't have.

Note: I don't agree with trying to hold "whole groups" responsible for this by race, but I do see that both white and black descendants can carry spiritual resentment with each other's races that is passed down generationally where racial injustices were not yet healed. Even if the individuals were not direct descendants, the spiritual conflicts are passed down and projected, and those pains and suffering are real regardless of the source or reason.
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