We now have 3D printed HOUSES - thanks to white males

So much easier to blame blacks and Affirmative Action and those mean women who won't give you the time of day for your personal failures than to blame yourself, eh ShitSpreader?

It's our culture of hard work and critical thought that gives us the advantage. Think about it....This is what you leftist bastards want gone!

Not really, I think they just want pussies like you gone. You sure are dense, are you sure you are a member of the master race?


Coward, you are a traitor to western civilization. I want trash like you to go play in the traffic and take a shit all over the road.

Western civilization? I thought this thread was about you bragging about how superior the Chinese are, who are not, in case you didn't realize, either white or Western. :cuckoo:
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Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

My son is the 3-D printer coordinator at Univ of Minnesota. He's white, an engineer and has math brains. I guess he is at fault.
Hi SS: I'm sorry that the media has become so anti-
that you have to go out of your way to be pro-
just to come out even!

It looks like this particular application was a collaborative effort.
Because of the housing demand in China with excess population,
the necessity of that inspired the use of 3D printing to make
faster cheaper housing by layering the materials.

(Also see what the need for fuel efficient cars inspired:
Elio Motors: Ultra High Mileage Vehicle
and yes this is another white man, professional engineer/manager formerly with GM)

Of the greatest contributions I would list:
* the founders who transcribed natural laws into what became our
Constitution and Bill of Rights
* whoever developed the Internet
but the applications of these still require collaborative effort
and innovation to expand the education and knowledge of laws
to all people to become self governing in groups
* any form of music (when I hear the classic symphonies and orchestral instruments,
I am reminded how divine the gift of music is, and I wonder at the wide variety of cultures)
* all religions that reflect universal spiritual laws (especially Buddhism and Christianity
which I find amazing how these universal concepts and languages have influenced so
many lives across centuries and continents, to which I would also add Constitutional laws to the list.
Of these you can credit Constitutionalism to the white founding fathers from European traditions,
but for Buddhism this is mainly rooted in Asian cultural tradition, and Christianity is a mix of old and modern cultures
mostly typified by the Western/American expressions though other cultures and denominations are widely diversified)

The natural laws America was founded upon remain the same (but in practice change with each diverse application), but come from God or Nature as the universal source of life
and was not "invented" by man, much less white men, but came THROUGH
the European lineage as a traditional patriarchal culture that documents history
in a linear structure.

This certainly helped provide lasting structure and tradition, and the added advantage of
the other cultures that are more "collectively" and "relatively" oriented is to expand on and share this knowledge on even broader scales.

We are going through a phase of balancing those approaches, the linear approach that is more Eurocentric vs. the the collective/relative approach that is more inclusive;
and instead of trying to void one for the other.

Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

P.S. about people who make things
you can also point out how much of the inventions by "white men"
have DESTROYED things. that should at least come out even!

Good informative post. But do you think SS actually is capable of comprehending what you stated?
So much easier to blame blacks and Affirmative Action and those mean women who won't give you the time of day for your personal failures than to blame yourself, eh ShitSpreader?

The board notes you're trying to change the subject. You white-haters are so obvious.

My son is the 3-D printer coordinator at Univ of Minnesota. He's white, an engineer and has math brains. I guess he is at fault.

If dems had their way, your kid would be fired and some illiterate black who can't even operate a yardstick would get his job.
I really do envy people who have the patience for math. I'm good at the basics like multiplying, division, addition, subtraction, fractions, and decimals but when it comes to advanced algebra and higher, its just too hard. I barely passed with a D- and that is because the teacher was nice. I would go to tutoring and study and still fail a lot of the tests. Granted I could have done better but I just can't stand it. Thank god I don't have those classes anymore.

But I do find it interesting how they are able to build printers like this, but I do find it insulting that shootspeeders said that the only people capable of building anything are white/Asian. My grandpa builds for a living. He has built houses for people on several occasions. Anyone could build and produce. It just depends how dedicated a person is to something. Even a person with a learning disorder can overcome it with enough persistence and in my opinion, persistence and dedication means more than having a higher IQ or larger brain. Put it into maximum use and you will get results.
So much easier to blame blacks and Affirmative Action and those mean women who won't give you the time of day for your personal failures than to blame yourself, eh ShitSpreader?

The board notes you're trying to change the subject. You white-haters are so obvious.

The board notes that you constantly assume you speak for the entire board.

You racists are so pathetic.
Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

China is white? Who knew!!
Only white/asian males...

Dumber than shit, you are. Asians made the house, White American males developed the technology.
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These dwellings still, as far as I'm aware, haven't been subjected to a structual survey, which is what any prospective home owner would need to get building insurance. Neither have the materials been tested against the elements, the intensity and regularity of which differ depending on what part of the world you live in.
I really do envy people who have the patience for math. I'm good at the basics like multiplying, division, addition, subtraction, fractions, and decimals but when it comes to advanced algebra and higher, its just too hard. I barely passed with a D- and that is because the teacher was nice. I would go to tutoring and study and still fail a lot of the tests. Granted I could have done better but I just can't stand it. Thank god I don't have those classes anymore.

But I do find it interesting how they are able to build printers like this, but I do find it insulting that shootspeeders said that the only people capable of building anything are white/Asian. My grandpa builds for a living. He has built houses for people on several occasions. Anyone could build and produce. It just depends how dedicated a person is to something. Even a person with a learning disorder can overcome it with enough persistence and in my opinion, persistence and dedication means more than having a higher IQ or larger brain. Put it into maximum use and you will get results.

Nothing that Shootspeeders states should be dignified by being insulted. 100% of what he claims only white males can do, he is likely not capable of doing himself.

The only redeeming quality about him is that he is consistent.

Consistently stupid.
'The night I invented 3D printing'

Frankfurt, Germany (CNN)*-- Call him Charlie, Charles, Chuck -- whatever you want. It's all okay with him.

Beaming a warm smile from beneath his push-broom mustache, the softly spoken 74-year-old doesn't strike you as a pioneering innovator -- the man responsible for a breakthrough that's now driving forward the world of manufacturing.

But*Chuck Hull*-- "in this kind of environment, it's usually 'Chuck'," he says, as he sits down with CNN in Frankfurt, Germany -- is executive vice president and chief technology officer of*3D Systems, a company built on his creation: the 3D printer.

3D printing inventor Chuck Hull

In 1983, Hull was working for a small business that made tough coatings for tables using ultraviolet lamps. When he suggested a new way to use the UV technology -- to quickly turn computer designs into working prototypes -- Hull was given a little lab to play around in during his evenings and weekends.

Hull experimented for months, on his own with a plastic-y gloop -- then one night, something emerged...

CNN: When you began, what materials exactly were you using?

Hull: The class of materials is called "photopolymers" and these are typically acrylic-based materials that would be liquid until they're hit with -- let's say -- an ultraviolet light. Then, they instantly turn solid. So, you have a vat of this liquid and a point of ultraviolet light, and you turn it into a solid piece of plastic.

And that's the basic method?

That's the basic methodology -- that's*stereolithography. That's never changed.

Who was the first person you showed it to?

Er, my wife. I got a good part and called her up, got her out of her pajamas, told her to come down to the lab and see this.

The whole premise of this technology has been to foster creativity...
Chuck Hull

What did she say?

"This had better be good!" (Laughs.)

Explore: The 3D printing revolution

And then, when did you see 3D printing take off?

Well, it's really blossomed just in the last few years -- in the sense of really rapid growth and recognition. There's a lots of things that contributed to that, I think: a lot of the medical applications catch peoples' imagination; certainly the maker movement, with low-cost machines getting hobbyists interested in inventing and building using 3D printing.

How did the process develop into what it is today?

One of the most significant [changes] is the basic accuracy you can achieve: because [the materials] cure from a liquid to a solid, they tend to shrink and they can distort. So as you build these 3D parts you get some inaccuracies and warp-age. But that chemistry has been vastly improved, so there's almost no distortion now. Also the physical properties: initially the materials were really brittle -- they would break easily. Nowadays you get really good, tough plastic materials.

Well, it's really blossomed just in the last few years -- in the sense of really rapid growth and recognition
Chuck Hull

I hear the word "democratization" used about 3D printing. Is that important to you?

The whole premise of this technology has been to foster creativity, and change in product design and manufacturing, and so forth. At the individual level, I think there's a great kind of pent up need: we've got into the computer age and everything is on a screen or remote, we've kind of missed the tangible result. This is a means to convert something on the computer to reality in a straightforward way.

Read: 3-D printing tries to find a home

Could you have imagined all this?

(Laughs.) Not at the consumer level. I was always thinking in terms of design engineers -- in terms of their expensive CAD computers and so forth.

What do you think the industry is worth now?

I think, well, in terms of the total goods and services, it's about $3 billion annually and it's actually growing at a rapid rate.

3-D Printing Technology

3-D printing enters the metal age

China unveils its first 3-D bio printer

Are there limits to what 3D printing can do?

There's limits to everything. So, the kind of traditional limits of 3D printing have been: material properties, speed, making millions of things. But all the competitive companies are just constantly pushing those limits, so if you're projecting the future, it looks like these limits are going to be beat down over the next couple of years.

Read: Victoria's Secret model wears 3-D printed wings

What has surprised you most?

To me, some of the medical applications. I didn't anticipate that, and as soon as I started working with some of the medical imaging people, it became pretty clear that this was going to work. But, you know, they told me, I didn't tell them.

What does your wife say?

(Laughs) She's probably more enthusiastic than I am, so she's very excited about this whole field.

You made your discovery 30 years ago: how have you felt along these long 30 years? I mean, it's exploded hasn't it?

Well, you know I'm old enough that I should have retired long ago, but it's so interesting that I don't. It's a really interesting journey.

Watch the video above for more from*Chuck Hull*about his incredible invention and*3D printing today.

'The night I invented 3D printing' - CNN.com

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Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

Hey retard. Chinese are not white.
Meant to add to the list:
* development of SCIENCE and SCIENTIFIC METHOD in general -- I would credit overall (especially advances in medicine and saving lives and resources to further development).

Instead of arguing if White People, Europeans/Americans contribute more,
just expanding and applying this "scientific process" to all areas cover a lot of great
contributions to society and human progress. I do not see any need to either
put one group's contributions above another, or "denigrate to try to equalize."

I think the contributions people make speak for themselves, and of course, people's
backgrounds are part of their path in life to making and promoting scientific discoveries.

I see this as more of a spiritual process, so of course our ethnic, national and political/ religious backgrounds are part of that path, but are not to be used to generalize by groups.

Hi SS: I'm sorry that the media has become so anti-
that you have to go out of your way to be pro-
just to come out even!

It looks like this particular application was a collaborative effort.
Because of the housing demand in China with excess population,
the necessity of that inspired the use of 3D printing to make
faster cheaper housing by layering the materials.

(Also see what the need for fuel efficient cars inspired:
Elio Motors: Ultra High Mileage Vehicle
and yes this is another white man, professional engineer/manager formerly with GM)

Of the greatest contributions I would list:
* the founders who transcribed natural laws into what became our
Constitution and Bill of Rights
* whoever developed the Internet
but the applications of these still require collaborative effort
and innovation to expand the education and knowledge of laws
to all people to become self governing in groups
* any form of music (when I hear the classic symphonies and orchestral instruments,
I am reminded how divine the gift of music is, and I wonder at the wide variety of cultures)
* all religions that reflect universal spiritual laws (especially Buddhism and Christianity
which I find amazing how these universal concepts and languages have influenced so
many lives across centuries and continents, to which I would also add Constitutional laws to the list.
Of these you can credit Constitutionalism to the white founding fathers from European traditions,
but for Buddhism this is mainly rooted in Asian cultural tradition, and Christianity is a mix of old and modern cultures
mostly typified by the Western/American expressions though other cultures and denominations are widely diversified)

The natural laws America was founded upon remain the same (but in practice change with each diverse application), but come from God or Nature as the universal source of life
and was not "invented" by man, much less white men, but came THROUGH
the European lineage as a traditional patriarchal culture that documents history
in a linear structure.

This certainly helped provide lasting structure and tradition, and the added advantage of
the other cultures that are more "collectively" and "relatively" oriented is to expand on and share this knowledge on even broader scales.

We are going through a phase of balancing those approaches, the linear approach that is more Eurocentric vs. the the collective/relative approach that is more inclusive;
and instead of trying to void one for the other.

Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

P.S. about people who make things
you can also point out how much of the inventions by "white men"
have DESTROYED things. that should at least come out even!
Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

3D printer creates 10 houses in a DAY | Mail Online

28 April 2014

A company in China claims to have built 10 detached houses within 24 hours, using the modern technology.

The compact houses were constructed using waste material which was pumped out into layers - and the properties were said to have been created for less than $5,000 (£2,974) each.

The recipe for the quick drying cement is top secret, but is made entirely from recycled materials.

Four huge printers measuring 105ft (32 metres) long, 33ft (10 metres) wide and 22ft (6.6 metres) tall were used to make the bungalows, China’s Xinhua news agency reported.

Chinese firm Win Sun piped a mixture of cement and construction waste to build up walls layer-by-layer during the speedy construction process.

Hey retard. Chinese are not white.

PDIRRP (Please don't insult really retarded people)

Also, how many of these American inventors benefited from Chinese or other slave labor to have the time, money, equipment and other resources to focus on development, instead of working overtime in a factory just to survive day to day? We credit our Vets for our freedom, but what about the slave workers who sacrifice their equal rights for our freedoms we take for granted, every day, which they cannot access or enjoy?

I tell this to Vegan friends, that just because you don't eat meat or buy it on the market,
how many people who bring you your vegetables or other goods and services
RELY on meat in their diet in order to work manual labor jobs?

Don't leave all that out of plans to convert all production into sustainable economy!
Clearly, we'd all have to work together to make that happen. So this political division stuff by class isn't going to get us there.
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Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

@Shoot Speeders is among the most stupid people on this board. He couldn't pour pee out of his shoe if the instructions were written on the soul. I'm certain he could not do anything more demanding than putting a big X on the back of his welfare check.

This link is for him, [MENTION=18975]Tank[/MENTION] @Mathew and the other slime racists who believe the kind of shit SS posts. There's a reason why you dinosaurs are dying out. You're stupid. The oly thing you have is your hatred and that's pretty useless.

My bet is you couldn't even make a broken computer out of the same materials as this man had.


Kodjo Afate Gnikou, a resourceful inventor from Togo in West Africa, has made a $100 3D printer which he constructed from parts he scrounged from broken scanners, computers, printers and other e-waste. The fully functional DIY printer cost a fraction of those currently on the market, and saves environmentally damaging waste from reaching landfill sites.

Read more: West African Inventor Makes a $100 3D Printer From E-Waste | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building
Blacks and women can't do technology. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. Women become social workers and guidance counselors. Only white/asian males have the math brains to be engineers and businessmen - the people who make things.

Hey retard. Chinese are not white.

PDIRRP (Please don't insult really retarded people)

Also, how many of these American inventors benefited from Chinese or other slave labor to have the time, money, equipment and other resources to focus on development, instead of working overtime in a factory just to survive day to day? We credit our Vets for our freedom, but what about the slave workers who sacrifice their equal rights for our freedoms we take for granted, every day, which they cannot access or enjoy?

I tell this to Vegan friends, that just because you don't eat meat or buy it on the market,
how many people who bring you your vegetables or other goods and services
RELY on meat in their diet in order to work manual labor jobs?

Don't leave all that out of plans to convert all production into sustainable economy!
Clearly, we'd all have to work together to make that happen. So this political division stuff by class isn't going to get us there.


Except that they don't "rely" on meat in their diet.

They CHOOSE meat but they don't "rely" on it.

If it helps you to understand, turn it around.

I don't "rely" on being vegetarian. I'm healthier for it, have more energy, less illness and will likely live longer than meat eaters, but I don't "rely" on it.


Reason is, the vegan/vegetarian could choose to eat meat and the meat eater could choose vegan/vegetarian diet.

Get it?

Sorry about the off topic post.

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