we should all work less


Active Member
Jan 26, 2007
the reason we feel we have to work more is to be able to aford things we want
but don't need, and the more we work the more stuff we want to get over it.
the less free time you have the more expensive thing are, the less deals you can take advantage of and you are forced to take the expensive route, working less could save you alot of money.
every one should just work enough to get by, lower the cost of their living
and spend their spare time doing what they want.
Everyone should work as much as they see fit.

we have an industrial based culture, with a strong work ethic, of course some people want to work but I think that is a result of this work ethic, drummed into people.
the reason we feel we have to work more is to be able to aford things we want
but don't need, and the more we work the more stuff we want to get over it.
the less free time you have the more expensive thing are, the less deals you can take advantage of and you are forced to take the expensive route, working less could save you alot of money.
every one should just work enough to get by, lower the cost of their living
and spend their spare time doing what they want.


Or we could let people make their own decisions.
the reason we feel we have to work more is to be able to aford things we want
but don't need, and the more we work the more stuff we want to get over it.
the less free time you have the more expensive thing are, the less deals you can take advantage of and you are forced to take the expensive route, working less could save you alot of money.
every one should just work enough to get by, lower the cost of their living
and spend their spare time doing what they want.


Or we could let people make their own decisions.

people do as their told
the reason we feel we have to work more is to be able to aford things we want
but don't need, and the more we work the more stuff we want to get over it.
the less free time you have the more expensive thing are, the less deals you can take advantage of and you are forced to take the expensive route, working less could save you alot of money.
every one should just work enough to get by, lower the cost of their living
and spend their spare time doing what they want.


Or we could let people make their own decisions.

people do as their told
In that case -- shut up with yer hippie horseshit. :lol:
the reason we feel we have to work more is to be able to aford things we want
but don't need, and the more we work the more stuff we want to get over it.
the less free time you have the more expensive thing are, the less deals you can take advantage of and you are forced to take the expensive route, working less could save you alot of money.
every one should just work enough to get by, lower the cost of their living
and spend their spare time doing what they want.

I wish that could happen, like world peace or a magic money tree. Unfortunantly, those things don't exist, which is why if I want to keep my lights, phone, cable, internet and cell on, I need money thus I have to go to work.

How could working less save me money again? Do you still live at home with mom?

You know, and hear me out on this one, it's crazy, but the more time you spend at work, the more money you make and the less time you have to spend it. Thus building a savings of money in your own pocket! It's hard to believe, I know, but it honestly works.
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Dat's right...

... so's companies would have to hire more people...

... dat'll bring the unemployment rate down.
Dat's right...

... so's companies would have to hire more people...

... dat'll bring the unemployment rate down.

Yes and since your not working as much, your not making as much money, thus everything will become more expensive to you.

Let's say you work 40 hours per week @ $10.00 per hour. You'll gross $400 per week. Depending on your taxes where you live, you might net $330 after taxes. $330 x 4 weeks in a month = $1320. Now You have a car? or paying for one? how many times do you fill up a month? 3? depending on you car (V4-V6-V8) you could easily spend $150 a month. Now, how about Morgtage/Rent? Gas & Electric? Phone (home & cell), cable (Dish or DTV), Internet, insurance (Auto, home, life,health), Food & clothing,Water, trash removal and Property tax (if you own a home). At a $10 /hr. job, you're already in a heap of debt. Now, you're saying that a $10/hr person who most likely works overtime or a 2nd job to make ends meet should work less? You need to realize that $100 is no different than $1,000,000,000 to a person that has $0.

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