We should rid ourselves of redundant Federal Bureaucracies...and use the money more wisely.

President Reagan once created a "blue ribbon" commission to look at the Federal budget and identify wasteful spending that could be eliminated. I think it was called the Grace Commission.

Seeing as how the national debt went up by 180% in his 8 years, I am not really sure Reagan should be our example to follow.

One of the problems with cutting spending is that "we the people" want spending cut, or at least we say we do, but nobody can decide what to cut and they all wail to the heavens if it is something that impacts them.
Ok, so as I said previously…next time you all have the solid majority, don’t balk like you did the last time, make all of those changes you want.

If you feel our military capability is adequate, then by all means, advocate for reduction in budget and to stop building new equipment.
The days of a solid congressional majority are gone. Additionally, the congressional Democrats are just as addicted to defense jobs as the GOP is.

He's still as sharp as an arrow at his ripe old age of 88, with 89 just around the corner. He's putting out relevant and meaningful content every other day or so.

He still does it Live. And always in his own words.

Coherently...logically...meaningfully and exceptionally...

Of course, there's also much to be said for an informed electorate. It's the only way you're ever going to witness relevant, meaningful questions being asked in order to solicit relevant, meaningul responses. Power, as I recall, concedes nothing without a demand.

You won't see any such effort and therefore any such demand in your so-called debate between the establishment faces or the ringmasters ''moderating'' the circus. Heck. You won't even see it a little bit.
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The votes complain, those they elect do nothing about it.

Not unlike you Repubs who complain about illegal immigration yet you beloved party never really does anything about it when in power.

Hmm…seems like both parties suffer from the same disease.
The days of a solid congressional majority are gone. Additionally, the congressional Democrats are just as addicted to defense jobs as the GOP is.
You all had a bullet proof majority under Obama for a time…you could have had it all..but didn’t.

“In 2024, NATO Allies in Europe will invest a combined total of 380 billion US dollars in defence. For the first time, this amounts to 2% of their combined GDP," said Mr Stoltenberg.
Great, “combined” contribution. This means that some are paying more and some are paying less and it all evens out.

As of mid 2023, like 20 member nations were contributing less than the agreed upon 2%

You all had a bullet proof majority under Obama for a time…you could have had it all..but didn’t.
Yeah, what...nearly 20 years ago...

They were able to get Obamacare passed and by the time it got signed, it had been watered down so much it didn’t go as far as it otherwise may have.
There needs to be national standards for education. Fuck that states rights garbage. It didn't work and created Jim Crow, so it is not something we should try to start again.

How are those national standards working out?
Any department that is mirrored by a state level department is redundant and should be dismantled, starting with the Department of Education.

I'm sure once upon a time this agency was established with the best intentions...but now it's time to return these duties and responsibilities back to the States.

We should be using these wasted funds for something NOT redundant. Perhaps a federally funded Innocence Project that reviews the cases of convicted criminals to combat miscarriages of justice like this one...

But money is not unlimited. We need to end redundancy and put part of the savings to better use.
Time and again state level agencies are seen to be not up to the job. Mainly because of the poor quality of political leadership in states. Florida is a good example. Louisiana is another.
Yeah, what...nearly 20 years ago...

They were able to get Obamacare passed and by the time it got signed, it had been watered down so much it didn’t go as far as it otherwise may have.
Whose fault is that? You all had a filibuster proof majority under Obama…you could have done every thing you all wanted. Gun bans, wealth tax, and much more.

So when the dems come around and complain about all these things, and say “we need to pass laws!…”. It’s all just smoke and mirrors because they could have already passed the laws, but they didn’t…I suspect because they get more political capital by blaming repubs for “blocking”

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