We the people are Sovereign! You the citizens are not.

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
We the people are Sovereign! You the citizens are not.:eusa_shhh:

Great little piece on this: Sovereigns Without Subjects

Authored by LB Bork [email protected]

The purpose of this commentary is to clear-up some misconceptions of some people.
There are many people out there in the freedom movement who believe that people (i.e.men) are considered “individually” sovereign or think that they are “sovereigns without subjects”

Whenever I hear people speak about 'sovereignty' I don't know whether to laugh or cry
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That's wonderful disinformation you posted there Dante! :clap2:

If the American people ever wake up to the fact that they ARE sovereign citizens then the Game is over!

See, that's why the Revolutionary War was fought, to get out from under the boot of the King of England, who is the Sovereign!

The Declaration of Independence was written and the Constitution was set up to put power into the hands of the People instead of in the hands of Kings!

Thankfully, due to Gov't controlled Public Education as well as large doses of TV, the American people can't even think straight anymore!

Just look at them and what they think is important:

NCAA Tournament (Semi-Retarded Guys)
Kim Kardashian (Semi-Retarded Girl)
What was stuck up Jody Arias' ass! (Kinky Sex)

Anyway, I applaud your efforts to discourage the American People from ever resisting the takeover. :clap2:
We the people are Sovereign! You the citizens are not.:eusa_shhh:

Great little piece on this: Sovereigns Without Subjects

Authored by LB Bork [email protected]

The purpose of this commentary is to clear-up some misconceptions of some people.
There are many people out there in the freedom movement who believe that people (i.e.men) are considered “individually” sovereign or think that they are “sovereigns without subjects”

Whenever I hear people speak about 'sovereignty' I don't know whether to laugh or cry

You do know that LB Bork is a considered a loon by most mainstream legal type eagles? The foundational belief espoused by LB Bork (who is the People's Awareness Coaltion) is that the 14th amend is unconstitutional. LB makes money by selling documents which somehow convert your citizenship from national to state (or is it vis versa) as a means of avoiding the payment of federal income taxes. I bet you never knew that ...

That is- The Income Tax is voluntary and that that the 16th amendment was not legally ratified.


And if you pay LB $450 you too can avoid paying income taxes for the rest of your life (primarily because after a few years of not paying taxes you will be in prison and not make enough money so as to be required to pay taxes).

His arguments are legally frivolous.... for example this statement is absurd:

The most evident phrase from the sixteenth amendment being that of “without regard to any census or enumeration.” Why? Because everyone is already “within” the venue/jurisdiction of the federal government, their “State Residence” notwithstanding. Everyone is being taxed “internally”.

The reason why that language is in the 16th is because the Constitution sans the 16th provides that taxes shall be apportioned amongst the several states according to their respective numbers to be determined by an enumeration or census taken every 10 years. Article I, Sec 2, Cl 3.

LB Bork is a loon.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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