"We took a broken system & just broke it COMPLETELY"--the VA SYSTEM


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Well now, isn't that reassuring, as we dump another of our WAR WOUNDED (4 NOW, good news--2 WWII generation is dying off so fast they'll 'be out of the way'. I knew they were going to fuck this up worse. I absolutely knew it! I knew Trump couldn't anymore fix this in 13 months Obama before him. I screamed (and posted) in 2004 when are guys were being BLOWN WITH IEDS IN IRAQ with no commensurate VA funding included in BUSH'S WAR BUDGETS!! Goddamn, I knew it.

Doctors and technicians are QUITTING due to stress and fear they will KILL SOMEONE with an utterly 'failed' computer system.

We took a broken system and just broke it completely’

Trump touted a project to make veterans’ health care seamless but some doctors say it’s a disaster.


03/08/2018 05:05 AM EST

The military’s ponderous cybersecurity system was largely to blame, but doctors were frustrated contractors hadn’t figured out a way to work around the problems. | AP Photo

President Donald Trump last year hailed a multibillion-dollar initiative to create a seamless digital health system for active duty military and the VA that he said would deliver “faster, better, and far better quality care.”

But the military’s $4.3 billion Cerner medical record system has utterly failed to achieve those goals at the first hospitals that went online. Instead, technical glitches and poor training have caused dangerous errors and reduced the number of patients who can be treated, according to interviews with more than 25 military and VA health IT specialists and doctors, including six who work at the four Pacific Northwest military medical facilities that rolled out the software over the last year.

Four physicians at Naval Station Bremerton, in the Puget Sound, one of the first hospitals to go online, described an atmosphere so stressful that some clinicians quit because they were terrified they would hurt, or even kill patients. Prescription requests came out wrong at the pharmacy. Physician referrals failed to go through to specialists. Physicians were unsure how to do basic things such as request lab reports....

‘We took a broken system and just broke it completely’


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Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just do away with the VA healthcare system altogether and provide veterans (and their immediate families) access to healthcare facility of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment?
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just do away with the VA healthcare system altogether and provide veterans (and their immediate families) access to healthcare facility of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment?

You won't get an argument here as my own father was in and (died) in that system in 1984. It was fucked up then, it has remained so. I have thought for at least 3 decades it should be integrated into the civilian system, paid for by Champus (or is it TRICARE now?). There are some holes in that by the way (and a couple of biggies) and I totally get that, but IT'S NOT WORKING NOW. We have to do something different.

PS The VETS themselves seem to be the most resistant to that kind of system.
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Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just do away with the VA healthcare system altogether and provide veterans (and their immediate families) access to healthcare facility of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment?

You won't get an argument here as my own father was in and (died) in that system in 1984. It was fucked up then, it has remained so. I have thought for at least 3 decades it should be integrated into the civilian system, paid for by Champus (or is it TRICARE now?). There are some holes in that by the way (and a couple of biggies) and I totally get that, but IT'S NOT WORKING NOW. We have to do something different.

PS The VETS themselves seem to be the most resistant to that kind of system.
Not this Vet.
Well now, isn't that reassuring, as we dump another of our WAR WOUNDED (4 NOW, good news--2 WWII generation is dying off so fast they'll 'be out of the way'. I knew they were going to fuck this up worse. I absolutely knew it! I knew Trump couldn't anymore fix this in 13 months Obama before him. I screamed (and posted) in 2004 when are guys were being BLOWN WITH IEDS IN IRAQ with no commensurate VA funding included in BUSH'S WAR BUDGETS!! Goddamn, I knew it.

Doctors and technicians are QUITTING due to stress and fear they will KILL SOMEONE with an utterly 'failed' computer system.

We took a broken system and just broke it completely’

Trump touted a project to make veterans’ health care seamless but some doctors say it’s a disaster.


03/08/2018 05:05 AM EST

The military’s ponderous cybersecurity system was largely to blame, but doctors were frustrated contractors hadn’t figured out a way to work around the problems. | AP Photo

President Donald Trump last year hailed a multibillion-dollar initiative to create a seamless digital health system for active duty military and the VA that he said would deliver “faster, better, and far better quality care.”

But the military’s $4.3 billion Cerner medical record system has utterly failed to achieve those goals at the first hospitals that went online. Instead, technical glitches and poor training have caused dangerous errors and reduced the number of patients who can be treated, according to interviews with more than 25 military and VA health IT specialists and doctors, including six who work at the four Pacific Northwest military medical facilities that rolled out the software over the last year.

Four physicians at Naval Station Bremerton, in the Puget Sound, one of the first hospitals to go online, described an atmosphere so stressful that some clinicians quit because they were terrified they would hurt, or even kill patients. Prescription requests came out wrong at the pharmacy. Physician referrals failed to go through to specialists. Physicians were unsure how to do basic things such as request lab reports....

‘We took a broken system and just broke it completely’

Government run health care.

Not even Trump can fix it.

We have all heard of horror stories about those in Vietnam being thrown to the wolves with Agent Orange and the government not wanting to pick up the medical tab.

Problem is, this has never changed.

I personally know a boy who went into the military and had health problems. They then performed a surgery that he did not need, and he got worse. Then when they saw he was damaged goods they gradually pushed him out of the service and denied him health coverage. He died a few years later.

He tried to fight the whole affair legally but a Jag lawyer just laughed at him and said this was an epidemic in the military. He wrote his Congressmen and not a peep.
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just do away with the VA healthcare system altogether and provide veterans (and their immediate families) access to healthcare facility of their choosing with the bills being sent to the VA for payment?

You won't get an argument here as my own father was in and (died) in that system in 1984. It was fucked up then, it has remained so. I have thought for at least 3 decades it should be integrated into the civilian system, paid for by Champus (or is it TRICARE now?). There are some holes in that by the way (and a couple of biggies) and I totally get that, but IT'S NOT WORKING NOW. We have to do something different.

PS The VETS themselves seem to be the most resistant to that kind of system.
Not this Vet.
I don't get it either. I've got a 30yr. Navy MSTR chief friend--his face gets red when I've mentioned it. I don't know why. Especially since we are in a 'healthcare' mecca in this part of Florida. I have no idea why he is so resistant. But he is not the only one.
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