We want free food, free healthcare, free college for us and Mexico and we want $3T in CV relief...WTF Dems?


Nice chart. One thing to note however is that if we do away with Social Security while that would reduce spending by $1 trillion, it would also reduce government revenues by a trillion with elimination of its payroll tax and income taxes on its paid benefits.

Relax, I’ve never known a single conservative who wanted to “do away with Social Security”. Not one, that’s Mexicrat driven folklore.

Nice chart. One thing to note however is that if we do away with Social Security while that would reduce spending by $1 trillion, it would also reduce government revenues by a trillion with elimination of its payroll tax and income taxes on its paid benefits.

Relax, I’ve never known a single conservative who wanted to “do away with Social Security”. Not one, that’s Mexicrat driven folklore.

Not so much that, it's more that I like math. Knowing that Social Security pays for itself until something like 2034, I wanted to see what percent did mandatory spending represent if Social Security was taken out. I am pretty sure I came up with 48%. Likewise based on a tread last week on the census and congressional apportionment, I put together an Excel spreadsheet in which I was able to match how the number of seats for each state was calculated, just because I enjoy math puzzles. 9th grade algebra was strictly fun and games to me.


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