We will never convince the deniers.

What political power does anyone gain by initiating some form of tax to coerce people away from fossil fuels.
The sheer ignorance of this statement -both economic and political- is breathtaking.

Then you'll have no difficulty explaining.

What economic control does anyone gain by moving to reduce GHG emissions?
You exhale these alleged GHGs, Dudley....I'd say "think about that" but it would be making a leap I don't believe can be made.

Again, I have to assume you can explain. And I guess I will have to explain to you that your automobile and local power plant "exhale" a great deal more than do you.

The income redistribution advocated by some liberals would not send money to people that own large companies. That's YOUR aim and that of YOUR president.
I'm also against that, and he's YOUR president too....Any more foolhardy strawman arguments you want to trot out?

I am directly addressing claims that YOU made. If you believe them to be strawmen, they are of your invention.
So, I will have to assume that you are unable to explain your off-the-wall comments because you don't know how.
So, I will have to assume that you are unable to explain your off-the-wall comments because you don't know how.

You are the dumb ass that believes oil is a fossil fuel. You are the idiot that doesn't know that the very ones perpetuating this fraud OWN big oil, the central banks and will profit from the carbon taxes. You are one of the sheeple for sure.
On energy, it has had zero impact on public policy makers all over the world. It means that to date, climate change is nothing more than a hobby to debate about on community message
Again you lie. The government of NZ has refused to issue survey permits for fossil fuels. This is an impact AGW has had on public policy makers. You can't abandon your lies, can you, even when shown they are wrong? Oh well, deniers gotta deny, it's what they do. After all, they can't be convinced by anything, particularly facts.
There is no evidence of any concern in the public to take the science seriously.......none.
Then there is the govt. of NZ, which has refused to issue fossil fuel survey permits. It's taking the science seriously. That is evidence of concern, you are wrong, again.
If it were so important, the President would have mentioned it out of purely political reasons if only to appease people.
He didn't mention it in order to appease people because it is so important. People like donors and his base.
On energy, it has had zero impact on public policy makers all over the world. It means that to date, climate change is nothing more than a hobby to debate about on community message
Again you lie. The government of NZ has refused to issue survey permits for fossil fuels. This is an impact AGW has had on public policy makers. You can't abandon your lies, can you, even when shown they are wrong? Oh well, deniers gotta deny, it's what they do. After all, they can't be convinced by anything, particularly facts.

This "global warming" bullshit to bring about global governance was the result of a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" and brought about the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "sustainable development" and "Limits To Growth" spew that led to the Rio conference in 1992 and Agenda 21. You are a gullible, puppy kicking moron.
This "global warming" bullshit to bring about global governance was the result of a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" and brought about the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "sustainable development" and "Limits To Growth" spew that led to the Rio conference in 1992 and Agenda 21.
Interesting timing, puppy.


The original northern hemisphere hockey stick graph of Mann, Bradley & Hughes 1999
Hockey stick controversy - Wikipedia

You are a gullible, puppy kicking moron.
This "global warming" bullshit to bring about global governance was the result of a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" and brought about the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "sustainable development" and "Limits To Growth" spew that led to the Rio conference in 1992 and Agenda 21.
Interesting timing, puppy.


The original northern hemisphere hockey stick graph of Mann, Bradley & Hughes 1999
Hockey stick controversy - Wikipedia

You are a gullible, puppy kicking moron.
This "global warming" bullshit to bring about global governance was the result of a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" and brought about the formation of the Club Of Rome and their "sustainable development" and "Limits To Growth" spew that led to the Rio conference in 1992 and Agenda 21.
Interesting timing, puppy.


The original northern hemisphere hockey stick graph of Mann, Bradley & Hughes 1999
Hockey stick controversy - Wikipedia

You are a gullible, puppy kicking moron.

Lol....s0n....where did you get that graph? A Cracker Jack's box?:auiqs.jpg:Even the nuttiest of the climate crusaders in here dont use a graph with that level of st00pid.:113:
Wait. Why are we still discussing this? Why are the MMGW religion fanatics still participating? I thought the Science was SETTLED, and the Debate was OVER.

Boy, I am glad the Wright Brothers listened to the popular belief of the day that if Man could fly he'd have wings. That Science was Settled also. Yes, glad they gave up so I didn't waste all my money on aviation, and flying a plane.
Are you suggesting that was the opinion of mainstream science at the time?
We will never convince the deniers. Giant world wide conspiracy theories are fun and exciting to think about. Slowly changing climates, where the action happens over years or even decades, just can't compete with that for entertainment value.
Then there is the feeling of belonging these socially handicapped tRumpkins get from high-fiving each other every time they think they've scored some sort of point. For instance the 2 dozen or so threads that were started about the polar vortex disruptions last week.

And finally there's the way these things are presented to them, as if they are some kinda privileged information that only a chosen few get to know. It makes them feel (falsely) superior to everyone else, even if only for a few minutes, and that can be a powerful thing if you suffer from low self esteem like the vast majority of these nut-bars do.

You guys go about it the wrong way. Respectfully speaking.
Are you suggesting that was the opinion of mainstream science at the time?

Are you suggesting that mainstream science at some point was certain that manned flight was not possible, and that at one time that science was also settled?

How about the Earth being flat? Wasn't that science settled also?

And that the planets, and sun revolved around the Earth? Settled science? Yep.

In fact people were burnt at the stake for "Settled Science" that later was prove FALSE. So you see when you say the Science is Settled, and the Debate is Over you are obvious in your fear of further discussion because it could reveal the fallacy of your failed MMGW RELIGION.

Little advice. Get a life. Believing in MMGW won't fulfill your importance as a human being. You aren't special. Get over it.
Are you suggesting that was the opinion of mainstream science at the time?

Are you suggesting that mainstream science at some point was certain that manned flight was not possible, and that at one time that science was also settled?

How about the Earth being flat? Wasn't that science settled also?

And that the planets, and sun revolved around the Earth? Settled science? Yep.

In fact people were burnt at the stake for "Settled Science" that later was prove FALSE. So you see when you say the Science is Settled, and the Debate is Over you are obvious in your fear of further discussion because it could reveal the fallacy of your failed MMGW RELIGION.

Little advice. Get a life. Believing in MMGW won't fulfill your importance as a human being. You aren't special. Get over it.
The examples you mentioned were things that were found out by science thru innovation...

What deniers advocate is that there is no innovation if that innovation involves alternative sources of energy -- because they feel the fact that we will always have fossil fuels forever is settled science
There is no evidence of any concern in the public to take the science seriously.......none.
Then there is the govt. of NZ, which has refused to issue fossil fuel survey permits. It's taking the science seriously. That is evidence of concern, you are wrong, again.
Ooooo....A small island with the population of South Carolina is reeeeeealy going to put a dent in worldwide CO2 emissions.

Got-dammit you warmers are hilarious!...:auiqs.jpg:

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