We will never convince the deniers.

Then why post?
To compliment deniers' good work in confirming the OP. It's the least we can do.

Skeptics are asking for evidence..once again..you guys don't seem to be able to produce any that supports the claims...what you don't seem to realize is that when prompted for actual evidence to support your beliefs, you are constantly found wanting...and somehow in your shallow mind, that equals victory for your side? What sort of mental masturbation is required to reach that conclusion,
So, why waste your time in endless attempts to persuade when you clearly believe it's pointless.
It's more a matter of pointing fingers and laughing. Give us a break.

Sorry guy..those who can't produce actual evidence to support their beliefs are the ones being laughed at...very shortsighted on your part..
At what rate is temperature change "catastrophic"? Has temperature changed catastrophically before? Prior to Man, or Man's industrialization?
At what rate is temperature change "catastrophic"? Has temperature changed catastrophically before? Prior to Man, or Man's industrialization?
As I just proved, they don't know and don't care...They supposedly have real, hard and fast numbers (y'know "settled science") to prove their case, but have nothing when you ask what comes next...They're all about the political power...Period, full stop.

The temperature change you see from the far left to the middle is a typical, natural warming post glacial warming cycle. This diagram is Marocotte and Shakun's work on the Holocene with Hadley and then a model running the A1B scenario tacked on at the right. Thus, that vertical stripe you see at the far right shows the rate at which temperature has been increasing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

The former is acceptable. The latter is not.

The temperature change you see from the far left to the middle is a typical, natural warming post glacial warming cycle. This diagram is Marocotte and Shakun's work on the Holocene with Hadley and then a model running the A1B scenario tacked on at the right. Thus, that vertical stripe you see at the far right shows the rate at which temperature has been increasing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

The former is acceptable. The latter is not.
Doesn't prove causality and Hadley has shown that they'll deliberately use faked numbers.

Who said anything about causality? You asked me what was an acceptable rate of change and what was an unacceptable rate of change. I provided you examples of both in a single graphic.

I have no idea as to what your Hadley comment refers.
As I've already said, none of us have the power to stop you. If you want to waste your time, have fun.

Again, what is a wasted to you may not be a waste to others. You, like most liberal/progressive think you know it all. Well MMGW is a hoax, and scam, and less, and less people believe in it every day. And that IS a FACT.

If it were so important, the President would have mentioned it out of purely political reasons if for only to appease people. NOT on most people radar screen AT ALL. Totally irrelevant no matter how much the Left pushes the scam.

I suggest you read Public opinion on global warming - Wikipedia. The number of people who accept AGW as valid and believe it a threat that needs to be dealt with is growing, not shrinking. The number of scientists who accept it has grown very close to 100%

And this...….

The survey results also suggest that the amount that people are willing to pay monthly varies. Fifty-seven percent are willing to pay at least $1 per month. The share declines with the monthly cost: 23 percent would pay at least $40 monthly, and 16 percent would pay at least $100 each month. However, the fact that 43 percent are unwilling to pay anything underscores the polarization about climate change. Party identification and acceptance of climate change are the main correlates of whether people are willing to pay, with Democrats being consistently more inclined to pay a fee.

New Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Are More Convinced Than They Were Five Years Ago That Climate Change Is Happening, With Extreme Weather Driving Their Views | Energy Policy Institute at University of Chicago
We will never convince the deniers. Giant world wide conspiracy theories are fun and exciting to think about. Slowly changing climates, where the action happens over years or even decades, just can't compete with that for entertainment value.
Then there is the feeling of belonging these socially handicapped tRumpkins get from high-fiving each other every time they think they've scored some sort of point. For instance the 2 dozen or so threads that were started about the polar vortex disruptions last week.

And finally there's the way these things are presented to them, as if they are some kinda privileged information that only a chosen few get to know. It makes them feel (falsely) superior to everyone else, even if only for a few minutes, and that can be a powerful thing if you suffer from low self esteem like the vast majority of these nut-bars do.
Do you know what an interglacial cycle is, Einstein?
I want you folks who are proving my point over and over to know i appreciate your help.

Keep up the good work!!
Is your point that you don’t know anything and you can intelligently discuss even less?
We will never convince the deniers. Giant world wide conspiracy theories are fun and exciting to think about. Slowly changing climates, where the action happens over years or even decades, just can't compete with that for entertainment value.
Then there is the feeling of belonging these socially handicapped tRumpkins get from high-fiving each other every time they think they've scored some sort of point. For instance the 2 dozen or so threads that were started about the polar vortex disruptions last week.

And finally there's the way these things are presented to them, as if they are some kinda privileged information that only a chosen few get to know. It makes them feel (falsely) superior to everyone else, even if only for a few minutes, and that can be a powerful thing if you suffer from low self esteem like the vast majority of these nut-bars do.
Do you know what an interglacial cycle is, Einstein?
Absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
We will never convince the deniers. Giant world wide conspiracy theories are fun and exciting to think about. Slowly changing climates, where the action happens over years or even decades, just can't compete with that for entertainment value.
Then there is the feeling of belonging these socially handicapped tRumpkins get from high-fiving each other every time they think they've scored some sort of point. For instance the 2 dozen or so threads that were started about the polar vortex disruptions last week.

And finally there's the way these things are presented to them, as if they are some kinda privileged information that only a chosen few get to know. It makes them feel (falsely) superior to everyone else, even if only for a few minutes, and that can be a powerful thing if you suffer from low self esteem like the vast majority of these nut-bars do.
Do you know what an interglacial cycle is, Einstein?
Absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
But it does. Interglacial and glacial cycles are literally climate changes. So do you know what an interglacial cycle is?
I think the whole Global Warming thing is a stalking horse plot to get people in the white, wealthy countries to worry about an unsustainable planet. Because it is ---- not because of Global Warming, of course, which is a fraud, but because of the rapidly growing overpopulation.

But they can't talk about overpopulation, because it's all brown, black, and yellow doing that. Whites are a declining race population. And it sounds bad for whites to tell the others not to reproduce.....real bad. They wouldn't pay any attention, anyway.

"Climate Change" is supposed to lead into curbing population worldwide, I think, in case it ever becomes possible. Just my opinion. I don't have a lot of conspiracy theories, but this is my favorite.
Is your avatar not a Harpy? Wikipedia shows this under Circe:


As to your other comments, why couldn't we have both overpopulation and global warming simultaneously? And, certainly, an increasing population is going to increase the consumption of fossil fuels.
As I just proved, they don't know and don't care...They supposedly have real, hard and fast numbers (y'know "settled science") to prove their case, but have nothing when you ask what comes next...They're all about the political power...Period, full stop.

Political power, control of the economy, and wealth, and income redistribution to their CRONIES like the Solyndras of the world.
What political power does anyone gain by initiating some form of tax to coerce people away from fossil fuels.

What economic control does anyone gain by moving to reduce GHG emissions?

The income redistribution advocated by some liberals would not send money to people that own large companies. That's YOUR aim and that of YOUR president.
What political power does anyone gain by initiating some form of tax to coerce people away from fossil fuels.
The sheer ignorance of this statement -both economic and political- is breathtaking.

What economic control does anyone gain by moving to reduce GHG emissions?
You exhale these alleged GHGs, Dudley....I'd say "think about that" but it would be making a leap I don't believe can be made.

The income redistribution advocated by some liberals would not send money to people that own large companies. That's YOUR aim and that of YOUR president.
I'm also against that, and he's YOUR president too....Any more foolhardy strawman arguments you want to trot out?
GHG emissions in Europe and America have been declining for the past 14 years or so while the rest of the world’s GHG emissions have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year for the past 14 years or so.

How again are we the problem?

Our emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace them in 5 short years. Let that sink in.
What political power does anyone gain by initiating some form of tax to coerce people away from fossil fuels.

What economic control does anyone gain by moving to reduce GHG emissions?

The income redistribution advocated by some liberals would not send money to people that own large companies. That's YOUR aim and that of YOUR president.

What political power does anyone gain by initiating some form of tax to coerce people away from fossil fuels.

Trillions of dollars of new revenue...what political power does that give?

The income redistribution advocated by some liberals would not send money to people that own large companies.

GE, Exxon and BP were getting some of those green dollars Obama was throwing around. Tesla too.

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