Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

You've tried to argue, repeatedly, that a human being is not a person, unless he is legally-recognized as such. You make this argument in defense of the murder of thousands of innocent human beings every day, who you refuse to acknowledge as human beings.

Um, yeah, guy, your religious beliefs don't trump science. A fetus can't live outside the woman it is in. Therefore, not human.

(Wait, I said "Science", waiting for the whine about Bruce Jenner!)

Even when abortion was against the law, people were not charged with murder for performing them.

My position is based on practicality- If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant. The only question is, does she get a safe procedure done by a professional, or a back-ally procedure where she ends up getting maimed.

Less abortions is a laudable goal, but if you aren't willing to support policies to get there, you are just blowing smoke. The policies that get you there are paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education, availability of contraception- all things YOUR side opposes.

It's interesting to juxtapose that logic with your logic here, of calling people criminals who have not only not been legally convicted of any crimes, but have been vindicated by due process of law, as being innocent of those alleged crimes. And further interesting to juxtapose that with your relentless defense of actual criminals, taking their side, always, against human beings.

Maybe I don't need a court to tell me when something is wrong.
I saw the tapes of Rittenhouse gunning people down. I don't need a court to tell me that's what he did.

On the other hand, I just can't get worked up that some poor black kid stole a bag of chips.

About the only consistency that can be found in any or all of your positions, is that you always take the side of criminals against the side of human beings, you always take the side of evil against that of good, and you always take the side of madness against the side of reason. You do not appear to have any concern, or even awareness, of how you twist logic one way to do so in one case, and then twist it in a completely different way, irreconcilable with how you previously twisted it, to take such a side in another case.

Religious fanaticism isn't "reason", guy.

Good and Evil are subjective. To my mind. Racism is evil. Wealth inequality is evil. The fact that the richest country in the world allows children to go to bed hungry at night is evil. These are things that just don't bother you, because you define "Good" as groveling in front on an imaginary sky man.
(Wait, I said "Science", waiting for the whine about Bruce Jenner!)

Don't need to.

You admit to believing in “transgenderism”, which absolutely proves that you have no standing whatsoever to make any claim to science.

It's not whining; it's pointing out an absolute, undeniabel fact. To give any credence to “transgenderism” is to deny and repudiate science, and to forfeit any claim thereto.

That, along with your denial of God, also proves that you have no claim to reason or sanity.

A sane person understands the difference between men and women, and why this difference matters. That you do not proves that you are…

Never used the word "conviction".

Trump committed many crimes. That our system is largely unable to hold Criminal Presidents to account is a failure of our system, but that failure has been there since Nixon.

Rittenhouse murdered two people. Two people who were unarmed. That's a crime. That the civil servants in Kenosha got outlawyered isn't anything to be happy about.

No, I'm not offended by her. Heck, anyone who can scam stupid white people out of their money has my respect.
Just realize that is all she is doing. She goes out, tells you what you want to hear so you can feel better about your racism, and walks away with a lot of money.
You insist, with certainty, that Trump has committed lots of crimes. Yet, you can't identify a conviction for any crime. That your feelings are hurt because you have an emotional attachment to Trump is something only you can deal with. I should advise that the justice system is not modeled on "how can we assuage the tender sensibilities of the self-hating".

I think you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that our system actully is able to hold Criminal Presidents to account. The Biden crime family will be held accountable.

Rittenhouse did not murder two people. See. outside of your nonsense claims, the justice system has specific terms, definitions and conditions required to convict someone of murder.

Provide a source that identifies the conviction for murder leveled against Rittenhouse. You cannot. So why make fraudulent claims?

You have an obsessive hate complex with C. Owens. She is the uppity black woman that doesn't know her place in the Party of Slavery social order. How difficulties must be for you. Blacks were expected to be quiet and submissive to the Party of slavery and now that contingent is straying. You need to break out your white robs and pointy hoods to get them' there black folks in line.
Rittenhouse did not murder two people. See. outside of your nonsense claims, the justice system has specific terms, definitions and conditions required to convict someone of murder.

Incel Joe is upset that two subhuman pieces of criminal shit were exterminated, and he's pissed off that the man who did it isn't being treated a a criminal.

If those two pieces of subhuman criminal shit had survived, do you think that Incel Joe would have been as upset over the additional crimes that they would have gone on to commit? Do you think that it's as upset over the crime that those two pieces of filth had previously committed, before they were finally put down?

Of course not. Incel Joe loves subhuman criminal shit, as much as it hates actual human beings.
Don't need to.

You admit to believing in “transgenderism”, which absolutely proves that you have no standing whatsoever to make any claim to science.

It's not whining; it's pointing out an absolute, undeniabel fact. To give any credence to “transgenderism” is to deny and repudiate science, and to forfeit any claim thereto.

Guy, you can go on all day, but scientists recognize Gender Dysphoria as a legitimate medical condition requiring treatment.

is upset that two subhuman pieces of criminal shit were exterminated, and he's pissed off that the man who did it isn't being treated a a criminal.

So if I think Mormons are subhuman pieces of shit, is it okay if I murder them?


"Hi, would you like to hear another testement of Jesus Christ?"


Hey, you guys have a point about shotguns... they can be useful.
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You insist, with certainty, that Trump has committed lots of crimes. Yet, you can't identify a conviction for any crime.

He's under investigation for criminal acts in four states. If he was anyone OTHER than Trump, he'd be in prison right now.
He's under investigation for criminal acts in four states. If he was anyone OTHER than Trump, he'd be in prison right now.
He's under investigation as a part of the continued hysteria that grips leftists.

Scream if out... you know you want to: Russia collusion!

It's a national embarrassment that the dems can't get Trump out their psyche. Trump haunts your world. We see it in these threads. You literally spend your every waking moment with an unhealthy obsession with Trump.

If Trump was not the national focus of leftists, the left wouldn't be quite as much of a national joke.
Guy, you can go on all day, but scientists recognize Gender Dysphoria as a legitimate medical condition requiring treatment.

So if I think Mormons are subhuman pieces of shit, is it okay if I murder them?

View attachment 729509

"Hi, would you like to hear another testement of Jesus Christ?"


Hey, you guys have a point about shotguns... they can be useful.
So you think it can be "treated", therefore admitting that it's a disorder that needs treatment and not instead empowered with lie's and mutilation. Well good for you.
He's under investigation as a part of the continued hysteria that grips leftists.

Scream if out... you know you want to: Russia collusion!

It's a national embarrassment that the dems can't get Trump out their psyche. Trump haunts your world. We see it in these threads. You literally spend your every waking moment with an unhealthy obsession with Trump.

If Trump was not the national focus of leftists, the left wouldn't be quite as much of a national joke.
And now another billionaire has been added to their nightmare's - Elon Musk.
So you think it can be "treated", therefore admitting that it's a disorder that needs treatment and not instead empowered with lie's and mutilation. Well good for you.

Okay, let's look at that claim. We treat cleft palettes all the time. I had bunionectomies on both of my feet. Every year, millions of Americans undergo breast augmentations, hair transplants, liposuctions, plastic surgeries, face lifts, etc. Some of these things are medically necessary, but the majority of these "mutilations" as you say, are for cosmetic reasons.

The one that is most shocking to me is double blepharoplasties performed on Asian people (usually women) so they look less Asian.


So your complaints about "Mutilation" are more about your insecurities.

And now another billionaire has been added to their nightmare's - Elon Musk.

Well, let's look at that. Musk took a form of communication millions of people rely upon and really messed it up for a lot of people.
Okay, let's look at that claim. We treat cleft palettes all the time. I had bunionectomies on both of my feet. Every year, millions of Americans undergo breast augmentations, hair transplants, liposuctions, plastic surgeries, face lifts, etc. Some of these things are medically necessary, but the majority of these "mutilations" as you say, are for cosmetic reasons.

The one that is most shocking to me is double blepharoplasties performed on Asian people (usually women) so they look less Asian.

View attachment 731438

So your complaints about "Mutilation" are more about your insecurities.

Well, let's look at that. Musk took a form of communication millions of people rely upon and really messed it up for a lot of people.
LOL... So you think that treatment's are only in regards to physical appearances, and therefore no mental treatment's are to be applied as well ??? Nice deflection with your run on bull crap that suggest everything is somehow pertaining to one's appearance and not their mental state.

Musk hasn't destroyed anything, he is restoring the damage done after running the real destroyer's out of it. Anymore of your lame brained attempts to just flap those jaws without thinking it all the way out first ??
LOL... So you think that treatment's are only in regards to physical appearances, and therefore no mental treatment's are to be applied as well ??? Nice deflection with your run on bull crap that suggest everything is somehow pertaining to one's appearance and not their mental state.

Their mental state is that their brains work differently than cisgendered people.

Gender Confirmation Surgery just confirms the gender. Makes more sense than some Asian chick who gets her eyes rounded, dyes her hair and gets a boob job so she can look white.

Musk hasn't destroyed anything, he is restoring the damage done after running the real destroyer's out of it. Anymore of your lame brained attempts to just flap those jaws without thinking it all the way out first ??

More than half of his staff has quit or been fired.
Advertisers are leaving Twitter in Droves.
The FCC and FEC are already investigating his management of Twitter,
The site is now flooded with Nazis and fake accounts with blue checks.

Their mental state is that their brains work differently than cisgendered people.

Gender Confirmation Surgery just confirms the gender. Makes more sense than some Asian chick who gets her eyes rounded, dyes her hair and gets a boob job so she can look white.

More than half of his staff has quit or been fired.
Advertisers are leaving Twitter in Droves.
The FCC and FEC are already investigating his management of Twitter,
The site is now flooded with Nazis and fake accounts with blue checks.

View attachment 731441
Your hopes and dreams, but we'll see how it all shakes out, but in the meantime just keep hope for your utopia alive, but remember things that are built on a swamp do eventually sink. Just go ask your drowning buddies on the left who once worked at the twit.
Okay, let's look at that claim. We treat cleft palettes all the time. I had bunionectomies on both of my feet. Every year, millions of Americans undergo breast augmentations, hair transplants, liposuctions, plastic surgeries, face lifts, etc. Some of these things are medically necessary, but the majority of these "mutilations" as you say, are for cosmetic reasons.

The one that is most shocking to me is double blepharoplasties performed on Asian people (usually women) so they look less Asian.


So your complaints about "Mutilation" are more about your insecurities.

Do you understand that there is a big difference between a surgery that corrects a harmful injury or defect, or even has only a cosmetic effect; and one which actively destroys healthy organs and systems without producing any actual benefit?

Well, let's look at that. Musk took a form of communication millions of people rely upon and really messed it up for a lot of people.

Anyone who relies that heavily on a medium like Shitter has serious problems with his life. Especially anyone who depends on Shitter, with heavy censorship of opposing views, to the degree that he thinks that easing up that censorship “ruins” the medium.

For my part, I've never had a Shitter account, and do not anticipate ever having one. Shitter could shut down and go out of business, and there'd be no significant effect on me.
Here is a video looking at shotguns and how they are used...notice the very first shotgun was a weapon used in World War 1 and is still in use today by the militaries around the world......so, if the anti-gunners tell us we can't have "weapons of war," then by that logic pump action shotguns are on their list to be banned and confiscated.......

Home defence? Where? In Ukraine?
Their mental state is that their brains work differently than cisgendered people.

Of course they do.

The same is true of all mental illnesses. That is what makes them mentally ill.

By the way, bullshit terms such as “cisgender” do not mean anything to sane people; only to those who are severely fucked-up in the head, as you are. Sane people are clear on the distinction between male and female, and have no use for some bullshit suffix to distinguish genuine instances of such from the insane delusions of those who are mad.
Gender Confirmation Surgery just confirms the gender.

It does no such thing.

A man is still a man, and not a woman, no matter how much “Gender Confirmation Surgery” he has, or what other quasi-medical Frankensteinery he has done to him. He's a ruined, mutilated form of a man, but he's still a man. His sex has not been changed. His gender has not been changed. All that has changed is that along with having his mind severely fucked up, now his body is irreversibly fucked up as well.
What kind of idiot needs to use a shotgun for home defense.

A shotgun can be an excellent home defense weapon. If you simply load a pump shotgun, the distinctive noise may convince an intruder to leave.

With a shotgun it is wise to stay in one room and not play Wyatt Earp by clearing your house. Shotguns have long barrels that the bad guy can grab to wrestle the shotgun away from you. I house clear with a snub nosed revolver In my pants pocket with my hand on it. Much harder to grab when I pull it. If I run across someone who has the right be be in the home, they don’t know I am armed.

Just lock your bedroom door, get beside your bed and point the loaded shotgun at the door. If the intruder breaks your bedroom door down, you will be able to see he has no reason to be inside your home before you pull the trigger on the shotgun and blow him away.

Be aware the cleanup may be messy.

In passing, house clearing is not really a great idea. If you think someone is in your house call the police on your cell phone. Stay in your locked bedroom.

Okay, let's look at that claim. We treat cleft palettes all the time. I had bunionectomies on both of my feet. Every year, millions of Americans undergo breast augmentations, hair transplants, liposuctions, plastic surgeries, face lifts, etc. Some of these things are medically necessary, but the majority of these "mutilations" as you say, are for cosmetic reasons.

The one that is most shocking to me is double blepharoplasties performed on Asian people (usually women) so they look less Asian.

View attachment 731438

So your complaints about "Mutilation" are more about your insecurities.

Well, let's look at that. Musk took a form of communication millions of people rely upon and really messed it up for a lot of people.
Umm, yeah. Grownups making decisions about their lives - sounds like a whole lot of “who asked for your approval”.

On the other hand, It will strike groomers and the woke as necessary to coerce children into body mutilating surgeries and various drug / hormone therapy which will have irreversible, long term health consequences.

We’re beginning to see people come forward who, as pre-teens, were ushered by groomers into undergoing mutilating surgeries and drug treatments in large part by coercive, queer and gender confused teachers, leftist ideology and profits for woke, leftist hospital administrators.


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