Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

Okay. So? It wasn't like Buddhists were rushing to Afghanistan to visit them, even before the Taliban took power. They were kind of like that painting in Granny's attic that got thrown out and no one realized it was from a master. They only became a "big deal" when the Taliban announced they were going to destroy them.

Now, I worry more about the hundreds of thousands of actual PEOPLE the Taliban killed (including 3000 Americans on September 11th). I realize the only reason why there IS a Taliban is because Ronald Reagan had the brilliant idea 'Hey, let's arm some religious crazies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because those dirty commies are teaching girls how to read."

I agree. But things are less important than people. If you want to have nice things, you need to have a nice society.

Again, I ask the same question whenever a thug cop shoots an unarmed black teen.

Um, yeah, most of what you build wouldn't happen without government subsidies and supports, buddy. You know, the government that you hate so much.

Uh, guy, I accomplished more for this country by the time I was 30, serving in the armed forces, than you ever will.
Everything else I've done is just gravy, but it mostly involved working in manufacturing and keeping lines running properly.
Then I have my side business, where I have helped thousands of people find better jobs an improve their lives.

And I think the racism in this country WILL eventually destroy it. We stupid-ass white people are going to be in the minority at some point. You and I will probably be dead by then, but history shows that when an economically oppressed minority comes to power, with their grievances intact, it's never a good thing.
Your rhetoric is constantly inciting, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. The black teens you refer to in many cases were misidentified by officer's in which thought that their own live's were in danger, and in many cases it was because certain circumstances were involved that caused a misinterpretation of what was going on when the officer's arrived on the scene.

Here's a tip, how about being at home instead of roaming the streets trying to play like one's favorite gangster heroes or mimicking what they do, and then officer's as well as the public who called them to might not misunderstand what's going on when the event's on the streets take place.

Most officer's are called to the scene by the public, and in some cases it becomes a trap that officer's stumble into because the information is blurred, and information is flowing super fast.
Comedy? Fantasy? You people are asleep !
You already have given up that right. All that's left is forcing you to turn them in and that is certain.
You will GLADLY turn them in when faced with loss of all your pensions, homes, savings etc
Oh, you're going to fight them when they come to your home? rofl. Right. Your 22 vs their armored vehicles and teams of .50 cal full autos.
Denial is not a winning strategy. Neither is blind fantasy.

Feds now have comprehensive lists of all gun purchasers and owners. YOU accepted that.
If you EVER joined ANY gun forum discussion, they know. Utah Citizen Information Data Collection Center.
Every phone call, every email, every text captured and analyzed.
>>> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/14/nsa-utah-data-facility <<<
Red Flag Laws are nearly nationwide with new, better gun grabbing laws in process every day
Your medical records are being used to take your guns
Door to door confiscations are real and happening now
Some states are actively and openly ignoring Supreme Court decisions regarding 2A rights.
Trump himself said "Take the guns first, worry about due process later"
Will the McCauley Caulkin faces your neighbors make as they line you up and take them going to save you?

"we the people aren't going to give up that right ever" :auiqs.jpg:

"We The People" already have and will never do shit about it. There's the sad reality and they know it. You soon will too. Keep doing nothing.
But if denial makes you feel better then by all means.

Yeah, reality sucks but someone has to tell it like it is.
We'll just like it was during COVID-19, you had state's that went crazy with the lock downs and etc, but then you had state's that said oh hell no we ain't following these woke government run state's into bankruptcy and devastation by locking down because their government wanted everyone to comply equally, you know just so the snowflake's won't feel all stupid and stuff. Well thank God for state's rights, and state sovereignty against a federal government gone tyrannical. We'll see how it all shakes out, but it's not as bad as you think, but of course I could be wrong.
Really? Do you know how many cops were killed by suspects using their bare hands last year? 6! By comparison, 468 died of Covid, (You know, the thing Mormon Bob keeps telling us is a hoax), 62 by gunfire because the NRA has flooded our streets with guns, and 24 in traffic accidents. The notion that they had to choke Geo. Floyd to death because he was on drugs and might beat them to death because he was a scary black man is ridiculous.

Um you have it in reverse. The reason why the police are considered the enemy is because cops treat them like they are the enemy. It's not because of "non-compliance", it often because you pulled that person over for frivolous reasons to start with.

Uh, let's get real. More cops are killed in accidents than are killed by felons. At most 80 cops a year are shot, stabbed or run over by suspects. 1000 suspects are shot or killed by police. "I had to shoot that kid with the toy because I was really scared" doesn't fucking fly with me.. or most people at this point.

Retrain the cops to be better and purge the bad apples. Period.

Nope. What you have in most of these incidents are cops with long histories of bad behavior, who weren't fired when they should have been.

Yes, most of these cops were called to the scene by Karens who saw the scary black man.

I do worry about it. It's why I want to ban gun proliferation and allow the victims of violence to sue gun sellers for selling to the wrong people.

You'd be amazed how fast the gun violence cleans up after that.
Black Karen's who saw the scary black man ????? ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
You are one dunce trying to act all smart if there ever was one.

Most of these events happen in majority black communities (i.e. the hoods) or whatever they are called by the black gang's.

Your white leftism is showing.. lol
Really? Do you know how many cops were killed by suspects using their bare hands last year? 6! By comparison, 468 died of Covid, (You know, the thing Mormon Bob keeps telling us is a hoax), 62 by gunfire because the NRA has flooded our streets with guns, and 24 in traffic accidents. The notion that they had to choke Geo. Floyd to death because he was on drugs and might beat them to death because he was a scary black man is ridiculous.

Um you have it in reverse. The reason why the police are considered the enemy is because cops treat them like they are the enemy. It's not because of "non-compliance", it often because you pulled that person over for frivolous reasons to start with.

Uh, let's get real. More cops are killed in accidents than are killed by felons. At most 80 cops a year are shot, stabbed or run over by suspects. 1000 suspects are shot or killed by police. "I had to shoot that kid with the toy because I was really scared" doesn't fucking fly with me.. or most people at this point.

Retrain the cops to be better and purge the bad apples. Period.

Nope. What you have in most of these incidents are cops with long histories of bad behavior, who weren't fired when they should have been.

Yes, most of these cops were called to the scene by Karens who saw the scary black man.

I do worry about it. It's why I want to ban gun proliferation and allow the victims of violence to sue gun sellers for selling to the wrong people.

You'd be amazed how fast the gun violence cleans up after that.
Sue gun seller's ? Your idiotic side wants to sue gun manufacturers. That's the level of stupidity on your side, and it is epic. Any common sense American would be a complete fool to vote for a Democrat. That's a fact.
Yes, we all know that Black people have super powers. Especially when they take drugs!

It is well-known that some drugs make a user much more difficult and dangerous to subdue. One of the criteria that went into the design of the M1911 pistol was the need for greater stopping power, as some of our soldiers found themselves fighting drug-using guerrillas in the Philippines that would keep fighting after being shot by weapons with insufficient stopping power. Phencyclidine (AKA PCP or “Angel Dust”) is particularly notorious for this, but any powerful opiate/opioid painkiller can have this effect, such as the fentanyl, the effects of which George Floyd is now know to have been under.
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Yes, we all know that Black people have super powers. Especially when they take drugs!

Well, it's a stupid statement. The coroner found that he died because of compression to his neck.

But let's take your example one step further. If I go into a hospice and smothered one of the patients to death with a pillow, do I get off because, "He was going to die, anyway".

One of whom put his knee on his neck and three others that stood their like stuffed poodles while he did it. THey are ALL GOING TO PRISON!!! They will get to spend the next 10-20 years worried about getting shanked in the lunch line, and frankly, that's awesome. It'll make the next cop think twice.
OTOH, who 'murders' someone in broad daylight with a crowd gathered around. Chauvin had no idea he was killing Floyd. It was his 'intention' (a legal term) to restrain him, not kill him. Chauvin and the other cops were sacrificed on the liberal, woke, BLM, altar. Watch for successful appeals of their sentences in a few years when the social climate isn't so hysterical.
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You're fucking delusional.
Show me ONE MURDER committed by a GOOD GUY with a gun.

You're going after the good guys you moron
Meanwhile your side is releasing murderers every day with no bail, no jail.

Incel Joe hates good guys, with or without guns. It proves this with every post that it writes, having anything at all to do with the topic of crime and justice. Always, it takes the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of actual human beings. Always. I challenge you to find anything that Incel Joe has ever posted, that favors human beings over criminals. You won't find it.

It knows damn well that nothing that it ever proposes will ever disarm actual criminals. All that anything that it proposes on the subject of gun control is to disarm human beings, to make us easier and safer prey for subhuman criminal shit. That is what Incel Joe wants.

It's not so much delusional, insane, or stupid, as it is willfully evil. Again, on a broader note, if you look at what Incel Joe posts on any relevant subject, it always takes the side of evil against the side of good.
Yes, we all know that Black people have super powers. Especially when they take drugs!

Well, it's a stupid statement. The coroner found that he died because of compression to his neck.

But let's take your example one step further. If I go into a hospice and smothered one of the patients to death with a pillow, do I get off because, "He was going to die, anyway".

One of whom put his knee on his neck and three others that stood their like stuffed poodles while he did it. THey are ALL GOING TO PRISON!!! They will get to spend the next 10-20 years worried about getting shanked in the lunch line, and frankly, that's awesome. It'll make the next cop think twice.

No....again, the coroner stated that if he had Floydd on his table all by his lonesome without any other facts, he would have called it coronary heart issue.......and drug overdose.....this was a political hit job on those cops.

This Medical examiner says you are a fucking moron...as were those jurors.....cowards who bowed to fear of the mob outside the courtroom...

Maryland's former chief medical examiner testified for Derek Chauvin's defense on Wednesday that George Floyd died due to his underlying heart disease -- not the police restraint.
"In my opinion, Mr. Floyd had a sudden cardiac arrhythmia, or cardiac arrhythmia, due to his atherosclerosis and hypertensive heart disease ... during his restraint and subdual by the police," said Dr. David Fowler, a forensic pathologist who retired as Maryland's chief medical examiner at the end of 2019.
Floyd had narrowed coronary arteries, known as atherosclerosis, and an enlarged heart due to his high blood pressure, or hypertension, Fowler said. Floyd's fentanyl and methamphetamine use and a tumor known as a paraganglioma were other significant conditions that contributed to his death, he said.
"Positional asphyxia, as the term is used in court today, is an interesting hypothesis and unsupported by any experimental data," he testified.
In all, Dr. Fowler said Floyd's death should have been classified as "undetermined," rather than a homicide, because there were so many competing causes.

Really? Do you know how many cops were killed by suspects using their bare hands last year? 6! By comparison, 468 died of Covid, (You know, the thing Mormon Bob keeps telling us is a hoax), 62 by gunfire because the NRA has flooded our streets with guns, and 24 in traffic accidents. The notion that they had to choke Geo. Floyd to death because he was on drugs and might beat them to death because he was a scary black man is ridiculous.

Um you have it in reverse. The reason why the police are considered the enemy is because cops treat them like they are the enemy. It's not because of "non-compliance", it often because you pulled that person over for frivolous reasons to start with.

Uh, let's get real. More cops are killed in accidents than are killed by felons. At most 80 cops a year are shot, stabbed or run over by suspects. 1000 suspects are shot or killed by police. "I had to shoot that kid with the toy because I was really scared" doesn't fucking fly with me.. or most people at this point.

Retrain the cops to be better and purge the bad apples. Period.

Nope. What you have in most of these incidents are cops with long histories of bad behavior, who weren't fired when they should have been.

Yes, most of these cops were called to the scene by Karens who saw the scary black man.

I do worry about it. It's why I want to ban gun proliferation and allow the victims of violence to sue gun sellers for selling to the wrong people.

You'd be amazed how fast the gun violence cleans up after that.

Moron.....Floydd had the cops called on him because he was trying to pass a fake 20 at that store, you lying asshat...
You're fucking delusional.
Show me ONE MURDER committed by a GOOD GUY with a gun.

Your logic is faulty, as usual. Once they commit a murder, they stop being a good guy.

LIke I had this neighbor growing up, and everyone said what a good guy he was, until he got into a fight with his wife and shot her. Then he stopped being a good guy.
Moron.....Floydd had the cops called on him because he was trying to pass a fake 20 at that store, you lying asshat...

Um, yeah, by a guy who certainly didn't expect the cops to come by and murder him. Of course, the store itself was burned down, so...um... good call?

No....again, the coroner stated that if he had Floydd on his table all by his lonesome without any other facts, he would have called it coronary heart issue.......and drug overdose.....this was a political hit job on those cops.

So, um, if he didn't have any facts, he'd have called it an overdose... because he wouldn't have checked for neck compression.

The world was gaslighted by misreporting about George Floyd’s initial autopsy report. As concerned physicians, we write to deconstruct the misinformation and condemn the ways this weaponization of medical language reinforced white supremacy at the torment of Black Americans.

A time line of events illustrates how a series of omissions and commissions regarding Floyd’s initial autopsy results deceptively fractured the truth. On May 28, a statement released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office reported ongoing investigations and acknowledgement from the forensic pathologist that an “autopsy ... must be interpreted in the context of the pertinent investigative information.” As per standardized medical examination, Floyd’s underlying health conditions and toxicology screen were documented during the autopsy. These are ordinary findings that do not suggest causation of death. The May 29 criminal complaint against Chauvin and ensuing headlines falsely overstated the role of Floyd’s coronary artery disease and hypertension, which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack over years, not minutes. Asphyxia—suffocation—does not always demonstrate physical signs, as other physician groups have noted.

By Monday, June 1, in the context of widespread political pressure, the public received two reports: the preliminary autopsy report by private doctors commissioned by Floyd’s family and—shortly thereafter—a summary of the preliminary autopsy from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office. Both reports stated that the cause of Floyd’s death was homicide: death at the hands of anothe
This Medical examiner says you are a fucking moron...as were those jurors.....cowards who bowed to fear of the mob outside the courtroom...

Maryland's former chief medical examiner testified for Derek Chauvin's defense on Wednesday that George Floyd died due to his underlying heart disease -- not the police restraint.

Maryland former chief medical examiner... who doesn't have authority and didn't conduct the autopsy in MINNESOTA.
Sue gun seller's ? Your idiotic side wants to sue gun manufacturers. That's the level of stupidity on your side, and it is epic. Any common sense American would be a complete fool to vote for a Democrat. That's a fact.
Quite the contrary, if you allow gun victims to sue the people who sold them guns, the gun industry would clean up it's act. No more gun sellers working out of their garage, etc.

It is well-known that some drugs make a user much more difficult and dangerous to subdue. One of the criteria that went into the design of the M1911 pistol was the need for greater stopping power, as some of our soldiers found themselves fighting drug-using guerrillas in the Philippines that would keep fighting after being shot by weapons with insufficient stopping power. Phencyclidine (AKA PCP or “Angel Dust”) is particularly notorious for this, but any powerful opiate/opioid painkiller can have this effect, such as the fentanyl, the effects of which George Floyd is now know to have been under.

Wow, seriously, the Philippines? The Philippine was was over before the 1911A1 was produced. The reason why they needed them was the Moros in Mindanao would tie tourniquets when they went into battle so a regular round didn't take them down, not because of drugs.

George Floyd wasn't a danger when Chauvin murdered him, he was pinned the ground and handcuffed.

OTOH, who 'murders' someone in broad daylight with a crowd gathered around. Chauvin had no idea he was killing Floyd. It was his 'intention' (a legal term) to restrain him, not kill him. Chauvin and the other cops were sacrificed on the liberal, woke, BLM, altar. Watch for successful appeals of their sentences in a few years when the social climate isn't so hysterical.

Nope. Not going to happen. No judge is going to be the one to free those guys. More likely, they will let out early on "good behavior", because prisons don't like having Ex-cops behind bars. Protecting them from the other inmates becomes a full time job.
Um, yeah, by a guy who certainly didn't expect the cops to come by and murder him. Of course, the store itself was burned down, so...um... good call?

So, um, if he didn't have any facts, he'd have called it an overdose... because he wouldn't have checked for neck compression.

The world was gaslighted by misreporting about George Floyd’s initial autopsy report. As concerned physicians, we write to deconstruct the misinformation and condemn the ways this weaponization of medical language reinforced white supremacy at the torment of Black Americans.

A time line of events illustrates how a series of omissions and commissions regarding Floyd’s initial autopsy results deceptively fractured the truth. On May 28, a statement released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office reported ongoing investigations and acknowledgement from the forensic pathologist that an “autopsy ... must be interpreted in the context of the pertinent investigative information.” As per standardized medical examination, Floyd’s underlying health conditions and toxicology screen were documented during the autopsy. These are ordinary findings that do not suggest causation of death. The May 29 criminal complaint against Chauvin and ensuing headlines falsely overstated the role of Floyd’s coronary artery disease and hypertension, which increase the risk of stroke and heart attack over years, not minutes. Asphyxia—suffocation—does not always demonstrate physical signs, as other physician groups have noted.

By Monday, June 1, in the context of widespread political pressure, the public received two reports: the preliminary autopsy report by private doctors commissioned by Floyd’s family and—shortly thereafter—a summary of the preliminary autopsy from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office. Both reports stated that the cause of Floyd’s death was homicide: death at the hands of anothe

He had 3 blocked arteries you dumb ass and the drug cocktail in his system caused his death.
It knows damn well that nothing that it ever proposes will ever disarm actual criminals. All that anything that it proposes on the subject of gun control is to disarm human beings, to make us easier and safer prey for subhuman criminal shit. That is what @Incel Joe wants.

Except everything I propose is being done in Europe and they have NOWHERE NEAR our crime and murder rates.

On the other hand, your wank fantasies about more guns and more prisons hasn't brought crime down, crime is going up.

@Awseome Joe hates good guys, with or without guns. It proves this with every post that it writes, having anything at all to do with the topic of crime and justice. Always, it takes the side of subhuman criminal shit, against the side of actual human beings. Always. I challenge you to find anything that @Awesome Joe has ever posted, that favors human beings over criminals. You won't find it.
I should point out the people who murdered your prophet, Joseph Smith, thought they were good and decent when they stormed the jail and murdered him.
He had 3 blocked arteries you dumb ass and the drug cocktail in his system caused his death.

Except the coroner who examined him, not a witness hired by the defense, said it was murder.
So did the Jury.
Except the coroner who examined him, not a witness hired by the defense, said it was murder.
So did the Jury.

The coroner who examined him stated that if he had seen the autopsy results without the police involvement it would have been heart attack......you dumb ass.
The coroner who examined him stated that if he had seen the autopsy results without the police involvement it would have been heart attack......you dumb ass.

We already covered that. Sigh. The coroner ruled it a homicide and the jury found him guilty of murder.

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