Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.
The leftists sre all about 'equity' so emptying the jails has been a brilliant success.

Funny, three doctors who autopsied his body all testified Chauvin killed him. Of course, the Paramedics never got to put him in an ambulance because HE WAS KILLED BY CHAUVIN.

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

No.....when asked by the defense they stated that had they not known about the other details, it would have been classified as heart failure.......

They have a compliant population who do whatever the police tell them to do...

Do you really want our police to be able to do what the Japanese police can do? Your favorite people, criminals, would be locked up and not killing people here......they wouldn't be committing multiple felonies of any kind, you clown, because after the first one they would be in prison for life......that is what you are supporting when you want the Japanese Police....

If our police and prosecutors were able to do what the Japanese police and prosecutors can do, we wouldn't be locking up as many people either...criminals would get the message ........you idiot.
Listening to 2TinyGuy slander the Japanese, I thought it was time to set the record straight.

View attachment 728472

The legal system of Japan is based upon civil law. Under Japanese criminal law, the accused is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof rests with the prosecutor. The defendant must be given the benefit of the doubt.

Should an accused be convicted of committing an offence, he or she will be subject to the punishment as prescribed by law. The procedure followed in a criminal case is the same throughout Japan; the basic provisions governing criminal offences can be found online at Penal Code and Rules of Criminal Procedure.

The role of the public prosecutor is to present facts and information to the court to establish the guilt of a defendant and request the court to punish the defendant in accordance with the provisions of the law. The decision to plead “guilty” or “not guilty” is entirely the decision of the defendant.

The court system in Japan consists of summary courts, district courts, family courts, high courts and the Supreme Court of Japan. For criminal cases, a three-tier court system is used: a summary or district court (first instance), a high court (second instance) and finally, the Supreme Court (appeal).

Under Japanese law, if there is reasonable doubt concerning your guilt, the presiding judge(s) must render a verdict of not guilty and you must be compensated for your detention by the Japanese government. A not-guilty verdict does not necessarily guarantee your release, as prosecutors may appeal. If the prosecutor requests an appeal, you may be detained until the next trial date.

If you are found guilty of a relatively minor offence, you may receive a suspended sentence of one to five years (meaning you would not have to go to prison). If you are not convicted of another offence in Japan during that time, your sentence would be cancelled. If you are convicted of another offence in Japan during the suspension, you would have to serve both the initial sentence and the new sentence.

Really, nothing here that sounds unreasonable.

But the proof is in the pudding. The Japanese only lock up 47,000 people, compared to the 2 million people we lock up. DickTiny gets on here and whines all day about how we don't lock up black people for merely having a gun. (And yes, that law, like so many others, would only apply to black people if enforced). But the reality is, we just don't have room in the prisons.

I gave you actual articles on how the system in Japan actually works.....

They coerce confessions you idiot....and if you are arrested, you are going to prison....for a long time.......you doofus...
Funny, three doctors who autopsied his body all testified Chauvin killed him. Of course, the Paramedics never got to put him in an ambulance because HE WAS KILLED BY CHAUVIN.

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

Hey....doofus......what part of the Japanese police and prosecutors coercing confessions, you know beating suspects....and judges not throwing out the confession do you not understand?

Again....create a society where the people bow and scrape to anyone in authority, where the police, prosecutors and judges can actually throw criminals in jail, and do so easily....for long, long periods of time.....where if you are caught with an illegal gun, your basic sentence is an actual 15 years served....not a release on no cash bail so you can get another illegal gun ....and if you have bullets, you get more time, if you fire the gun you go to prison for life.......

In the U.S. you have guys with dozens of felonies, multiple gun crimes, running around free....

Big fucking difference....
Meh, things are less important than people, that's the thing, Mormon Bob.

Again, that's the call to be made by the creature that is contemplating stealing or destroying something that does not belong to it. If it thinks that it's life is more valuable than an opportunity at theft of vandalism, then it can choose to keeps its filthy hands off of other people's property.
Meh, things are less important than people, that's the thing, Mormon Bob.

A pathetic, worthless excuse for your love of gratuitous destruction.

And at the end of the day, they are just, things... things that can be replaced.

The Buddhas of Bamiyan can never be replaced. Not ever. They have been destroyed, and they are gone forever.

Same with the various historical works of art that you want destroyed.

Destruction for its own sake is never a positive.

The problem is when you have a society of haves and have nots, and the have nots come to outnumber the haves, the haves are going to be in trouble.

And how does gratuitously destroying that which is valuable do anything to mitigate the plight of the “have nots”? All that it does is to make society as a whole, poorer, by the value of that which is destroyed.

Honest, productive workers, such as myself, are an asset to society. I take raw materials, and with them, I build things that are more valuable than the materials that I consume, more valuable than what it costs my employer to employ me. When I build things, society collectively becomes wealthier.

You are truly the opposite of me. I am a builder, and you are a destroyer. I am an asset to society, and you are a liability. I make society wealthier, and you make society poorer.
So, all the deaths and property destruction that followed was justified? Are you ok that race relations have been set back because of the violent response, to the hurt of the black community? And why is it ok for blacks to wantonly kill other blacks, including black children, by the hundreds, and no one raises an eyebrow?

The outcry over George Floyd's death rested on a single smartphone video taken by a bystander. Because of that video dozens of others lost their lives and dozens of businesses and buildings were burned to the ground. Most have never recovered.

Do you think the 'cause' of black people was advanced by all this? I'm not a racist, but I am more critical of blacks because of this, and because of the black crime wave now sweeping the country.
She made a claim that she absolutely can't back up, where as she is trying to say that the knee to Floyd's neck killed Floyd, and the drugs in his system didn't.

It has been established that the knee to Floyd's neck didn't kill Floyd, but the amount of drugs in his system alledgedly did. Floyd was saying he couldn't breathe before falling to the ground after struggling to remove himself from the back of the police cruiser. In his struggle the officer then detained Floyd with an alledged legal hold that he held for too long while a top Floyd.

Everyone by a majority in the country agreed that the officer held Floyd for way to long in the hold, and alledgedly didn't consider his medical emergency that should have been attended too once he was detained/handcuffed safely.

However when in a situation where a suspect is suspected of being on drug's, and a struggle with that suspect erupts, who is to say what are fake cries or real cries from a suspect that is struggling with officer's instead of going along peacefully ??

I absolutely was appalled at the situation of the knee, but what do I know as an untrained citizen who doesn't have to deal with situations like that ? Hopefully politics didn't decide the fate of the officer's involved, and the facts of the case did.

Nothing wrong with peaceful protest, and nothing wrong with the study of all case's in order to make our law enforcement a better crime enforcement agency, but it helps to also shed light on the citizen's biased untrained eye when it comes to becoming "emotionally involved" in a law enforcement action, otherwise just like we saw in the case's concerning Floyd, M.Brown and/or other's.

Hopefully we are learning and learning quickly about these things, because we must separate the bad guy's and the good guy's with a skilled and trained eye.

We have to have police, and citizen's willing to serve, but this has placed a dark cloud over the situation, and it has destroyed trust, and it has caused the people qualified and tough enough to serve to say to themselves "OH HELL NO I'M NOT GOING INTO THAT FIELD", because the stakes have gotten way to high, but law enforcement can deal with it by incorporating training that will protect the officer's from being set up. If have to ride two officer's to a vehicle like the show "One Adam 12" once depicted in the 60s, then so be it, and also train the officer's that are trying to be a lone wolf hero, that it is not the order of the day for them, but rather it's a collaborative effort to stay alive while serving the public safely.. That is the ultimate goal instead.
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He was dead before the cops arrived? Really, because I (and the rest of America) could have SWORN we heard the man PLEADING FOR HIS LIFE while Chauvin choked the life out of him.
I'm thinking he wasn't speaking literally dead, but more so he was basically speaking of a walking deadman because of the drug cocktail he alledgedly took, and therefore it basically killed him by delay (aside from the adrenaline rush he experienced) or rather it insured his death before he ever began his struggle with the law. Otherwise they were struggling with a Deadman, and just didn't realize it yet.
I gave you actual articles on how the system in Japan actually works.....

They coerce confessions you idiot....and if you are arrested, you are going to prison....for a long time.......you doofus...
He's got to race bait, so take it with a grain of salt what he says
She made a claim that she absolutely can't back up, where as she is trying to say that the knee to Floyd's neck killed Floyd, and the drugs in his system didn't.

It has been established that the knee to Floyd's neck didn't kill Floyd, but the amount of drugs in his system alledgedly did. Floyd was saying he couldn't breathe before falling to the ground after struggling to remove himself from the back of the police cruiser. In his struggle the officer then detained Floyd with an alledged legal hold that he held for too long while a top Floyd.

Everyone by a majority in the country agreed that the officer held Floyd for way to long in the hold, and alledgedly didn't consider his medical emergency that should have been attended too once he was detained/handcuffed safely.

However when in a situation where a suspect is suspected of being on drug's, and a struggle with that suspect erupts, who is to say what are fake cries or real cries from a suspect that is struggling with officer's instead of going along peacefully ??

I absolutely was appalled at the situation of the knee, but what do I know as an untrained citizen who doesn't have to deal with situations like that ? Hopefully politics didn't decide the fate of the officer's involved, and the facts of the case did.

Nothing wrong with peaceful protest, and nothing wrong with the study of all case's in order to make our law enforcement a better crime enforcement agency, but it helps to also shed light on the citizen's biased untrained eye when it comes to becoming "emotionally involved" in a law enforcement action, otherwise just like we saw in the case's concerning Floyd, M.Brown and/or other's.

Hopefully we are learning and learning quickly about these things, because we must separate the bad guy's and the good guy's with a skilled and trained eye.

We have to have police, and citizen's willing to serve, but this has placed a dark cloud over the situation, and it has destroyed trust, and it has caused the people qualified and tough enough to serve to say to themselves "OH HELL NO I'M NOT GOING INTO THAT FIELD", because the stakes have gotten way to high, but law enforcement can deal with it by incorporating training that will protect the officer's from being set up. If have to ride two officer's to a vehicle like the show "One Adam 12" once depicted in the 60s, then so be it, and also train the officer's that are trying to be a lone wolf hero, that it is not the order of the day for them, but rather it's a collaborative effort to stay alive while serving the public safely.. That is the ultimate goal instead.

Everyone by a majority in the country agreed that the officer held Floyd for way to long in the hold, and alledgedly didn't consider his medical emergency that should have been attended too once he was detained/handcuffed safely.

Actually, if you watched the trial, that isn't true. The police immediately called an ambulance and were waiting at that location for the paramedics to get there. The paramedics saw the aggressive crowd and refused to stop at the scene........the cops were holding him there for the paramedics.....the paramedics stopped the ambulance down the road but didn't go to give aid ......

They had 4 cops there.......
I'm thinking he wasn't speaking literally dead, but more so he was basically speaking of a walking deadman because of the drug cocktail he alledgedly took, and therefore it basically killed him by delay (aside from the adrenaline rush he experienced) or rather it insured his death before he ever began his struggle with the law. Otherwise they were struggling with a Deadman, and just didn't realize it yet.

No...from what I remember, there is nothing the paramedics could have done to save him....his condition, because of the clogged arteries and drugs was already fatal...he would have been dead by the time they got him to the hospital.
Everyone by a majority in the country agreed that the officer held Floyd for way to long in the hold, and alledgedly didn't consider his medical emergency that should have been attended too once he was detained/handcuffed safely.

Actually, if you watched the trial, that isn't true. The police immediately called an ambulance and were waiting at that location for the paramedics to get there. The paramedics saw the aggressive crowd and refused to stop at the scene........the cops were holding him there for the paramedics.....the paramedics stopped the ambulance down the road but didn't go to give aid ......

They had 4 cops there.......
Thanks for any assistance on my interpretation, because I like most saw the officer holding Floyd with a hold that seemed to be for far too long after Floyd was brought under control. I saw Floyd in the videos struggling to breathe (saying so at various times), so the time that he was in the grip of the officer hold, wasn't just the first time of his complaining that he couldn't breathe. That started in the back of the police cruiser. That's when I figured that drugs were in play, because he was super paranoid, very strong, and complained he couldn't breathe.
No...from what I remember, there is nothing the paramedics could have done to save him....his condition, because of the clogged arteries and drugs was already fatal...he would have been dead by the time they got him to the hospital.
Uh this is basically what I said. Go back and read. Not sure when he would have died, but the drugs as I understood it were lethal to him.
Naw, I'm just not a believer in leftist ideology that makes heroes of criminals, social misfits and degenerates.

You mean other than Trump? And Rittenhouse? And those idiots who took over the birdhouse in Oregon before the Feds shot one of them?
Thanks for any assistance on my interpretation, because I like most saw the officer holding Floyd with a hold that seemed to be for far too long after Floyd was brought under control. I saw Floyd in the videos struggling to breathe (saying so at various times), so the time that he was in the grip of the officer hold, wasn't just the first time of his complaining that he couldn't breathe. That started in the back of the police cruiser. That's when I figured that drugs were in play, because he was super paranoid, very strong, and complained he couldn't breathe.

Yes, we all know that Black people have super powers. Especially when they take drugs!

I'm thinking he wasn't speaking literally dead, but more so he was basically speaking of a walking deadman because of the drug cocktail he alledgedly took, and therefore it basically killed him by delay (aside from the adrenaline rush he experienced) or rather it insured his death before he ever began his struggle with the law. Otherwise they were struggling with a Deadman, and just didn't realize it yet.

Well, it's a stupid statement. The coroner found that he died because of compression to his neck.

But let's take your example one step further. If I go into a hospice and smothered one of the patients to death with a pillow, do I get off because, "He was going to die, anyway".

Actually, if you watched the trial, that isn't true. The police immediately called an ambulance and were waiting at that location for the paramedics to get there. The paramedics saw the aggressive crowd and refused to stop at the scene........the cops were holding him there for the paramedics.....the paramedics stopped the ambulance down the road but didn't go to give aid ......

They had 4 cops there.......

One of whom put his knee on his neck and three others that stood their like stuffed poodles while he did it. THey are ALL GOING TO PRISON!!! They will get to spend the next 10-20 years worried about getting shanked in the lunch line, and frankly, that's awesome. It'll make the next cop think twice.
The Buddhas of Bamiyan can never be replaced. Not ever. They have been destroyed, and they are gone forever.

Okay. So? It wasn't like Buddhists were rushing to Afghanistan to visit them, even before the Taliban took power. They were kind of like that painting in Granny's attic that got thrown out and no one realized it was from a master. They only became a "big deal" when the Taliban announced they were going to destroy them.

Now, I worry more about the hundreds of thousands of actual PEOPLE the Taliban killed (including 3000 Americans on September 11th). I realize the only reason why there IS a Taliban is because Ronald Reagan had the brilliant idea 'Hey, let's arm some religious crazies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because those dirty commies are teaching girls how to read."

Same with the various historical works of art that you want destroyed.

Destruction for its own sake is never a positive.

I agree. But things are less important than people. If you want to have nice things, you need to have a nice society.

And how does gratuitously destroying that which is valuable do anything to mitigate the plight of the “have nots”? All that it does is to make society as a whole, poorer, by the value of that which is destroyed.

Again, I ask the same question whenever a thug cop shoots an unarmed black teen.

Honest, productive workers, such as myself, are an asset to society. I take raw materials, and with them, I build things that are more valuable than the materials that I consume, more valuable than what it costs my employer to employ me. When I build things, society collectively becomes wealthier.

Um, yeah, most of what you build wouldn't happen without government subsidies and supports, buddy. You know, the government that you hate so much.

You are truly the opposite of me. I am a builder, and you are a destroyer. I am an asset to society, and you are a liability. I make society wealthier, and you make society poorer.

Uh, guy, I accomplished more for this country by the time I was 30, serving in the armed forces, than you ever will.
Everything else I've done is just gravy, but it mostly involved working in manufacturing and keeping lines running properly.
Then I have my side business, where I have helped thousands of people find better jobs an improve their lives.

And I think the racism in this country WILL eventually destroy it. We stupid-ass white people are going to be in the minority at some point. You and I will probably be dead by then, but history shows that when an economically oppressed minority comes to power, with their grievances intact, it's never a good thing.
Yes, we all know that Black people have super powers. Especially when they take drugs!

Well, it's a stupid statement. The coroner found that he died because of compression to his neck.

But let's take your example one step further. If I go into a hospice and smothered one of the patients to death with a pillow, do I get off because, "He was going to die, anyway".

One of whom put his knee on his neck and three others that stood their like stuffed poodles while he did it. THey are ALL GOING TO PRISON!!! They will get to spend the next 10-20 years worried about getting shanked in the lunch line, and frankly, that's awesome. It'll make the next cop think twice.
Your illiterate logic is on the lowest scale of communicational abilities, because you use your supposed logic in a very corrupt nefarious manor. There are many many examples of super human strength being used by criminal's who were on drugs in which officer's had to deal with through out time. Taking chances with criminal's on drugs has gotten officer's killed in the past, so it becomes a lot of times a question of whose going home that night, the officer's or the drugged up criminal who ends up fighting the officer's instead of complying with the officer's like they should have done ?

No excuse in non-compliance, otherwise when the officer's are directing a criminal or instructing a criminal during an encounter with the officer's. The brainwashing of people that cop's aren't out to protect the communities has created the atmosphere of non-compliance, and has placed officer's and the brainwashed perps on a collision course that serves no one properly in the end. An investigation into the politics that has caused a poor people found in the crime invested area's of the nation to think that the cop's are their sworn enemies needs to be conducted in this nation big time. Any politician found to be creating such hostile environments all due to his or her reckless rhetoric and insightful speech should be removed from their position's of power immediately upon review and a determination made after the review.

The nation's officer's have been undermined by their own political leadership's, and they have been set up to be killed out in the streets by their leadership or have been set up to take the fall for that leadership.
Okay. So? It wasn't like Buddhists were rushing to Afghanistan to visit them, even before the Taliban took power. They were kind of like that painting in Granny's attic that got thrown out and no one realized it was from a master. They only became a "big deal" when the Taliban announced they were going to destroy them.

Now, I worry more about the hundreds of thousands of actual PEOPLE the Taliban killed (including 3000 Americans on September 11th). I realize the only reason why there IS a Taliban is because Ronald Reagan had the brilliant idea 'Hey, let's arm some religious crazies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because those dirty commies are teaching girls how to read."

I agree. But things are less important than people. If you want to have nice things, you need to have a nice society.

Again, I ask the same question whenever a thug cop shoots an unarmed black teen.

Um, yeah, most of what you build wouldn't happen without government subsidies and supports, buddy. You know, the government that you hate so much.

Uh, guy, I accomplished more for this country by the time I was 30, serving in the armed forces, than you ever will.
Everything else I've done is just gravy, but it mostly involved working in manufacturing and keeping lines running properly.
Then I have my side business, where I have helped thousands of people find better jobs an improve their lives.

And I think the racism in this country WILL eventually destroy it. We stupid-ass white people are going to be in the minority at some point. You and I will probably be dead by then, but history shows that when an economically oppressed minority comes to power, with their grievances intact, it's never a good thing.
Your rhetoric is constantly inciting, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. The black teens you refer to in many cases were misidentified by officer's in which thought that their own live's were in danger, and in many cases it was because certain circumstances were involved that caused a misinterpretation of what was going on when the officer's arrived on the scene.

Here's a tip, how about being at home instead of roaming the streets trying to play like one's favorite gangster heroes or mimicking what they do, and then officer's as well as the public who called them to a scene might not misunderstand what's going on when the event's on the streets take place.

Most officer's are called to the scene by the public, and in some cases it becomes a trap that officer's stumble into because the information is blurred, and information is flowing super fast.

Why don't you worry about the innocent teens and children killed by stray bullets in the gang war's being conducted almost freely in the crime infested Democrat enclave's run in these major metropolitan areas???? Not politically expedient enough for you eh ?? So in those many cases, just sweep the dirt over their graves and continue with the old status quo eh ?

Time has not been your friend on those issue's, because it's gone on for way to long to act like you might give a dam now.
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You are right, but a narcissistic government gone tyrannical can't accept the fact that we the people aren't going to give up that right ever, so hopefully the government will settle down, and quit acting a fool on the issue. They best get back to representing instead of dividing us into group's for their political scheme's to work best on the American public at large.

Comedy? Fantasy? You people are asleep !
You already have given up that right. All that's left is forcing you to turn them in and that is certain.
You will GLADLY turn them in when faced with loss of all your pensions, homes, savings etc
Oh, you're going to fight them when they come to your home? rofl. Right. Your 22 vs their armored vehicles and teams of .50 cal full autos.
Denial is not a winning strategy. Neither is blind fantasy.

Feds now have comprehensive lists of all gun purchasers and owners. YOU accepted that.
If you EVER joined ANY gun forum discussion, they know. Utah Citizen Information Data Collection Center.
Every phone call, every email, every text captured and analyzed.
>>> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/14/nsa-utah-data-facility <<<
Red Flag Laws are nearly nationwide with new, better gun grabbing laws in process every day
Your medical records are being used to take your guns
Door to door confiscations are real and happening now
Some states are actively and openly ignoring Supreme Court decisions regarding 2A rights.
Trump himself said "Take the guns first, worry about due process later"
Will the McCauley Caulkin faces your neighbors make as they line you up and take them going to save you?

"we the people aren't going to give up that right ever" :auiqs.jpg:

"We The People" already have and will never do shit about it. There's the sad reality and they know it. You soon will too. Keep doing nothing.
But if denial makes you feel better then by all means.

Yeah, reality sucks but someone has to tell it like it is.
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Your illiterate logic is on the lowest scale of communicational abilities, because you use your supposed logic in a very corrupt nefarious manor. There are many many examples of super human strength being used by criminal's who were on drugs in which officer's had to deal with through out time. Taking chances with criminal's on drugs has gotten officer's killed in the past, so it becomes a lot of times a question of whose going home that night, the officer's or the drugged up criminal who ends up fighting the officer's instead of complying with the officer's like they should have done ?

Really? Do you know how many cops were killed by suspects using their bare hands last year? 6! By comparison, 468 died of Covid, (You know, the thing Mormon Bob keeps telling us is a hoax), 62 by gunfire because the NRA has flooded our streets with guns, and 24 in traffic accidents. The notion that they had to choke Geo. Floyd to death because he was on drugs and might beat them to death because he was a scary black man is ridiculous.

No excuse in non-compliance, otherwise when the officer's are directing a criminal or instructing a criminal during an encounter with the officer's. The brainwashing of people that cop's aren't out to protect the communities has created the atmosphere of non-compliance, and has placed officer's and the brainwashed perps on a collision course that serves no one properly in the end. An investigation into the politics that has caused a poor people found in the crime invested area's of the nation to think that the cop's are their sworn enemies needs to be conducted in this nation big time. Any politician found to be creating such hostile environments all due to his or her reckless rhetoric and insightful speech should be removed from their position's of power immediately upon review and a determination made after the review.

Um you have it in reverse. The reason why the police are considered the enemy is because cops treat them like they are the enemy. It's not because of "non-compliance", it often because you pulled that person over for frivolous reasons to start with.

The nation's officer's have been undermined by their own political leadership's, and they have been set up to be killed out in the streets by their leadership or have been set up to take the fall for that leadership.

Uh, let's get real. More cops are killed in accidents than are killed by felons. At most 80 cops a year are shot, stabbed or run over by suspects. 1000 suspects are shot or killed by police. "I had to shoot that kid with the toy because I was really scared" doesn't fucking fly with me.. or most people at this point.

Retrain the cops to be better and purge the bad apples. Period.

Your rhetoric is constantly inciting, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. The black teens you refer to in many cases were misidentified by officer's in which thought that their own live's were in danger, and in many cases it was because certain circumstances were involved that caused a misinterpretation of what was going on when the officer's arrived on the scene.

Nope. What you have in most of these incidents are cops with long histories of bad behavior, who weren't fired when they should have been.

Here's a tip, how about being at home instead of roaming the streets trying to play like one's favorite gangster heroes or mimicking what they do, and then officer's as well as the public who called them to a scene might not misunderstand what's going on when the event's on the streets take place.

Most officer's are called to the scene by the public, and in some cases it becomes a trap that officer's stumble into because the information is blurred, and information is flowing super fast.

Yes, most of these cops were called to the scene by Karens who saw the scary black man.

Why don't you worry about the innocent teens and children killed by stray bullets in the gang war's being conducted almost freely in the crime infested Democrat enclave's run in these major metropolitan areas???? Not politically expedient enough for you eh ?? So in those many cases, just sweep the dirt over their graves and continue with the old status quo eh ?

I do worry about it. It's why I want to ban gun proliferation and allow the victims of violence to sue gun sellers for selling to the wrong people.

You'd be amazed how fast the gun violence cleans up after that.

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