Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

Other countries where there isn’t rampant racism, poverty and guns, don’t have the kind of crime problems that you have in the United States.

Japan....you doofus....

Japan has no law against racial discrimination. Consequently, businesses around Japan display “Japanese Only” signs, denying entry to all 'foreigners' on sight. Employers and landlords routinely refuse jobs and apartments to foreign applicants. Japanese police racially profile 'foreign-looking' bystanders for invasive questioning on the street. Legislators, administrators, and pundits portray foreigners as a national security threat and call for their segregation and expulsion. Nevertheless, Japan’s government and media claim there is no discrimination by race in Japan, therefore no laws are necessary.

He wasn't murdered....he had 3 clogged arteries and had taken a cocktail of drugs that actually killed him...he was already dead before the cops even arrived...then, the democrat party exploited it, sent out their brown shirts in blm and antifa to burn, loot and murder in black neighborhoods in order to damage Trump...that is what actually happened.

He was dead before the cops arrived? Really, because I (and the rest of America) could have SWORN we heard the man PLEADING FOR HIS LIFE while Chauvin choked the life out of him.
Japanese cops are racist....and have massive police powers over Japanese Citizens.......George Floyd wouldn't have happened there because he would still be in prison from his first drug arrest, not released over and over again.

Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.
He was dead before the cops arrived? Really, because I (and the rest of America) could have SWORN we heard the man PLEADING FOR HIS LIFE while Chauvin choked the life out of him.

Yep.....his clogged arteries and the drugs in his system killed him...had the paramedics been able to put him in an ambulance, he still would have died......the cops had nothing to do with it.
Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.

It is funny how much you love the Japanese police....they can do things to Japanese Citizens that American cops couldn't even conceive of.....they can stop and search you at any time for any reason, anywhere, they can enter your home without a search warrant, when they arrest you you will be convicted, not released......you are a really stupid human being....

The Japanese people come from a society shaped by fuedalism that wan't changed by technology...they submit to authority very easily and happily live in a quasi police state.....
Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.

You are a moron who doesn't understand much of anything.......Japanese are one of the most racist peoples on the planet...

Visible minorities in Japan are in a tough spot in a country where the police have a lot of arbitrary power and few enforceable checks (as we’ve been witnessing recently with the Carlos Ghosn case). As a result, we are facing two decades of police-promoted narratives of “the foreigner” as a visa overstayer and criminal.

What follows is my advice on what to do if you face a sudden ID check on the street — that is, assuming you don’t want to simply surrender your zairyū kādo (residence card) and eventually get on with your day. This is just a brief outline, you can find more details online at debito.org/whattodoif.html.

Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.

More on the Japanese police you love....

TOKYO -- Many people of foreign heritage in Japan have been subject to racial profiling by police because of their appearance and unconscious racial discrimination on the part of officers, according to a new survey by a group of Tokyo-based lawyers.
People with Latin American roots were questioned the most, with 84% of respondents saying they had been stopped. This was followed by people from Africa, at 83%, the Middle East at 76%, and Europe and North America, at 60%. People of Northeast Asian heritage were the least questioned, at 50%.

"The proportions are high overall, which indicates that Japanese police tend to be suspicious once they recognize someone as 'foreign,'" said Moe Miyashita, a member of the lawyers group.

Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.

You are a moron.....

Defense counsel is not allowed to attend the interrogation. The key interrogation technique is to take meticulous notes during long interrogations and ask the same questions repeatedly with small variations to see if your story remains consistent.

Forced confession

Although the Japanese police are prohibited from providing false information to induce a confession and other such interrogation tactics, recently, they have been criticized for forced confession or inducing false confessions from innocent people. Innocent people will often confess to get released during the long period of detention mentioned above in isolation and under difficult conditions (this situation is frequently referred to as “hostage justice” (人質司法 hitojichi shiho)) or to avoid the threat of being charged with and convicted of a serious crime.

Yet, the Japanese only lock up 47,000 people and we lock up 2 million.

Yeah...a police state...

I. Introduction
Imagine for the next few moments that you have just been ar- rested by the police as a suspect for a criminal offense. You havebeen taken to the police station where you will remain for the next twenty-three days without a formal criminal charge filed against you. During your incarceration you will be subjected to relentless interrogation periods which last for over ten hours a day, and run late into the evening hours.1 These interrogation periods have been designed to coerce a confession from you, whether you have actually committed the crime or not. Interrogation techniques may include the bartering of "privileges" such as water, food or bathroom visits; 2 other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment;3 or perhaps even violence." During this time, if you are fortunate, you will be permitted to meet with an attorney, for two fifteen-minute visits.,
Has this hypothetical situation placed you in a totalitarian state? Or in a country in a state of emergency where civil and politi- cal rights have been suspended? No, for the past few moments, you have been a suspect held under the police detention system of Japan, one of the most technologically advanced democracies in the world today.
Japan's Prison Law of 1908 authorized the.detention of suspects in police station cells.' The Japanese police detention system hasbeen the subject of criticism in Japan, however, little is known about the Japanese criminal justice system and the police detention system abroad. A new bill which would permit the present police detention system to continue was submitted to the Japanese Legislature during the summer of 1988.7 The bill has served to increase the focus on the system in Japan and abroad.


Not only are citizens under a moral obligation to confess in Jap- anese society, but discovery of an involuntary confession does not
affect a case as it would in the United States. In the United States, a confession which was given involuntarily is inadmissible at trial.2" In Japan, however, "not only may the prosecution continue on other grounds, but the judge need not throw out the entire confessions. The judge has the discretion to decide for himself whether specific items in the confession are likely to be true even if other parts are not." 5

Hey, when you guys tear down the monuments to Confederate Traitors instead of calling the Nazis who defend them "Very Fine People", then I will take you seriously.

At the point they tore down these statues, there were no Buddhists in Afghanistan. And their religion specifically prohibits graven Images. (So does Christianity, but nobody tell the Catholics!!!)

There is absolutely no good reason why Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee deserve statues. These statues were put up by people who wanted to let freed blacks know who was in charge at a time when they were rolling back all the reforms during reconstruction.

Let's be clear what happened here. The Civil War was over slavery. It wasn't about "States Rights", or "Tariffs". It was about rich people being able to own slaves and poor white people not wanting black men to date their sisters. They got their asses whupped, and then they wanted to rewrite history, because no one wants to admit their grandpappy fought for slavery!

Meh, just can't get that worked up about a car part... Certainly not enough to want to murder someone over it. That's why I have car insurance.

But I'm sure it gets your murder chubby off.... Just make sure you clean your magic underwear afterwards, because it will make Baby Mormon Jesus Cry.

Whether it's somebody's car, or irreplaceable historical works of art, you're about destroying things. And somehow, in your hubris and madness, you think that this is a virtue that makes you better than others.

Your first sentence, above, calls upon others to engage in the sort of destruction that you support. Most people are not destructive vermin, as you are. To speak for myself, as a construction worker, that is, in fact, the very opposite of what I am about. I'm about building things, creating things, and not about destroying things.

There is no virtue at all in your drive for destruction.
Other countries where there isn’t rampant racism, poverty and guns, don’t have the kind of crime problems that you have in the United States.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You right wingers keep dipping back into the past and claiming to be the party of Lincoln. Lincoln’s been dead for more than 150 years and the Republican Party moved on and became the party of racism and division under Ronald Reagan.

Republicans have no anti-racist bona fides any longer. You are now the party of white fascism. You broke it, you own it.

You have no standing to speak of the United States. You're a subject of Canaduh, a nation that was shamefully founded in cowardice and submissions.
The liberal media won't celebrate legitimately successful blacks but will make hero's and martyrs out of their criminals.


How many times have you seen Incel Joe use racist slurs such as “Uncle Tom” against blacks who are truly successful and accomplished?

A man is murdered in broad daylight, in front of dozens of horrified bystanders who listened to him beg for his life, and you claim it was no big deal. And then police tried to cover it up saying that he died as a result of "a medical crisis".
What makes you think this man died because he was black?
Yep.....his clogged arteries and the drugs in his system killed him...had the paramedics been able to put him in an ambulance, he still would have died......the cops had nothing to do with it.

Funny, three doctors who autopsied his body all testified Chauvin killed him. Of course, the Paramedics never got to put him in an ambulance because HE WAS KILLED BY CHAUVIN.

It is funny how much you love the Japanese police....they can do things to Japanese Citizens that American cops couldn't even conceive of.....they can stop and search you at any time for any reason, anywhere, they can enter your home without a search warrant, when they arrest you you will be convicted, not released......you are a really stupid human being....
And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?
The Japanese people come from a society shaped by fuedalism that wan't changed by technology...they submit to authority very easily and happily live in a quasi police state.....
And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?
You are a moron who doesn't understand much of anything.......Japanese are one of the most racist peoples on the planet...

And you KEEP AVOIDING THE POINT. If the Japanese are sooooo bad compared to us, why do they only need to lock up 47,000 people?

How many times have you seen @Awesome Joe use racist slurs such as “Uncle Tom” against blacks who are truly successful and accomplished?

Other black people call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom. The term has come to mean a self-hating black man who resents the community and institutions he grew up with. In the case of Ben Carson it's appropriate.


Whether it's somebody's car, or irreplaceable historical works of art, you're about destroying things. And somehow, in your hubris and madness, you think that this is a virtue that makes you better than others.

Meh, things are less important than people, that's the thing, Mormon Bob.

Your first sentence, above, calls upon others to engage in the sort of destruction that you support. Most people are not destructive vermin, as you are. To speak for myself, as a construction worker, that is, in fact, the very opposite of what I am about. I'm about building things, creating things, and not about destroying things.

And at the end of the day, they are just, things... things that can be replaced.

The problem is when you have a society of haves and have nots, and the have nots come to outnumber the haves, the haves are going to be in trouble.
Listening to 2TinyGuy slander the Japanese, I thought it was time to set the record straight.


The legal system of Japan is based upon civil law. Under Japanese criminal law, the accused is innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof rests with the prosecutor. The defendant must be given the benefit of the doubt.

Should an accused be convicted of committing an offence, he or she will be subject to the punishment as prescribed by law. The procedure followed in a criminal case is the same throughout Japan; the basic provisions governing criminal offences can be found online at Penal Code and Rules of Criminal Procedure.

The role of the public prosecutor is to present facts and information to the court to establish the guilt of a defendant and request the court to punish the defendant in accordance with the provisions of the law. The decision to plead “guilty” or “not guilty” is entirely the decision of the defendant.

The court system in Japan consists of summary courts, district courts, family courts, high courts and the Supreme Court of Japan. For criminal cases, a three-tier court system is used: a summary or district court (first instance), a high court (second instance) and finally, the Supreme Court (appeal).

Under Japanese law, if there is reasonable doubt concerning your guilt, the presiding judge(s) must render a verdict of not guilty and you must be compensated for your detention by the Japanese government. A not-guilty verdict does not necessarily guarantee your release, as prosecutors may appeal. If the prosecutor requests an appeal, you may be detained until the next trial date.

If you are found guilty of a relatively minor offence, you may receive a suspended sentence of one to five years (meaning you would not have to go to prison). If you are not convicted of another offence in Japan during that time, your sentence would be cancelled. If you are convicted of another offence in Japan during the suspension, you would have to serve both the initial sentence and the new sentence.

Really, nothing here that sounds unreasonable.

But the proof is in the pudding. The Japanese only lock up 47,000 people, compared to the 2 million people we lock up. DickTiny gets on here and whines all day about how we don't lock up black people for merely having a gun. (And yes, that law, like so many others, would only apply to black people if enforced). But the reality is, we just don't have room in the prisons.
Naw, you just support discrimination and thug cops.

Shhh... don't tell her that.. she needs to believe America is the nicest, bestest place in the world.
Naw, I'm just not a believer in leftist ideology that makes heroes of criminals, social misfits and degenerates.

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