Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

You can't whine about "crime" if you are unwilling to address the underlying causes - poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction, gun proliferation.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out.
"Man isn't a thief because he steals. He steals because he is a thief." -Adrian Rogers
Not at all surprised you played the race card. That's stereotypical for the left. The riots in Portland continued because the leftist hacks made allowances for the riots, looting and killing. Portland being "mostly white" is just the typical need for leftists to play the "let's blame whitey", game. That would be an obvious failure on your part to understand that rioting, looting and killing was a hallmark of dozens of leftist run cities. You might want to do an analysis of leftist run cities and provide us your findings as to the extent of damage done by the rioters....based upon race, of course.

Not at all. What was going on in Portland was separate from most of the peaceful BLM demonstrations across the country.

Yeah, leftists need to immerse themselves in conspiracy theories in order to calm an emotional requirement that might otherwise cause them to examine their behaviors under the Magic Kenyan and Biden... and now Biden to do everything they could to stoke the fire of race hatreds.

Nope that was Trump calling Mexicans rapists, calling for the execution of innocent black men, praising police brutality....

Hey, remember when the Party of Slavery d

Your babbling. Tell you what, when your side goes along with taking down every Confederate Monument andmaking display of the Confederate Flag a hate crime, then I will take your complaints about what "Democrats" did in the 1860's seriously.

Today, it's YOUR guy who calls Neo Nazis and Neo Confederates "Very Fine People".
Not at all. What was going on in Portland was separate from most of the peaceful BLM demonstrations across the country.

Nope that was Trump calling Mexicans rapists, calling for the execution of innocent black men, praising police brutality....

Your babbling. Tell you what, when your side goes along with taking down every Confederate Monument andmaking display of the Confederate Flag a hate crime, then I will take your complaints about what "Democrats" did in the 1860's seriously.

Today, it's YOUR guy who calls Neo Nazis and Neo Confederates "Very Fine People".

I suppose in the alternate realty of leftism, $2 billion in damages are defined as "peaceful protests".

Fess'up. You're a Ali Velshi groupie, right?

Oh, dear. I've hurt your delicate feelings. When the leftist, Party of Slavery side decides to take responsibility for the actions, you can take ownership for your self-loathing and for the damage it does.
I suppose in the alternate realty of leftism, $2 billion in damages are defined as "peaceful protests".
I suppose in the alternate reality of wingnuts, property is more important than lives.

These riots happened because cops kill 1000 Americans a year. And people finally got fed up.
Oh, dear. I've hurt your delicate feelings. When the leftist, Party of Slavery side decides to take responsibility for the actions, you can take ownership for your self-loathing and for the damage it does.

I noticed you avoided the topic. If you guys REALLY think the Confederacy was bad (which it was), then let's take down every Confederate Monument and Flag and get rid of any "Lost Cause Mythology" in the history books.
I noticed you avoided the topic. If you guys REALLY think the Confederacy was bad (which it was), then let's take down every Confederate Monument and Flag and get rid of any "Lost Cause Mythology" in the history books.
I noticed you sidestepped taking responsibility for the history that defines the Party of Slavery. It's a very leftist, Party of Slavery thing to do wanting to remove statues, monuments, etc., that bring forth memories and realizations of their history.

While preaching about "equity", it's the Party of Slavery that wants others to excuse their past and present perversions that include the use of race and ethnicity to subjugate entire populations.
I suppose in the alternate reality of wingnuts, property is more important than lives.

That's a call to be made by the would-be thief of vandal. If it believes that it's own life is worth more than the opportunity to steal or destroy that property, then it has the choice to keep it's filthy hands off of what does not belong to it.

Your kind certainly are becoming bolder about considering the opportunity to steal and destroy property to be worth more than the lives of the owners of that property or of anyone else who might intervene.

Newly-acquired surveillance video shows a heavily-armed and remarkably polished catalytic converter theft crew working a Chicago residential street this month. The footage shows that the thefts, often dismissed as "property crimes," are serious business for the people who carry them out.

At least two people have been shot while interrupting catalytic converter thefts in progress on the North Side since late July.

"I'd like for everyone to be aware that these people are armed and will fire shots straight at front doors that open or individuals that they feel pose a threat to their operation," said the resident who agreed to share the video with CWBChicago.

In the video, a white car pulls up to an SUV, and the carefully choreographed theft begins. One man slides out of the back passenger seat and immediately gets to work as three other men step out of each of the other doors and post watch, keeping their eyes peeled in all directions for witnesses, cops, or other problems.

Two of the lookouts are clearly seen with firearms in their hands. The entire operation took less than a minute from start to finish.

Just four days before the footage was recorded, a catalytic converter team shot a 54-year-old man who intervened in a theft in the 7200 block of North Oakley, according to Chicago police.

On July 28, a 57-year-old concealed carry holder was shot when he intervened in a catalytic converter theft on the 2200 block of West Oakdale in North Center. Police said the man returned fire, and witnesses saw one of the thieves hop into a getaway car while clutching his arm as if he had been shot.

Chicago police later confirmed that officers were pursuing charges against a 16-year-old boy who showed up at Humboldt Park Health with a gunshot wound to his arm after the shooting. But a CPD spokesperson told CWBChicago that the teen was eventually released without being charged.

I figure this is soon to be SOP for any type of criminal activity that has the potential to yield more than $20.

As long as we have incompetent assholes like Biden is running anything this is what things will look like......You are on your own.

This is happening in Incel Joe's neck of the woods. It always condemns law-abiding human beings for considering property to be more valuable than the lives of the subhuman criminal shit seeking to steal or destroy that property.

This is the logical next step from Incel Joe's mentality — subhuman criminal shit treating the opportunity to steal or destroy property as more valuable than the lives of any actual human beings that might stand in their way.
I noticed you avoided the topic. If you guys REALLY think the Confederacy was bad (which it was), then let's take down every Confederate Monument and Flag and get rid of any "Lost Cause Mythology" in the history books.
The topic is about shotguns
I noticed you avoided the topic. If you guys REALLY think the Confederacy was bad (which it was), then let's take down every Confederate Monument and Flag and get rid of any "Lost Cause Mythology" in the history books.

The Taliban think that Buddhism is bad.

So what you propose is that in order to show you that we don't support the long-dead Confederacy, is that we should behave like the Taliban.

It doesn't work that way. Gratuitous destruction is how your side behaves, not how our side does.
I noticed you sidestepped taking responsibility for the history that defines the Party of Slavery. It's a very leftist, Party of Slavery thing to do wanting to remove statues, monuments, etc., that bring forth memories and realizations of their history.

While preaching about "equity", it's the Party of Slavery that wants others to excuse their past and present perversions that include the use of race and ethnicity to subjugate entire populations.

Hey, when you guys tear down the monuments to Confederate Traitors instead of calling the Nazis who defend them "Very Fine People", then I will take you seriously.

The Taliban think that Buddhism is bad.

So what you propose is that in order to show you that we don't support the long-dead Confederacy, is that we should behave like the Taliban.

It doesn't work that way. Gratuitous destruction is how your side behaves, not how our side does.

At the point they tore down these statues, there were no Buddhists in Afghanistan. And their religion specifically prohibits graven Images. (So does Christianity, but nobody tell the Catholics!!!)

There is absolutely no good reason why Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee deserve statues. These statues were put up by people who wanted to let freed blacks know who was in charge at a time when they were rolling back all the reforms during reconstruction.

Let's be clear what happened here. The Civil War was over slavery. It wasn't about "States Rights", or "Tariffs". It was about rich people being able to own slaves and poor white people not wanting black men to date their sisters. They got their asses whupped, and then they wanted to rewrite history, because no one wants to admit their grandpappy fought for slavery!

That's a call to be made by the would-be thief of vandal. If it believes that it's own life is worth more than the opportunity to steal or destroy that property, then it has the choice to keep it's filthy hands off of what does not belong to it.

Your kind certainly are becoming bolder about considering the opportunity to steal and destroy property to be worth more than the lives of the owners of that property or of anyone else who might intervene.

Meh, just can't get that worked up about a car part... Certainly not enough to want to murder someone over it. That's why I have car insurance.

But I'm sure it gets your murder chubby off.... Just make sure you clean your magic underwear afterwards, because it will make Baby Mormon Jesus Cry.
Hey, when you guys tear down the monuments to Confederate Traitors instead of calling the Nazis who defend them "Very Fine People", then I will take you seriously.

At the point they tore down these statues, there were no Buddhists in Afghanistan. And their religion specifically prohibits graven Images. (So does Christianity, but nobody tell the Catholics!!!)

There is absolutely no good reason why Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee deserve statues. These statues were put up by people who wanted to let freed blacks know who was in charge at a time when they were rolling back all the reforms during reconstruction.

Let's be clear what happened here. The Civil War was over slavery. It wasn't about "States Rights", or "Tariffs". It was about rich people being able to own slaves and poor white people not wanting black men to date their sisters. They got their asses whupped, and then they wanted to rewrite history, because no one wants to admit their grandpappy fought for slavery!

I see you're having a meltdown over anyone criticizing your Party of Slavery. I'm sure from your perspective, you feel cheated that the perceived 'right' to slavery was denied to you.

The world has moved on since the 19th century. Deal with that.
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I see you're having a meltdown over anyone criticizing your Party of Slavery. I'm sure from your perspective, you feel cheated that the perceived 'right' to slavery was denied to you.

The world has moved on since the 19th century. Deal with that.

No, it really hasn't... we just find new ways to screw over black people.
You can't whine about ''crime'' when leftist polices that enable criminals actually emboldens those criminals.

You should consider joining cackling Kamala on a ''Root Causes'' tour.

  • Left-wing prosecutors overseeing Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia and San Francisco have embraced soft-on-crime approaches, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
  • Several top district attorneys vowed not to prosecute specific crimes as a matter of policy.
  • Multiple analyses have shown left-wing prosecutors dropping or diverting more charges than their predecessors.
  • Super PACs backed by billionaire George Soros are major funders for several left-wing prosecutors taking soft-on-crime approaches.

Other countries where there isn’t rampant racism, poverty and guns, don’t have the kind of crime problems that you have in the United States.
Portland is a mostly white city, so I'm not sure what was going on there or why they kept rioting for months when most of the demonstrations were over by August. Probably a local thing that is a bit more complicated, but frankly, don't really care that much.

We had riots because we haven't fixed the underlying problems of racism, poverty, etc. We probably need to do something about that.

Yeah, you guys really don't have a big enough margin to waste time on this nonsense. You are going to have at most a four seat majority. You don't have a lot of good will to start with, and going on conspiracy theories isn't going to help you.

Hey, remember when Republicans were going to "get to the bottom of Waco" in 1995? Oh, no, they got totally spanked when David Koresh's victims came forward. Whoops.
You might be right, but sooner or later the truth will come forward to find out who was truly the biggest abuser's of our government, and who wasn't. Stay tuned, because the lie's will be vetted to the max, and may the best party win.
''We'', meaning the Democrat party, the former and current Party of Slavery, then yes.

Don't include me in the degeneracy that defines your political and ideological affiliation.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. You right wingers keep dipping back into the past and claiming to be the party of Lincoln. Lincoln’s been dead for more than 150 years and the Republican Party moved on and became the party of racism and division under Ronald Reagan.

Republicans have no anti-racist bona fides any longer. You are now the party of white fascism. You broke it, you own it.
Not at all. What was going on in Portland was separate from most of the peaceful BLM demonstrations across the country.

Nope that was Trump calling Mexicans rapists, calling for the execution of innocent black men, praising police brutality....

Your babbling. Tell you what, when your side goes along with taking down every Confederate Monument andmaking display of the Confederate Flag a hate crime, then I will take your complaints about what "Democrats" did in the 1860's seriously.

Today, it's YOUR guy who calls Neo Nazis and Neo Confederates "Very Fine People".
You keep lying, but few are listening anymore to you and your parties lie's, so stay tuned.

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