Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

Because clearly your confused. Even for your TDS afflicted types, “I Blame Trump” for the Wuhan virus is a bit of a stretch.

Naw, it's not a stretch at all.

Trump disbanded the pandemic response team.
He threw out the Pandemic response plan developed by Obama.
He closed down the CDC's field office in Beijing
When warned about the virus in 2019, he was more focused on "getting" Hunter Biden.
When the first cases hit the US, and governors asked for lockdowns and other preventive measures, he resisted them the whole way.
He downplayed the virus to protect the stock market, saying it would "clear up by Easter".
He ridiculed mask wearing to the point where it became a culture issue.
He undermined Dr. Fauci and pushed Quacks like Scott Atlas
He withdrew the US from cooperation with the World Health Organization
He promoted fake cures like Hydrochloroquinine and Intervectmin
When OTHER PEOPLE developed vaccines, he fumbled the initial distribution- only achieving 1 million first shots out of a planned goal of 10 million by Dec. 31st.

In short, there are things a government is SUPPOSED to do when confronted with a plague like this. The Canadians did them. The Japanese did them. Some European nations did them. (Others, like the UK and Italy, failed miserably) Trump didn't do them.

Schools of government will teach Trump's response for decades under "Don't do THAT!"
Naw, it's not a stretch at all.

Trump disbanded the pandemic response team.
He threw out the Pandemic response plan developed by Obama.
He closed down the CDC's field office in Beijing
When warned about the virus in 2019, he was more focused on "getting" Hunter Biden.
When the first cases hit the US, and governors asked for lockdowns and other preventive measures, he resisted them the whole way.
He downplayed the virus to protect the stock market, saying it would "clear up by Easter".
He ridiculed mask wearing to the point where it became a culture issue.
He undermined Dr. Fauci and pushed Quacks like Scott Atlas
He withdrew the US from cooperation with the World Health Organization
He promoted fake cures like Hydrochloroquinine and Intervectmin
When OTHER PEOPLE developed vaccines, he fumbled the initial distribution- only achieving 1 million first shots out of a planned goal of 10 million by Dec. 31st.

In short, there are things a government is SUPPOSED to do when confronted with a plague like this. The Canadians did them. The Japanese did them. Some European nations did them. (Others, like the UK and Italy, failed miserably) Trump didn't do them.

Schools of government will teach Trump's response for decades under "Don't do THAT!"
As one would expect, Wuhan virus ''twoofers'' tend to be dishonest, leftist hacks. Members of the early response team had been reassigned to other roles in the Wuhan virus response.

On the other hand, we had the Biden politburo colluding with Democrat hacks such as Fauci, the leftist controlled CDC and the teachers union who saw the Wuhan virus as a money making / power grab opportunity. It was republican Ron DeSantis who used integrity and honesty to keep schools open and not use the Wuhan virus to rule like so many mini-dictators ad we saw with leftist tyrants.

There was no worse mismanagement than that portrayed by the left.

Some reflection tells us that government and school administrators will look back and see the leftist response described as, ''are you really that stupid?''
As one would expect, Wuhan virus ''twoofers'' tend to be dishonest, leftist hacks. Members of the early response team had been reassigned to other roles in the Wuhan virus response.

Point was, they weren't working on Pandemics. They were working on bio-warfare threats, something that has never happened and probably never will.

On the other hand, we had the Biden politburo colluding with Democrat hacks such as Fauci, the leftist controlled CDC and the teachers union who saw the Wuhan virus as a money making / power grab opportunity. It was republican Ron DeSantis who used integrity and honesty to keep schools open and not use the Wuhan virus to rule like so many mini-dictators ad we saw with leftist tyrants.

Florida had more Covid Deaths than New York. It is darned close to California.

Point was, they weren't working on Pandemics. They were working on bio-warfare threats, something that has never happened and probably never will.

Florida had more Covid Deaths than New York. It is darned close to California.

Point was, leftist governors in particular were the most egregious mini-tyrants. They took their cues from leftist hacks aligned with the Biden politburo and directed by leftist hacks with the CDC, teachers union and specifically Anthony "I am the science" Fauci.

The Biden / leftist management of the Wuhan virus is a laughable joke until one realizes the damage they did.
Point was, leftist governors in particular were the most egregious mini-tyrants. They took their cues from leftist hacks aligned with the Biden politburo and directed by leftist hacks with the CDC, teachers union and specifically Anthony "I am the science" Fauci.

Yes, it was all a conspiracy to make Trump look bad. Sometimes I don't know if Trumpism is an advanced form of trolling or a cult.

The Biden / leftist management of the Wuhan virus is a laughable joke until one realizes the damage they did.

Except they did what most of the rest of the world did, and the rest of the world did a FAR better job of containing it. Heck, the Japanese shut down their entire country, cancelled the Olympics and made everyone wear masks. And Japan only had 42K Covid deaths compared to our 1 million +
Point was, they weren't working on Pandemics. They were working on bio-warfare threats, something that has never happened and probably never will.

Florida had more Covid Deaths than New York. It is darned close to California.

Yeah…Fauci was working on pandemic threats…..by giving China money to create them….,,
Yes, it was all a conspiracy to make Trump look bad. Sometimes I don't know if Trumpism is an advanced form of trolling or a cult.

Except they did what most of the rest of the world did, and the rest of the world did a FAR better job of containing it. Heck, the Japanese shut down their entire country, cancelled the Olympics and made everyone wear masks. And Japan only had 42K Covid deaths compared to our 1 million +

You can make all the excuses you want for the ''summer of love'' and BLM riots but to suggest that was anything but the responsibility of leftist mayors and governors is just another cult fantasy shared by conspiracy theorists.

Yes, Wuhan virus deaths spiked in the US. Just another failure of the Biden politburo.
Yeah…Fauci was working on pandemic threats…..by giving China money to create them….,,

And then we get into bizarre conspiracy theories... because that's all you have.

You can make all the excuses you want for the ''summer of love'' and BLM riots but to suggest that was anything but the responsibility of leftist mayors and governors is just another cult fantasy shared by conspiracy theorists.

Yes, Wuhan virus deaths spiked in the US. Just another failure of the Biden politburo.

Yup, Trump Plague killed a lot of people.

Trump Racism brought us riots.

Trump Economic brought us a recession.
And then we get into bizarre conspiracy theories... because that's all you have.

Yup, Trump Plague killed a lot of people.

Trump Racism brought us riots.

Trump Economic brought us a recession.

It isn't a conspiracy theory, fauci and the CDC wanted to fund gain of function research here in the U.S. and they were stopped...so they farmed it out to our biggest global enemy......because they wanted to do it and no one was going to stop them.
It isn't a conspiracy theory, fauci and the CDC wanted to fund gain of function research here in the U.S. and they were stopped...so they farmed it out to our biggest global enemy......because they wanted to do it and no one was going to stop them.

It's fun to watch you pretend you understand science.
And then we get into bizarre conspiracy theories... because that's all you have.

Yup, Trump Plague killed a lot of people.

Trump Racism brought us riots.

Trump Economic brought us a recession.
Leftist conspiracy theories are a sad commentary on the inability of leftists to accept responsibility for their failures and inadequacies.

It was President Trump who spent months offering a National Guard deployment to the leftist "Summer of Love" groupies in Portland'istan for one example.

Trump offers to send National Guard to Portland to quell protest violence

That offer was refused and the leftist city officials allowed the city to burn, kamala Harris offered to help pay bail for the rioters and small business owners were driven out.

It's like watching petulant children flail about to see leftists refuse to accept the results of their fascist ideology as their only ability is to chant the worn out, "I Blame Trump", slogan.
It's fun to watch you pretend you understand science.

It's sad to see leftists march in unison like programmed robots as they chant the Fauci. "I am the science" slogan as Fauci watches his leftist minions appear in the obituaries from "unexplained cause".
Says the freak who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Any creature that gives any credence at all to “transgenderism” forfeits any credible claim to “science”.

Dude, you need to stop fantasizing over Caitlyn Jenner... it's not healthy.

Leftist conspiracy theories are a sad commentary on the inability of leftists to accept responsibility for their failures and inadequacies.

It was President Trump who spent months offering a National Guard deployment to the leftist "Summer of Love" groupies in Portland'istan for one example.

Trump can't "offer" the National Guard. The National Guard can ONLY be activated by the governor for civil emergencies. The federal government utilizing the Guard is a violation of posse comitatus.

Also, I can't think of a more useless thing than sending in the guard, and I say that as someone who was in the Illinois Guard for part of my 11 years in the service.

The guard gets all of ONE DAY a year practicing for civil disturbance training. That's it. After Kent State, the guard became VERY RISK ADVERSE, and this was back in the 1980's when I was in. I'm sure it's gotten even worse since.

I do remember one thing that happened when I did my own training. We had this major who said to us, "When we are out on Civil Disturbance Duty, those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

That offer was refused and the leftist city officials allowed the city to burn, kamala Harris offered to help pay bail for the rioters and small business owners were driven out.

It's like watching petulant children flail about to see leftists refuse to accept the results of their fascist ideology as their only ability is to chant the worn out, "I Blame Trump", slogan.

Here's the thing. We didn't have nation-wide riots under Obama. Why? Because Obama said the right things and did the right things after these incidents.

Trump went out and cheered the thug cops on, and then he wondered why people rioted. Oh, yeah, and all the job losses and being locked in their houses due to TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP PLAGUE didn't help.
Dude, you need to stop fantasizing over Caitlyn Jenner... it's not healthy.

Trump can't "offer" the National Guard. The National Guard can ONLY be activated by the governor for civil emergencies. The federal government utilizing the Guard is a violation of posse comitatus.

Also, I can't think of a more useless thing than sending in the guard, and I say that as someone who was in the Illinois Guard for part of my 11 years in the service.

The guard gets all of ONE DAY a year practicing for civil disturbance training. That's it. After Kent State, the guard became VERY RISK ADVERSE, and this was back in the 1980's when I was in. I'm sure it's gotten even worse since.

I do remember one thing that happened when I did my own training. We had this major who said to us, "When we are out on Civil Disturbance Duty, those are not the enemy out there. They are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

Here's the thing. We didn't have nation-wide riots under Obama. Why? Because Obama said the right things and did the right things after these incidents.

Trump went out and cheered the thug cops on, and then he wondered why people rioted. Oh, yeah, and all the job losses and being locked in their houses due to TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP PLAGUE didn't help.

Here’s the thing, the leftist governors who enabled BLM rioter and looters along with support from the Biden politburo were allowed to loot and burn cities.

How did that “Summer of Love” turn out for leftists in Portland? Yeah. Not real well. Dead people and entire city blocks destroyed. That’s the leftist way.

You have this need to press your usual conspiracy theories about Trump because your TDS is a debilitating disease.
And then we get into bizarre conspiracy theories... because that's all you have.

Yup, Trump Plague killed a lot of people.

Trump Racism brought us riots.

Trump Economic brought us a recession.
Get ready for the investigation's into your precious Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, and get ready for the investigation's into Ukraine, the southern border etc. I hope you have to eat with the most bitter of taste every word or lie that you've ever blurted out in here about.
Here’s the thing, the leftist governors who enabled BLM rioter and looters along with support from the Biden politburo were allowed to loot and burn cities.

How did that “Summer of Love” turn out for leftists in Portland? Yeah. Not real well. Dead people and entire city blocks destroyed. That’s the leftist way.

Portland is a mostly white city, so I'm not sure what was going on there or why they kept rioting for months when most of the demonstrations were over by August. Probably a local thing that is a bit more complicated, but frankly, don't really care that much.

We had riots because we haven't fixed the underlying problems of racism, poverty, etc. We probably need to do something about that.

Get ready for the investigation's into your precious Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, and get ready for the investigation's into Ukraine, the southern border etc. I hope you have to eat with the most bitter of taste every word or lie that you've ever blurted out in here about.

Yeah, you guys really don't have a big enough margin to waste time on this nonsense. You are going to have at most a four seat majority. You don't have a lot of good will to start with, and going on conspiracy theories isn't going to help you.

Hey, remember when Republicans were going to "get to the bottom of Waco" in 1995? Oh, no, they got totally spanked when David Koresh's victims came forward. Whoops.
Here is a video looking at shotguns and how they are used...notice the very first shotgun was a weapon used in World War 1 and is still in use today by the militaries around the world......so, if the anti-gunners tell us we can't have "weapons of war," then by that logic pump action shotguns are on their list to be banned and confiscated.......

Children are murdered by their parents more than semiautomatic rifles.
Portland is a mostly white city, so I'm not sure what was going on there or why they kept rioting for months when most of the demonstrations were over by August. Probably a local thing that is a bit more complicated, but frankly, don't really care that much.

We had riots because we haven't fixed the underlying problems of racism, poverty, etc. We probably need to do something about that.

Yeah, you guys really don't have a big enough margin to waste time on this nonsense. You are going to have at most a four seat majority. You don't have a lot of good will to start with, and going on conspiracy theories isn't going to help you.

Hey, remember when Republicans were going to "get to the bottom of Waco" in 1995? Oh, no, they got totally spanked when David Koresh's victims came forward. Whoops.
Not at all surprised you played the race card. That's stereotypical for the left. The riots in Portland continued because the leftist hacks made allowances for the riots, looting and killing. Portland being "mostly white" is just the typical need for leftists to play the "let's blame whitey", game. That would be an obvious failure on your part to understand that rioting, looting and killing was a hallmark of dozens of leftist run cities. You might want to do an analysis of leftist run cities and provide us your findings as to the extent of damage done by the rioters....based upon race, of course.

Yeah, leftists need to immerse themselves in conspiracy theories in order to calm an emotional requirement that might otherwise cause them to examine their behaviors under the Magic Kenyan and Biden... and now Biden to do everything they could to stoke the fire of race hatreds.

Hey, remember when the Party of Slavery did everything they could to maintain the status quo of slave ownership and slave raping? Ah, how you must miss those halcyon days of race hatreds.

Hey, with all those third world illegals being hurded into the country, you're just tingling with excitement for a do-over with a new, nascent slave population, right?

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