Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

No the difference is when Trump got elected regardless of your accusations, he actually proved he could serve the citizen's of this country.

Well, if you consider a million dead and 65 million jobs lost while the country literally burned, then yes, the citizens were served... Kind of the way a turkey is served on thanksgiving.

Kamala Harris has proved after her election that she can't handle the job, so maybe you knucklehead's might try and become more qualified about who it is that you deem as electable, and therefore is qualified before you keep getting your aces handed to you while the egg drips from your faces.

Oh, she's done a fine job, helping shepherd through the president's agenda... It makes you shitheads unhappy, but I love those Republican Tears.
Most people don't consider selling sexual favors to married men in exchange for career opportunities to be a “healthy sex life”.

Well, good thing she didn't do that. Also, I can tell you never worked in an office, where "who is banging the manager to get promoted" is a common game.

I'm not going to defend that. I fully acknowledge that Trump has displayed many lapses of moral character that I find repugnant; and I will not make excuses for that, ever. It's funny that you only care about such immoral behavior when you can use it to condemn someone; otherwise, a blatant whore who sells sexual favors to married men in exchange for career opportunities for which she never would have qualified on her own merits, is, to you, having a “healthy sex life”.

You don't have to defend it, you support it. What is that old saying, "All that evil needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

And when you use terms like "Whore", it shows your misogyny.

SHE POINTED A GUN AT A CROWD OF PEOPLE, WITH HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER. None of the excuses that you persist in making for her, mitigate that in the least. All that they do is to demonstrate what a lying piece of shit you are, when you claim the experience that you do, with regard to weapon handling.

I never served in the military, but I did take JROTC in high school. At that level, I was trained much better than you obviously have been, with regard to basic firearm safety.

Well, we actually trained with real weapons, not toys. JROTC, what a joke.

Feinstein was at a controlled even demonstrating an unloaded weapon, and pointing out how crazy it was civilians could buy them.

You claim to have been in the Army, and you claim to have been in a position specifically oriented toward weapon handling. I call @bullshit. There is simply no way that you were in such a position, without being much better trained in weapon safety than I was, and there's no way you'd have received such training, and still be making excuses for this corrupt bitch about the way she was carelessly handling a gun.

Again, showed you the pictures of my time in service... but since we know Mormons have no integrity... we know you aren't man enough to admit you are wrong.
But... but.... but... but what about Trump.

It's pretty typical to see you abandon your nonsense claims with the ''but.... but... but what about Trump'' deflection.

Harris had a relationship of convenience. She exploited a personal relationship for political gain.

Or maybe she had a real affection for the guy...
But, hey, I don't judge anyone else's relationships... Except Trump, he's slime. Your third wife is at home with your fifth kid and you are off fucking a porn star, that's kind of low.
Or maybe she had a real affection for the guy...
But, hey, I don't judge anyone else's relationships... Except Trump, he's slime. Your third wife is at home with your fifth kid and you are off fucking a porn star, that's kind of low.
Or, maybe she saw job advancement and a bigger paycheck that could happen a lot faster with certain favors.

But hey, you don’t judge anyone else’s relationships, except when your it serves your TDS.
Or, maybe she saw job advancement and a bigger paycheck that could happen a lot faster with certain favors.

But hey, you don’t judge anyone else’s relationships, except when your it serves your TDS.

She's an attorney.. you really think serving on some part time boards helped her career that much?
The problem is that everything in Trump's life indicates he's a piece of shit.
She's an attorney.. you really think serving on some part time boards helped her career that much?
The problem is that everything in Trump's life indicates he's a piece of shit.

She’s a hack ambulance chaser. Do you really think she had any chance at a career without a sugar daddy?

The problem is that Trump haunts your world and your every waking thought is about Trump.

Get some counseling.
Most people don't consider selling sexual favors to married men in exchange for career opportunities to be a “healthy sex life”.
Well, good thing she didn't do that.

She did exactly that. There was not even any attempt made to hide it.

And in her performance of every public office she has ever held, she has very solidly demonstrated that she was never anywhere close to qualified or competent to hold that office.

If she had not whored herself out, she would have never amounted to anything more than a low-grade ambulance chaser, and most of us would have been spared from ever having had to hear of her.

Also, I can tell you never worked in an office, where "who is banging the manager to get promoted" is a common game.

No, I certainly have not. Nor have most other people.

All that this shows is the sort of people with whom you associate. No surprise, at all.

You associate with the lowest of barely-human and subhuman filth, and you assume that the way that they behave is reflective of how normal people behave. It's not.

Be judged by the company that you keep.

And when you use terms like "Whore", it shows your misogyny.

The real misogyny is in holding this degenerate slut up as representative of women in general. Any woman of any character at all should be deeply insulted to be lumped in with this trollop.

Well, we actually trained with real weapons, not toys. JROTC, what a joke.

If true, then you have no excuse whatsoever.

Feinstein was at a controlled even demonstrating an unloaded weapon, and pointing out how crazy it was civilians could buy them.


If you really had the background that you claim, then there is no way you would even think of making excuses for that.

Again, showed you the pictures of my time in service... but since we know Mormons have no integrity... we know you aren't man enough to admit you are wrong.

Like you're anyone to speak of integrity. It would be difficult to think of more than one or two others on this forum, who have less integrity than you clearly do.
And that would suck if any of those people were still alive.

BUt I guess you think black people are stupid, since 90%+ of them are still voting for the party that elected the first black president and the first black vice president.
She's Indian. Not Black. But thanks for showing the Democrats hand...
Well, if you consider a million dead and 65 million jobs lost while the country literally burned, then yes, the citizens were served... Kind of the way a turkey is served on thanksgiving.

Oh, she's done a fine job, helping shepherd through the president's agenda... It makes you shitheads unhappy, but I love those Republican Tears.
Now you've resorted to talking bull crap because you literally can't defend these people.

Well if you consider that Joe's buddy China and it's damned China virus was unleashed at a very suspicious time, and then it has also been learned that we had our hands in that damned lab, and also learned that we were doing gain of function, well then you figure it all out as to why you have those Numbers you spouted above. Trump thank God had nothing to do with that catastrophic bull crap, and it's possible that we will get to the bottom of the situation yet.
Now you've resorted to talking bull crap because you literally can't defend these people.

Well if you consider that Joe's buddy China and it's damned China virus was unleashed at a very suspicious time, and then it has also been learned that we had our hands in that damned lab, and also learned that we were doing gain of function, well then you figure it all out as to why you have those Numbers you spouted above. Trump thank God had nothing to do with that catastrophic bull crap, and it's possible that we will get to the bottom of the situation yet.
It's all fun, and games till the producers give up on rigged voting... It's less fun for the neighbors who knew, but wouldn't speak out...
She did exactly that. There was not even any attempt made to hide it.

And in her performance of every public office she has ever held, she has very solidly demonstrated that she was never anywhere close to qualified or competent to hold that office.

The people of your state disagreed, electing her to office several times.

No, I certainly have not. Nor have most other people.

All that this shows is the sort of people with whom you associate. No surprise, at all.
real world... it happens all the time. I remember one poor fool whose girlfriend traded up to a manager, and he made the mistake of being jealous about it, and got himself downsized. Another company I worked at a married woman used to have quickies with a co-worker during lunch.

Office affairs are common, Bob. And people aren't bad for having them. Certainly better than paying a porn star for sex when your third wife is at home with your fifth baby.

The real misogyny is in holding this degenerate slut up as representative of women in general. Any woman of any character at all should be deeply insulted to be lumped in with this trollop.

Um, outside of your cult, most women have sex outside of marriage. Often with people they know.


If you really had the background that you claim, then there is no way you would even think of making excuses for that.

Right, so even though I've shown you the pictures, no integrity... got it, Bob. No sensible person would shoot a WHITE person for merely holding a gun. It's why THESE assholes didn't get shot.


(Note, second amendment rights do not actually apply to people of color.)

Like you're anyone to speak of integrity. It would be difficult to think of more than one or two others on this forum, who have less integrity than you clearly do.

Um, okay, but again, gave you photographic proof of my service. But if it makes you feel better to have your own fantasies about me, knock yourself out. Just don't stain your magic underwear, it will make Mormon Geezus cry.
Now you've resorted to talking bull crap because you literally can't defend these people.

Well if you consider that Joe's buddy China and it's damned China virus was unleashed at a very suspicious time, and then it has also been learned that we had our hands in that damned lab, and also learned that we were doing gain of function, well then you figure it all out as to why you have those Numbers you spouted above. Trump thank God had nothing to do with that catastrophic bull crap, and it's possible that we will get to the bottom of the situation yet.

If the Chinese were going to do that, they'd have released it directly, not infected their own people and then hope Trump would be so criminally incompetent to let it spread.

Trump was president when Covid Broke out. He failed on every front in dealing with it.
real world... it happens all the time. I remember one poor fool whose girlfriend traded up to a manager, and he made the mistake of being jealous about it, and got himself downsized. Another company I worked at a married woman used to have quickies with a co-worker during lunch.

Office affairs are common, Bob. And people aren't bad for having them.

Um, outside of your cult, most women have sex outside of marriage. Often with people they know.

It's just like I said.

You associate with the lowest of barely-human and subhuman scum, and you assume, in error, that normal people behave in the same manner as the filth with which you associate.

No, normal people do not behave that way.
It's just like I said.

You associate with the lowest of barely-human and subhuman scum, and you assume, in error, that normal people behave in the same manner as the filth with which you associate.

No, normal people do not behave that way.

Really, let's review, shall we.

Data from the 2002 survey indicate that by age 20, 77% of respondents had had sex, 75% had had premarital sex, and 12% had married; by age 44, 95% of respondents (94% of women, 96% of men, and 97% of those who had ever had sex) had had premarital sex.

So, um, yeah, most people are having sex outside of marriage.

The two researchers found that about 21 percent of men and 13 percent of women reported infidelity at some point in their lifetime and that this gender difference has been consistent from 2000 to 2016.

Just over half (53.5 percent) of those reporting extramarital sex said they were unfaithful with someone they knew well, such as a close friend. About a third of affairs are with someone who’s somewhat well-known, such as a neighbor, co-worker or long-term acquaintance (about 29.4 percent). The rest of affairs occur with casual acquaintances.

Sorry, man, Americans just aren't as prude as you want them to be.

Now go wash your Magic Underwear, you are making Baby Be-jeezue cry.
If the Chinese were going to do that, they'd have released it directly, not infected their own people and then hope Trump would be so criminally incompetent to let it spread.

Trump was president when Covid Broke out. He failed on every front in dealing with it.
Your debilitating TDS has flared up again. Trump was responsible for the vaccine led effort.

It was the dems who failed on every front. It is the dems who are still pimping mask mandates.
Your debilitating TDS has flared up again. Trump was responsible for the vaccine led effort.

It was the dems who failed on every front. It is the dems who are still pimping mask mandates.

Democrats weren't in charge when this thing broke out... Trump was. And as Harry Truman said, "The Buck Stops Here".

Except for Trump. The Buck never gets anywhere hear his desk.
Your debilitating TDS has flared up again. Trump was responsible for the vaccine led effort.

It was the dems who failed on every front. It is the dems who are still pimping mask mandates.

And the mRNA “vaccines” that have now been proven to be unsafe, ineffective, and unnecessary.
Democrats weren't in charge when this thing broke out... Trump was. And as Harry Truman said, "The Buck Stops Here".

Except for Trump. The Buck never gets anywhere hear his desk.
Democrats were in charge when the Wuhan virus was completely mismanaged.

TDS causes you to blame dem failures on everyone but yourselves.

As dems say, "I Blame Trump".
Democrats weren't in charge when this thing broke out... Trump was.

It was not Trump who exploited this absurd hoax for malicious political purposes, seizing and abusing unprecedented illegitimate powers, destroying essential freedoms, sabotaging the economy, and trying to force us to take dangerous experimental drugs.

It was your side that did that, all of it.
Democrats were in charge when the Wuhan virus was completely mismanaged.

TDS causes you to blame dem failures on everyone but yourselves.

As dems say, "I Blame Trump".

Democraps have been doing that for a long time—putting forth policies that anyone should know will produce bad results, and trying to blame their opposition for these bad results.

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