Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

What evidence can you provide to support your claim that Trump, Bush, Quayle and Agnew were elected because they were white?

Because they were white... and they were elected. Hello. They certainly weren't the brightest bulbs on the block.

Great response. He clearly shows his disdain for white's, but he's no racist, NO not Joe just ask him. ROTFLMBO

It's been well established that Joe is a racist here, but he'll keep on lying and poking the bear for the Democrat's regardless of how shameful it is for him.

You reckon they might actually pay him ? They should demand a refund if they do.

Sorry, buddy, I'm about as pasty white as you get.

Seems to me that the Democrats should be pretty happy. They won a midterm that by all rights they should have lost.
Because they were white... and they were elected. Hello. They certainly weren't the brightest bulbs on the block.

Sorry, buddy, I'm about as pasty white as you get.

Seems to me that the Democrats should be pretty happy. They won a midterm that by all rights they should have lost.
I see. The leftist argument of circular reasoning: ''They were white, they were elected, therefore they were elected because they were white''

Seems to me, dems should be ecstatic. Their ''president'' is in Columbia, (or is it Cambodia), praising the Cambodians, (or is it the Columbians), for.. something or another, or is he in the county of Mental Decline?

Wow. Can't wait for the dems to kick off that "Fetterman for president'', campaign.
I see. The leftist argument of circular reasoning: ''They were white, they were elected, therefore they were elected because they were white''

You miss the point entirely. These guys didn't get the jobs because they were the best or smartest guys we had.

They got it because of white privilege.

But you guys go on and on about Obama and Harris, people who got elected DESPITE living in a country that is racist. Why, it must be affirmative action.
Because they were white... and they were elected. Hello. They certainly weren't the brightest bulbs on the block.

Sorry, buddy, I'm about as pasty white as you get.

Seems to me that the Democrats should be pretty happy. They won a midterm that by all rights they should have lost.
So you are one of those white liberals Malcolm X talked about in this game of political football, otherwise one of those white's that wants the Blackman to think of you as his friend, but in reality you are his enemy because you only use him to get your way against your white Republican counter part or opponents, and then you leave them in disarray and confusion when they are let down over and over and over again in the game of convenient usery.
So you are one of those white liberals Malcolm X talked about in this game of political football, otherwise one of those white's that wants the Blackman to think of you as his friend, but in reality you are his enemy because you only use him to get your way against your white Republican counter part or opponents, and then you leave them in disarray and confusion when they are let down over and over and over again in the game of convenient usery.

Um, I don't think you understood what Malcolm X wanted at all... I'm not even sure he did before he was shot by his fellow crazies.

Here's my overall thought on race relations.

1) America is inherently racist. Have been since we built this country on slavery and genocide.
2) That said, a lot of liberal ideas for fixing the problem really haven't worked. Affirmative Action doesn't help the people it should be helping, it's penalizing people who don't deserve to be penalized.
3) Conservatives have no ideas at all. They just like to pretend the problem doesn't exist.
4) End of the day, expecting government to fix your problems is a long wait for a train that never comes. This is why I take IM2 to task with his incessant whining. You aren't going to fix the problem by whining or expecting the government to give you reparations.
You miss the point entirely. These guys didn't get the jobs because they were the best or smartest guys we had.

They got it because of white privilege.

But you guys go on and on about Obama and Harris, people who got elected DESPITE living in a country that is racist. Why, it must be affirmative action.
You didn't understand the point you were hoping to make. You don't understand that a groupie from the Party of Slavery looking to lecture anyone on ''white privilege'' is a laughable joke.

Your racism is a debilitating syndrome you need help to resolve. However, don't project your racist ideology onto others and don't presume your racism and self-hating ideology is shared by anyone else.
You didn't understand the point you were hoping to make. You don't understand that a groupie from the Party of Slavery looking to lecture anyone on ''white privilege'' is a laughable joke.

I understand it perfectly well... these idiots were put into the highest office of the land not because of merit, but because of privilege. That you go on and on about poor Harris (who actually achieved her station on merit) is telling about your racism.
I understand it perfectly well... these idiots were put into the highest office of the land not because of merit, but because of privilege. That you go on and on about poor Harris (who actually achieved her station on merit) is telling about your racism.
You don't understand at all. You have no facts to support your specious claims. You simply further your self-hate and race obsession with these emotional tirades.

You go on and on about Harris who achieved nothing on merit is actually quite telling about your need to shout out your racism.

You make every waking moment of your miserable, self-loathing existence about race.
You don't understand at all. You have no facts to support your specious claims. You simply further your self-hate and race obsession with these emotional tirades.

you are throwing a hissy. Are you really arguing that Dan Quayle advanced on "merit"?

You go on and on about Harris who achieved nothing on merit is actually quite telling about your need to shout out your racism.

Harris's resume is pretty impressive, actually.

District Attorney
States Attorney
Vice President.

But you do go on.
you are throwing a hissy. Are you really arguing that Dan Quayle advanced on "merit"?

Harris's resume is pretty impressive, actually.

District Attorney
States Attorney
Vice President.

But you do go on.

Your tirades are funny to watch.

Harris's resume: Willie Brown groupie.
Your tirades are funny to watch.

Harris's resume: Willie Brown groupie.

So - Trump cheats on all three wives, pays porn stars for sex, and you guys are all okay with that.

But 20 years ago, Harris had a relationship with a man who was separated from his wife, and OH MY GOD, THAT WHORE!!!!
You do realize it was a staged event with security, right Mormon Bob. Or are you just enjoying your wank fantasies of murdering an elderly woman?


She pointed a gun into a crowd of people, with her finger on the trigger.

That's prima facie an imminent death threat, and just cause for anyone in the crowd to have shot her in self-defense.

The sets of The Crow and Rust were also “staged events”. Brandon Lee and Halyna Hutchins are just as dead as they would have been, if their shooting happened in the wild; just as dead as anyone in the audience would have been if the gun that the corrupt bitch Feinstein was brandishing had gone off.

Among the lies you occasionally tell, is of your alleged experience in the army as a weapons specialist. If that were true, then you would know damn well the basic rules of gun safety, including the knowledge that you NEVER assume that a gun is unloaded, you NEVER point a gun at anyone you don't intend to shoot, and you NEVER have your finger on the trigger unless you mean to pull it.

If you really had the experience that you claim to have had, then there is no way you would be making excuses for the outrageously unsafe manner in which that picture shows the corrupt bitch Feinstein mishandling a gun.

And keep in mind, that is a corrupt tyrannical bitch that presumes to make policy telling us, her rightful masters, what guns we may or may not have, and yet she cannot demonstrate even the most basic knowledge and competence regarding the safe handling of arms. And apparently, neither can you, given the excuses that you persist in making on her behalf. And you claim a past background and experience that leaves you with no excuse whatsoever.
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I understand it perfectly well... these idiots were put into the highest office of the land not because of merit, but because of privilege. That you go on and on about poor Harris (who actually achieved her station on merit) is telling about your racism.

Is it your claim that Barack Obama or Kamala “The Whore” Harris achieved the positions that they did, on the basis of merit? That they would have at least as easily achieved the same positions if they were “privileged” white men?
You miss the point entirely. These guys didn't get the jobs because they were the best or smartest guys we had.

They got it because of white privilege.

But you guys go on and on about Obama and Harris, people who got elected DESPITE living in a country that is racist. Why, it must be affirmative action.
I get it...you are a racist....get woke and get over your hatred of white people Jesse Jackson

She pointed a gun into a crowd of people, with her finger on the trigger.

That's prima facie an imminent death threat, and just cause for anyone in the crowd to have shot her in self-defense.

The sets of The Crow and Rust were also “staged events”. Brandon Lee and Halyna Hutchins are just as dead as they would have been, if their shooting happened in the wild; just as dead as anyone in the audience would have been if the gun that the corrupt bitch Feinstein was brandishing had gone off.

Among the lies you occasionally tell, is of your alleged experience in the army as a weapons specialist. If that were true, then you would know damn well the basic rules of gun safety, including the knowledge that you NEVER assume that a gun is unloaded, you NEVER point a gun at anyone you don't intend to shoot, and you NEVER have your finger on the trigger unless you mean to pull it.

If you really had the experience that you claim to have had, then there is no way you would be making excuses for the outrageously unsafe manner in which that picture shows the corrupt bitch Feinstein mishandling a gun.

And keep in mind, that is a corrupt tyrannical bitch that [presumes to make policy telling us, her rightful masters, what guns we may or may not have, and yet she cannot demonstrate even the most basic knowledge and competence regarding the safe handling of arms. And apparently, neither can you, given the excuses that you persist in making on her behalf. And you claim a past background and experience that leaves you with no excuse whatsow

we got to get rid of hammers first they are dangerous to old democrats

She pointed a gun into a crowd of people, with her finger on the trigger.

That's prima facie an imminent death threat, and just cause for anyone in the crowd to have shot her in self-defense.

Right, Bob, you know, you need to see someone about your murder wank fantasies before you hurt someone.

Is it your claim that Barack Obama or Kamala “The Whore” Harris achieved the positions that they did, on the basis of merit? That they would have at least as easily achieved the same positions if they were “privileged” white men?

Yup, wonderful misogyny on display. How dare a woman have a healthy sex life. You know, unlike your Hero Trump who cheated on all three of his wives and had to pay a porn star for sex.

The sets of The Crow and Rust were also “staged events”. Brandon Lee and Halyna Hutchins are just as dead as they would have been, if their shooting happened in the wild; just as dead as anyone in the audience would have been if the gun that the corrupt bitch Feinstein was brandishing had gone off.

Yeah, I think that if they started shooting actors on sets because they have a prop gun that MIGHT go off if the prop master wasn't doing his job, that would be a bit of a problem... but okay, Bob, you are stretching logic here.

Among the lies you occasionally tell, is of your alleged experience in the army as a weapons specialist. If that were true, then you would know damn well the basic rules of gun safety, including the knowledge that you NEVER assume that a gun is unloaded, you NEVER point a gun at anyone you don't intend to shoot, and you NEVER have your finger on the trigger unless you mean to pull it.

Quite the contrary, when we sent guys out in the field, we knew damned well if they had live ammo or not. They either had live ammo, or they had blank ammo. When it was live ammo, we had a lot more people monitoring what everyone was doing, how they held their weapons entering or leaving the range, and so on.

And keep in mind, that is a corrupt tyrannical bitch that [presumes to make policy telling us, her rightful masters, what guns we may or may not have, and yet she cannot demonstrate even the most basic knowledge and competence regarding the safe handling of arms. And apparently, neither can you, given the excuses that you persist in making on her behalf. And you claim a past background and experience that leaves you with no excuse whatsoever.

You've obviously never served, or you'd realize just how casually guys handled their guns. When I went through boot camp in 1981, we had one recruit who shot off the foot of a Range NCO on a live fire range.

So it was a staged event where she displayed an unloaded weapon designed for a battlefield and asked the very valid question of why a civilian would need one of these.
So - Trump cheats on all three wives, pays porn stars for sex, and you guys are all okay with that.

But 20 years ago, Harris had a relationship with a man who was separated from his wife, and OH MY GOD, THAT WHORE!!!!
No the difference is when Trump got elected regardless of your accusations, he actually proved he could serve the citizen's of this country.

Kamala Harris has proved after her election that she can't handle the job, so maybe you knucklehead's might try and become more qualified about who it is that you deem as electable, and therefore is qualified before you keep getting your aces handed to you while the egg drips from your faces.
Yup, wonderful misogyny on display. How dare a woman have a healthy sex life.

Most people don't consider selling sexual favors to married men in exchange for career opportunities to be a “healthy sex life”.

You know, unlike your Hero Trump who cheated on all three of his wives and had to pay a porn star for sex.

I'm not going to defend that. I fully acknowledge that Trump has displayed many lapses of moral character that I find repugnant; and I will not make excuses for that, ever. It's funny that you only care about such immoral behavior when you can use it to condemn someone; otherwise, a blatant whore who sells sexual favors to married men in exchange for career opportunities for which she never would have qualified on her own merits, is, to you, having a “healthy sex life”.

So it was a staged event where she displayed an unloaded weapon designed for a battlefield and asked the very valid question of why a civilian would need one of these.

SHE POINTED A GUN AT A CROWD OF PEOPLE, WITH HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER. None of the excuses that you persist in making for her, mitigate that in the least. All that they do is to demonstrate what a lying piece of shit you are, when you claim the experience that you do, with regard to weapon handling.

I never served in the military, but I did take JROTC in high school. At that level, I was trained much better than you obviously have been, with regard to basic firearm safety.

You claim to have been in the Army, and you claim to have been in a position specifically oriented toward weapon handling. I call bullshit. There is simply no way that you were in such a position, without being much better trained in weapon safety than I was, and there's no way you'd have received such training, and still be making excuses for this corrupt bitch about the way she was carelessly handling a gun.
So - Trump cheats on all three wives, pays porn stars for sex, and you guys are all okay with that.

But 20 years ago, Harris had a relationship with a man who was separated from his wife, and OH MY GOD, THAT WHORE!!!!
But... but.... but... but what about Trump.

It's pretty typical to see you abandon your nonsense claims with the ''but.... but... but what about Trump'' deflection.

Harris had a relationship of convenience. She exploited a personal relationship for political gain.

Hey, the whole ''Border Czar" fiasco shows she's a hopelessly overwhelmed layabout without a single coherent thought.

....the significance of the passage of time...

Harris had a relationship of convenience. She exploited a personal relationship for political gain.

Or to put it bluntly, as I have, she exchanged sexual favors for employment opportunities.

This is, by the way, flatly illegal. At least in the private sector, it is. It's covered by sexual harassment laws.

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