Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

Yup, so you must think Black people are pretty stupid if they don't see this and 90% of them vote for the Democrats...

Is this what you are saying?

Or do they just not see the paranoid shit you see?

It's not 90% any more...........the democrats are losing both blacks and hispanic voters....
Okay, keep telling yourself that...

How did Tuesday go again?
Tuesday went badly for a portion of the country and for leftists. You folks voted for a man-child with brain damage as a representative of “the people”. This is a man who clearly has cognitive issues.

What a reflection of ideologues who voted for an impaired, unqualified loser with a history of failures, just like themselves.
There is a line of thought that you can't be racist if you lack the institutional power to act on it, thereby only white people can be racist.

Minorities CAN be prejudiced against whites... but not racist, as racism requires power to make changes.

Wow, sometimes I wonder what kind of brainwashing you inflict on yourself.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of finding new ways to alienate people of color, give them a good reason to vote for you. I mean, I've been hearing from you guys for the last year about how Blacks were defecting to the GOP... how Hispanics were defecting to the GOP...

And last night, it's not even clear that you kept white people.
Your first crock of bull crap about racist or racism made me spit of my coffee up in laughter. You are truly a partisan hack that will say anything regardless as to whether or not it makes any sense at all. That's how dumb you think the posters here are, otherwise that you can just spew ignorance and they just cringe in fear of it... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You are truly a self serving moron that has found a place to entertain yourself with. How anyone entertains your stupidity is just mind boggling. But then again I guess they love making you look like the knucklehead that you are... I guess that has some value in life.. 😂.
It's not 90% any more...........the democrats are losing both blacks and hispanic voters....
Just think, those voter's are finally waking up to the fact that they shouldn't be selling their soul's so cheaply to the soul killing Demoncrats.
It wont take much prodding to get them to add shotguns to their list
The gun grabbers will quote 2aguy and M14 Shooter to prove that shotguns are weapons of war

And clueless libs will believe them

Those two have their heart in the right place but they are wrong that the way to win is to lose first
The gun grabbers will quote 2aguy and M14 Shooter to prove that shotguns are weapons of war
And clueless libs will believe them
Those two have their heart in the right place but they are wrong that the way to win is to lose first
The left wil ban every gun they think they can get away with and will make up every lie they can think of to do it.
Ban the shotguns now and we get the issue settled sooner rather than later.
The left wil ban every gun they think they can get away with and will make up every lie they can think of to do it.
Ban the shotguns now and we get the issue settled sooner rather than later.
Your attempted reverse psychology will be helpful to the gun grabbers
Maybe so, or maybe not
Dont bet the rent money of 5 demigods on Mt Olympus
It;s there now. So is yours.
The left will ban every gun they think they can get away with and will make up every lie they can think of to do it.
What will stop them?
The USSC, reinforcing and expanding its jurisprudence.

Sooner > later
Tuesday went badly for a portion of the country and for leftists. You folks voted for a man-child with brain damage as a representative of “the people”. This is a man who clearly has cognitive issues.

What a reflection of ideologues who voted for an impaired, unqualified loser with a history of failures, just like themselves.

So in addition to being racist, homophobic and transphobic we can add ableist to your list?
Just think, those voter's are finally waking up to the fact that they shouldn't be selling their soul's so cheaply to the soul killing Demoncrats.

And allowing the deaths of their children in democrat party controlled cities.......
So, in addition to your inability to actually address the contents of my post, we can add befuddled to your list of attributes?
I did address it. It was stupid. You couldn't address Fetterman's stand on issues, so you went after his disability.

I happen to think Greg Abbot is a repulsive human being. But I never talk about him being in a wheelchair.

The right wing has a long habit of attacking people on their disabilities... Max Cleland, Tammy Duckworth and now Fetterman.
I did address it. It was stupid. You couldn't address Fetterman's stand on issues, so you went after his disability.

I happen to think Greg Abbot is a repulsive human being. But I never talk about him being in a wheelchair.

The right wing has a long habit of attacking people on their disabilities... Max Cleland, Tammy Duckworth and now Fetterman.
Fetterman doesn't have a stand on issues.

"Hi! Good night everybody."
The left will ban every gun they think they can get away with and will make up every lie they can think of to do it.

I'm reminded of something I faintly remember the crook Dianne Feinstein saying, in an interview, around the time her fraudulent 1994 “assault weapon” ban was passed. It amounted to an admission that she wanted to ban all privately-held firearms, “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them in”, that what she authored was what she could get the votes to pass.

It's a damn shame that there wasn't someone in the audience, where this picture was taken, who was armed, and who rightfully took this corrupt caulk bucket's act of pointing a firearm at the audience, with her finger on the trigger, as a valid threat and as cause to shoot her in self-defense.


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