Weapons ending up with terrorists is OK, as long as Obama did it: The world according to CNN

I’m an American Indian, my inclusion is not acceptable with white supremacists... I Do not qualify.

And yes Muslims do not tolerate anything other than Their own murderous ways

If I were you, I would turn in my American Indian ( I also have trouble with Native American) card or rethink things. The last time I checked, all religions are not tolerant of other religions. Some of the bloodiest times in history prove that statement. Could it be that it's just the Muslims turn? And there are more than one type of Muslims just like there are more than one type of Christians or Jews. And each one has taken it's time in the proverbial barrel. American Indians are NOT innocent of this either. In my Ancestory, there was the 5 Civilized Tribes or Nations yet even they were not always civilized to one another.

In the beginning, there was one Islamic or Muslim belief. When the Father died, his two sons created two different ones. Each son had their own idea and moved to two different towns and spread their own ideas. One was peaceful and the other was not. One attacked the other constantly. Both were at war with each other. It's been that way ever since. You say that Muslims are not tolerant with other religions. Depends on which belief system you are coming from. One side isn't even tolerant of other Muslims that are not of the exact same beliefs. I can bet you don't know which one is which? It's damned hard to tell these days. And damned surprising which is which and why.
Native American is the white man’s term. And yes My ancestors tortured and enslaved other Indian tribes... They were the original slaveowners on this continent
And Muslims when they control the country they tolerate no one else, especially Jews and Christians.
You mean there’s other denominations…
Sola scriptura - Wikipedia

The last time I sat on the lip of a canyon overlooking the Colorado River where I was 1000 feet or more above it on a shear cliff face, I was touching God. The Sun was setting, the limestone, Sandstone, Granite, quartz, and more were in bands were lit up and the sky was bands of the rainbow, God touched my Cheeks. I wasn't aware of any religion. But I was aware of the Creator for only the Creator could construct something like that. It goes back to your people, all of my people (all branches) and another group that we both believe in, those that came before us. I doubt if one in a million ever gets to experience that and it should be criminal that they don't. They turn to Religion which destroys those wonders and places where one can be one with God. Religion does NOT give you God. I am a Christian but I am also more, much more. Most high country old Rocky Mountain Stock are more. That means that your beliefs are your beliefs and I will fight to defend your beliefs as vigorously as if they were my own. This includes "Civilized" Muslims or Islamists as well. As long as your Religion is not trying to kill the other Religions then it should be not only tolerated but protected. I miss the visits I had with God in the High Country. I can't go that high into the Mountains anymore.
Christianity is a faith not a religion, Islam is a cult... the most violent of them.

Funny, that is what the radical side of Islam says about Christianity. I am dying to know the truth. I guess that is exactly what I would have to do to really know the truth, right?
Jesus Christ speaks solely for Christianity, Mohamed speaks solely for Islam.

That pretty much says it all

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