'Weasels and liars': Comey tweets about memo


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011

Comey tweets about FBI speaking up amid controversy over memo - CNNPolitics

Former FBI Director James Comey took to Twitter to weigh in as rumors swirl around the FBI's reported opposition to a secret memo's potential declassification.

"All should appreciate the FBI speaking up," Comey wrote Thursday evening. "I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy."
Comey the clown had his chance to speak up in front of the house committee he didn't answer a damn thing...he is guilty as hell...
He spent 20 minutes listing clinton crimes and when it was time to speak up he folded and wouldn’t press charges. This guy has no moral authority to even tweet about speaking out or standing up for rule of law.
RW idiots can squeal like a pig stuck in a gate until they're purple and it wont so much as chink the armor of the nvestigation.


Comey tweets about FBI speaking up amid controversy over memo - CNNPolitics

Former FBI Director James Comey took to Twitter to weigh in as rumors swirl around the FBI's reported opposition to a secret memo's potential declassification.

"All should appreciate the FBI speaking up," Comey wrote Thursday evening. "I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy."
His opinion means nothing considering he is a liar.
Comey is the most despicable traitorous scumbag, worse than the Chinese spy who got all our Chinese agents killed
RW idiots can squeal like a pig stuck in a gate until they're purple and it wont so much as chink the armor of the nvestigation.

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The idiots squealing are you on the left. It is quite entertaining.

your problem is Im not on the left, independents have as much problem with Cheetoboi as dems do ,,, youre an idiot
Independent my....you always sound like a libtard. Go Trump.
RW idiots can squeal like a pig stuck in a gate until they're purple and it wont so much as chink the armor of the nvestigation.

View attachment 174519
The idiots squealing are you on the left. It is quite entertaining.

your problem is Im not on the left, independents have as much problem with Cheetoboi as dems do ,,, youre an idiot
You're so damn far left you actually thought obie and shrill were centrist. Go bullshit someone else.
It is going to be interesting to see where this goes when the memo finally comes out. In all honesty, I don't see how anything can benefit Trump in relation to his going head to head with the FBI itself.

They have a lot more credibility as an institution than Trump will ever have and if people really start to resign over this it will get rather ugly quickly.
You anti Comey people are actually little kids, right? What are you doing up so late on a school night?

Only little kids could show such utter stupidity coupled with rabid partisanship in the face of a constitutional crisis. You don't take our system of law and Justice seriously.

Now! Go to bed and no TV tonight!
It is going to be interesting to see where this goes when the memo finally comes out. In all honesty, I don't see how anything can benefit Trump in relation to his going head to head with the FBI itself.

They have a lot more credibility as an institution than Trump will ever have and if people really start to resign over this it will get rather ugly quickly.
You anti Comey people are actually little kids, right? What are you doing up so late on a school night?

Only little kids could show such utter stupidity coupled with rabid partisanship in the face of a constitutional crisis. You don't take our system of law and Justice seriously.

Now! Go to bed and no TV tonight!
I would go to bed and sleep much better thinking our justice system was solid if hillary was spending the night in prison. As it is this justice system laid out every one of her crimes in detail and then followed up with proving them in a congressional hearing yet decided the law didn't apply to her. And Comey was the leader of that charade.
Comey is a backstabbing lying leaker.

Yet, Trump's pathological blatant lies seem not to bother you. The fact, that Trump has constantly attacked the pillars of this country, designed by our founding fathers and then there's the 100,000's that gave their lives defending our country and it's principles.
Comey looks patriotic and honest, compared to your hero.

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