Joe diGenova: Comey, McCabe, and Strzok Are 'Going Down' Over FISA Warrant Abuses

So what's the bottom line agenda here?

Is it to get Mueller to lay off Trump and toss out his case?
So what's the bottom line agenda here?

Is it to get Mueller to lay off Trump and toss out his case?

Mueller is going to toss out his own case anyway and Trump is going to pardon a whole bunch of people and hopefully not just Republicans.
PA'LEASE! You don't even know the LAW.... or why it is a law...

Stop playing so Dumb and Dumber... try knowing what you are talking about... instead of parroting what
you've been told to say!

Start with: How in your head is hiring GPS for opposition research a crime? What was the collusion with GPS that broke Campaign Finance Laws???? Or GPS contracting Steele to investigate? Or for Steele to use sources to gather info? What law do you think was broken???

Lots of laws were broken: The National Security Council was weaponized and unmasking the names of surveilled Americans and leaked their names to the press, in order to undermine the Trump campaign.

The Department of Justice under Obama was weaponized to ensure Hillary Clinton was exonerated for her misdeeds concerning her email server and quid pro quo collusion with a variety of foreign and domestic influence peddlers and buyers. Remember Loretta Lynch's "meeting on the tarmac" with Bill Clinton? Do you think they were just exchanging pleasantries?

The FBI and CIA were then weaponized to subvert the Trump campaign, by peddling an unverified smear dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, by implanting informants into the Trump campaign, and by undermining a FISA court through dishonest presentations of evidence for warrants to spy on American citizens.

How could your seriously not consider any of that "illegal"?

So you say.

The fact is it is not illegal to unmask someone as long as you have the proper authorizations. There is no evidence any names were leaked.

The dossier was not unverified. Comey was able to confirm some of it. Our intelligence agencies knew of Russia's attempt to influence our elections even before the dossier. No informants were placed in the Trump campaign. There was nothing dishonest about the FISA warrants. The political nature of them was disclosed. Also they were a small part of the FISA warrant.

There was nothing illegal. You are a flat out liar.

Call me whatever you want to. Unfortunately, it's not my side who's fixing to go down, it's yours.

You are the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories. No one is going down unless it is Trump., All you have is baseless allegations that voters are not buying.

Wrong again. We have what you Democrats couldn't accomplish in eight years and after blowing ten trillion dollars: And that would be RESULTS.

Obama was a weak and ineffectual President whose leadership ability and economic policies were laughable. In fact, he was the only President in this country's history to not have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

Trump's economic numbers are now at 4.2%, and the economy is gangbusters. That is the thing voters will remember when they go to the polls.

It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats of which I am neither. The fact is that a financial crisis such as we had sometimes takes a long time to recover. Unemployment peaked at 10% and has been dropping steadily. Companies started coming back to the US since the early 2010's. Also income growth has lagged under both Obama and Trump. Neither Trump nor Obama deserve any credit.

Voters do not give Trump much credit. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much tied in terms of taxes. Another thing they have in common is exploding deficits. Under Obama we had $1 trillion deficits. Under Obama it was coming down. under Trump it is exploding again. Both sides are responsible.,
Lots of laws were broken: The National Security Council was weaponized and unmasking the names of surveilled Americans and leaked their names to the press, in order to undermine the Trump campaign.

The Department of Justice under Obama was weaponized to ensure Hillary Clinton was exonerated for her misdeeds concerning her email server and quid pro quo collusion with a variety of foreign and domestic influence peddlers and buyers. Remember Loretta Lynch's "meeting on the tarmac" with Bill Clinton? Do you think they were just exchanging pleasantries?

The FBI and CIA were then weaponized to subvert the Trump campaign, by peddling an unverified smear dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, by implanting informants into the Trump campaign, and by undermining a FISA court through dishonest presentations of evidence for warrants to spy on American citizens.

How could your seriously not consider any of that "illegal"?

So you say.

The fact is it is not illegal to unmask someone as long as you have the proper authorizations. There is no evidence any names were leaked.

The dossier was not unverified. Comey was able to confirm some of it. Our intelligence agencies knew of Russia's attempt to influence our elections even before the dossier. No informants were placed in the Trump campaign. There was nothing dishonest about the FISA warrants. The political nature of them was disclosed. Also they were a small part of the FISA warrant.

There was nothing illegal. You are a flat out liar.

Call me whatever you want to. Unfortunately, it's not my side who's fixing to go down, it's yours.

You are the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories. No one is going down unless it is Trump., All you have is baseless allegations that voters are not buying.

Wrong again. We have what you Democrats couldn't accomplish in eight years and after blowing ten trillion dollars: And that would be RESULTS.

Obama was a weak and ineffectual President whose leadership ability and economic policies were laughable. In fact, he was the only President in this country's history to not have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

Trump's economic numbers are now at 4.2%, and the economy is gangbusters. That is the thing voters will remember when they go to the polls.

It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats of which I am neither. The fact is that a financial crisis such as we had sometimes takes a long time to recover. Unemployment peaked at 10% and has been dropping steadily. Companies started coming back to the US since the early 2010's. Also income growth has lagged under both Obama and Trump. Neither Trump nor Obama deserve any credit.

Voters do not give Trump much credit. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much tied in terms of taxes. Another thing they have in common is exploding deficits. Under Obama we had $1 trillion deficits. Under Obama it was coming down. under Trump it is exploding again. Both sides are responsible.,

Not entirely true. The government seems to be taking in a record amount of revenue since Trump's tax reform took effect.
All it would take is a couple strokes of the Presidential pen, then all hell would break loose.

President Trump is showing the restraint of a Gandhi.

He has no choice.

Oh, really?

"Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

You had better hope and pray that he doesn't. Because even though in your blissful ignorance or sheer denial, this would be the final nail in the coffin of the liberal/progressive/socialist movement in this country.

Think the tears on the evening of Trump's election were something? Should Trump decide to drop the hammer, the flood of tears from the left would make the Geat Flood of the Bible look like a small creek.
Four judges say the FBI did its job by the book in regards to these FISA's. The four factors from the executive order do not apply. Four judges already told us so. Trump is desperate to distract from Manafort, Cohen, and the rest of the hood rats who decided to talk.
So you say.

The fact is it is not illegal to unmask someone as long as you have the proper authorizations. There is no evidence any names were leaked.

The dossier was not unverified. Comey was able to confirm some of it. Our intelligence agencies knew of Russia's attempt to influence our elections even before the dossier. No informants were placed in the Trump campaign. There was nothing dishonest about the FISA warrants. The political nature of them was disclosed. Also they were a small part of the FISA warrant.

There was nothing illegal. You are a flat out liar.

Call me whatever you want to. Unfortunately, it's not my side who's fixing to go down, it's yours.

You are the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories. No one is going down unless it is Trump., All you have is baseless allegations that voters are not buying.

Wrong again. We have what you Democrats couldn't accomplish in eight years and after blowing ten trillion dollars: And that would be RESULTS.

Obama was a weak and ineffectual President whose leadership ability and economic policies were laughable. In fact, he was the only President in this country's history to not have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

Trump's economic numbers are now at 4.2%, and the economy is gangbusters. That is the thing voters will remember when they go to the polls.

It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats of which I am neither. The fact is that a financial crisis such as we had sometimes takes a long time to recover. Unemployment peaked at 10% and has been dropping steadily. Companies started coming back to the US since the early 2010's. Also income growth has lagged under both Obama and Trump. Neither Trump nor Obama deserve any credit.

Voters do not give Trump much credit. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much tied in terms of taxes. Another thing they have in common is exploding deficits. Under Obama we had $1 trillion deficits. Under Obama it was coming down. under Trump it is exploding again. Both sides are responsible.,

Not entirely true. The government seems to be taking in a record amount of revenue since Trump's tax reform took effect.
$1.3 trillion in debt is definitely true. Gas, groceries, health care, vehicles, rent, are all going up. The tax cuts were all for the rich. Trump made big promises and ran on the deficit. And? Two years later, he lied.
So you say.

The fact is it is not illegal to unmask someone as long as you have the proper authorizations. There is no evidence any names were leaked.

The dossier was not unverified. Comey was able to confirm some of it. Our intelligence agencies knew of Russia's attempt to influence our elections even before the dossier. No informants were placed in the Trump campaign. There was nothing dishonest about the FISA warrants. The political nature of them was disclosed. Also they were a small part of the FISA warrant.

There was nothing illegal. You are a flat out liar.

Call me whatever you want to. Unfortunately, it's not my side who's fixing to go down, it's yours.

You are the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories. No one is going down unless it is Trump., All you have is baseless allegations that voters are not buying.

Wrong again. We have what you Democrats couldn't accomplish in eight years and after blowing ten trillion dollars: And that would be RESULTS.

Obama was a weak and ineffectual President whose leadership ability and economic policies were laughable. In fact, he was the only President in this country's history to not have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

Trump's economic numbers are now at 4.2%, and the economy is gangbusters. That is the thing voters will remember when they go to the polls.

It has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats of which I am neither. The fact is that a financial crisis such as we had sometimes takes a long time to recover. Unemployment peaked at 10% and has been dropping steadily. Companies started coming back to the US since the early 2010's. Also income growth has lagged under both Obama and Trump. Neither Trump nor Obama deserve any credit.

Voters do not give Trump much credit. Republicans and Democrats are pretty much tied in terms of taxes. Another thing they have in common is exploding deficits. Under Obama we had $1 trillion deficits. Under Obama it was coming down. under Trump it is exploding again. Both sides are responsible.,

Not entirely true. The government seems to be taking in a record amount of revenue since Trump's tax reform took effect.

George W Bush had a record amount of revenue except for several years during the recession. Barack Obama had a record amount of revenue. That is a reflection of economic growth.
All it would take is a couple strokes of the Presidential pen, then all hell would break loose.

President Trump is showing the restraint of a Gandhi.

He has no choice.

Oh, really?

"Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

You had better hope and pray that he doesn't. Because even though in your blissful ignorance or sheer denial, this would be the final nail in the coffin of the liberal/progressive/socialist movement in this country.

Think the tears on the evening of Trump's election were something? Should Trump decide to drop the hammer, the flood of tears from the left would make the Geat Flood of the Bible look like a small creek.
Four judges say the FBI did its job by the book in regards to these FISA's. The four factors from the executive order do not apply. Four judges already told us so. Trump is desperate to distract from Manafort, Cohen, and the rest of the hood rats who decided to talk.
Funny but true, right Galt?

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