Weather Channel Co-Founder: Federal Report on climate a total distortion of data!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
".....agenda driven and destructive episode of bad science gone berserk"

?600 page litany of doom?: Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman slams Federal climate report: A ?total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk? | Climate Depot

Tip of the cap to this guy.........such a complete and utter load of total bullshit.

Speak to a majority of PHd scientists who have conducted laboratory science experiments. ALL speak to the significance of scientific error in the data/results. But the climate change frauds speak to "settled science". That whole term is a joke.

And look who Obama brought in to his news conference this NBC meteorologist and Al Roker. But not a rigged audience!!!:2up:
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PS.....I urge people to watch NBC News will have the alarmist phonies on talking about standing by the ocean and not being able to recognize when the ocean is rising at alarming rates and all kinds of doomsday crap..........

The socialists at NBC wont tell you that the sea has risen 1.8mm/year for the past 150 years.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
".....agenda driven and destructive episode of bad science gone berserk"

?600 page litany of doom?: Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman slams Federal climate report: A ?total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk? | Climate Depot

Tip of the cap to this guy.........such a complete and utter load of total bullshit.

Speak to a majority of PHd scientists who have conducted laboratory science experiments. ALL speak to the significance of scientific error in the data/results. But the climate change frauds speak to "settled science". That whole term is a joke.

And look who Obama brought in to his news conference this NBC meteorologist and Al Roker. But not a rigged audience!!!:2up:

John Coleman has fallen to being a weatherman on KUSI here in San Diego....He's an old man and is well known for his rather crotchety, bizarre stands on things.

If Coleman says the sky is blue....I'd bring my umbrella.
I would have also, this hype is a lot of hot air contributing to global warming....
PS.....I urge people to watch NBC News will have the alarmist phonies on talking about standing by the ocean and not being able to recognize when the ocean is rising at alarming rates and all kinds of doomsday crap..........

The socialists at NBC wont tell you that the sea has risen 1.8mm/year for the past 150 years.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

You too should buy up some land and build a house on the Gulf Coast. :D
".....agenda driven and destructive episode of bad science gone berserk"

?600 page litany of doom?: Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman slams Federal climate report: A ?total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk? | Climate Depot

Tip of the cap to this guy.........such a complete and utter load of total bullshit.

Speak to a majority of PHd scientists who have conducted laboratory science experiments. ALL speak to the significance of scientific error in the data/results. But the climate change frauds speak to "settled science". That whole term is a joke.

And look who Obama brought in to his news conference this NBC meteorologist and Al Roker. But not a rigged audience!!!:2up:

Colemans' s claim to fame is the highly discredited Climategate.


Wonder why he walked off his job last month? Senility?
".....agenda driven and destructive episode of bad science gone berserk"

?600 page litany of doom?: Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman slams Federal climate report: A ?total distortion of the data and agenda driven, destructive episode of bad science gone berserk? | Climate Depot

Tip of the cap to this guy.........such a complete and utter load of total bullshit.

Speak to a majority of PHd scientists who have conducted laboratory science experiments. ALL speak to the significance of scientific error in the data/results. But the climate change frauds speak to "settled science". That whole term is a joke.

And look who Obama brought in to his news conference this NBC meteorologist and Al Roker. But not a rigged audience!!!:2up:

.agenda driven and destructive episode of bad science gone berserk"

say it isnt so

"total distortion".........

Believe only 50%.......that's still fucked up if you are talking about science. Most of the k00k AGW alarmists have no conception of scientific statistical error.....PHd guys do because they've seen it in the lab for themselves. The AGW scientists throw it out as if it is not at all important.:D

Its called P-Hacking.......scientists do it all the time.....manipulating data to achieve desired outcome. Climate scientists do it ALL the time.

The statistical significance scandal: The standard error of science? | Neurobonkers | Big Think
Evidently, prior to release of this report, Dr Roy Spencer chimed in on the level of bogus related to the computer model data when back in February he said, "These are all interesting exercises, but they miss the most important point: the climate models that governments base policy decisions on have failed miserably."

That's not all he said either >>>>

95% of Climate Models Agree: The Observations Must be Wrong « Roy Spencer, PhD

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