Weather for tomorrow's election in Wisconsin, no rain, 79 degrees



This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.
Should be some very entertaining excuse-making from the Right if the Democrats win.
Come on, Democrats - DO YOUR STUFF in Wisconsin! Show those Walker assholes the real America!
Enjoy watching the results of an election that has 0 national implications. Unless you live there why the hell would you care? Waste of time...
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.
She looks disturbed.
i think it's amusing that several states have done more or less the same thing regarding public unions as wisconsin, yet only wisconsin seems to be unable to move on.
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.
She looks disturbed.

most people do when they're being arrested.
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

Even under arrest, she leans to the right. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.
She looks disturbed.

I'll bet if you were as drunk as she was, she wouldn't look half bad. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Enjoy watching the results of an election that has 0 national implications. Unless you live there why the hell would you care? Waste of time...

See what I mean? Right on cue.

Explain to me in your best words what this has to do with politics on a national level? If that state wants to implode why should anyone care?

You guys are just so desperate for a victory, any victory. Lulz
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

I think you will be surprised to see that the GOP candidates that are up for re-call may not be re-called and the democrats that were up might be. I don't know what it is that people don't understand about " we don't have the money to fund all of your public employee perks.l" There's no money.
Enjoy watching the results of an election that has 0 national implications. Unless you live there why the hell would you care? Waste of time...

See what I mean? Right on cue.

Explain to me in your best words what this has to do with politics on a national level? If that state wants to implode why should anyone care?

You guys are just so desperate for a victory, any victory. Lulz

If the Democrats win big it will prove that running hard against the rightwing governors and their extremist policies will be a good strategy next year. It will also prove that those governors and their policies are going to be a major liability in the presidential race in those states, many of which like Ohio and Florida are critical swing states.

It also got Karl Rove's outfit to spend a ton of money.
This morning, Fox & Friends hosted an "upset Wisconsin parent" to discuss her objection to Wisconsin public schools' teaching of labor union history. Left unsaid during the segment: The parent, Amber Hahn, is also a local GOP official.

This is now the second time Fox has masqueraded a GOP activist as a concerned parent to attack unions.

Motor City Liberal: Once Again, Fox Masquerades GOP Activist As Concerned Parent To Attack Unions

PORTAGE — The chairwoman of the Republican Party of Columbia County resigned Friday after a drunken crash with her three children in her car.

Columbia County GOP chairwoman resigns after drunken crash with children in the car


The recall elections will answer “whether Republicans have overreached or not,” says Burden. They will also serve as barometer for the public appetite for their inaugural tea party legislators, who have been at the vocal forefront of the legislative warfare.

Why Wisconsin's recall election matters to the rest of America -

Tuesday will be an interesting night.

I think you will be surprised to see that the GOP candidates that are up for re-call may not be re-called and the democrats that were up might be. I don't know what it is that people don't understand about " we don't have the money to fund all of your public employee perks.l" There's no money.

Yea, after all those cuts, Walker looked around and found even MORE cuts. He cut taxes for millionaires. That's why everything else had to be cut. See how that works? Cut education for middle class and you can cut taxes on millionaires. Republican Governors are doing it all over America. Hey, check out Florida.
See what I mean? Right on cue.

Explain to me in your best words what this has to do with politics on a national level? If that state wants to implode why should anyone care?

You guys are just so desperate for a victory, any victory. Lulz

If the Democrats win big it will prove that running hard against the rightwing governors and their extremist policies will be a good strategy next year. It will also prove that those governors and their policies are going to be a major liability in the presidential race in those states, many of which like Ohio and Florida are critical swing states.

It also got Karl Rove's outfit to spend a ton of money.

Florida is lost to the dems as far as I am concerned. But other than endorsements I don't see your connection. A few districts involved in a recall election does not equate to a national statement but rather the old saying that All Politics are Local.

But I do understand your desperate for the hope Obama promised so enjoy it I guess.

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