Weather Wimps


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
In 2012, the continental USA experienced its hottest year on record, topping the previous record set in 1998 by one full degree F. How quickly people forget. This last year, 2013, ended up being the fourth warmest year on record globally, with the continent of Australia experiencing its hottest year on record. However it was cooler in the continental US this winter which has the denier cult propagandists working overtime to try to convince people that some cold weather in winter somehow 'disproves' the long term trend of abrupt global warming.

It turns out that, looking at the long term records, this winter hasn't been as cold as many previous winters over the last century or so. It's more a matter of public perception that it is unusually cold this winter because we've had so many warmer winters over the last quarter century due to AGW and people have forgotten how common frigid winters used to be.

Scientists: Americans are becoming weather wimps
USA Today - Associated Press
Seth Borenstein
January 9, 2014
WASHINGTON (AP) — We've become weather wimps. As the world warms, the United States is getting fewer bitter cold spells like the one that gripped much of the nation this week. So when a deep freeze strikes, scientists say, it seems more unprecedented than it really is. An Associated Press analysis of the daily national winter temperature shows that cold extremes have happened about once every four years since 1900. Until recently. When computer models estimated that the national average daily temperature for the Lower 48 states dropped to 17.9 degrees on Monday, it was the first deep freeze of that magnitude in 17 years, according to Greg Carbin, warning meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That stretch — from Jan. 13, 1997 to Monday — is by far the longest the U.S. has gone without the national average plunging below 18 degrees, according to a database of daytime winter temperatures starting in January 1900.

In the past 115 years, there have been 58 days when the national average temperature dropped below 18. Carbin said those occurrences often happen in periods that last several days so it makes more sense to talk about cold outbreaks instead of cold days. There have been 27 distinct cold snaps. Between 1970 and 1989, a dozen such events occurred, but there were only two in the 1990s and then none until Monday. "These types of events have actually become more infrequent than they were in the past," said Carbin, who works at the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla. "This is why there was such a big buzz because people have such short memories." Said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the private firm Weather Underground: "It's become a lot harder to get these extreme (cold) outbreaks in a planet that's warming." And Monday's breathtaking chill? It was merely the 55th coldest day — averaged for the continental United States — since 1900. The coldest day for the Lower 48 since 1900 — as calculated by the computer models — was 12 degrees on Christmas Eve 1983, nearly 6 degrees chillier than Monday. The average daytime winter temperature is about 33 degrees, according to Carbin's database. There have been far more unusually warm winter days in the U.S. than unusually cold ones. Since Jan. 1, 2000, only two days have ranked in the top 100 coldest: Monday and Tuesday. But there have been 13 in the top 100 warmest winter days, including the warmest since 1900: Dec. 3, 2012. And that pattern is exactly what climate scientists have been saying for years, that the world will get more warm extremes and fewer cold extremes.
Nawwww.. The USMB warmers NEVER post threads about the weather..

Youre a wimp if you complain about the cold --- but we expect you to PANIC if it gets uncomfortably warm..

No one ever died from a National Average temperature.. Move along now...
Nawwww.. The USMB warmers NEVER post threads about the weather..

Correct. We don't declare every hot day proves global warming. It's the honesty thing.

Strangely, most denialists claim we do. But then, most denialists are hopelessly lost in their alternate reality. It's a result of the cult brainwashing.
Nawwww.. The USMB warmers NEVER post threads about the weather..

Correct. We don't declare every hot day proves global warming. It's the honesty thing.

Sure thing.. Your pew-mate just asserted that 13 warm winter days IS Global Warming.
Counted about 16 assertions that the weather since 2000 demonstrates Global Warming.

You see ANOTHER REASON for this thread?

Love to see these Warmers at the Casino.. Statistics would humble them in an hour..
Wow !!! I didn't know you could hit black 9 times in a row !!!!!!
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Nawwww.. The USMB warmers NEVER post threads about the weather..

Youre a wimp if you complain about the cold --- but we expect you to PANIC if it gets uncomfortably warm..

No one ever died from a National Average temperature.. Move along now...

The OP is crystal clear to pretty much anybody with an IQ higher than room temperature. No wonder you are so confused, fecalhead.
Let me 'splain.....

The non-religious do not give a rat's ass about your fantasies but we do delight in winding you up. It's better than going out for a walk in THE COLD.
Let me 'splain.....

The non-religious do not give a rat's ass about your fantasies but we do delight in winding you up. It's better than going out for a walk in THE COLD.

LOLOL.....translated from denier cult lingo, here's what the Huffer is actually saying:

"We denier cultists don't give a rat's ass about the science or physical evidence that shows that the Earth is warming up and climate patterns are changing, but we do delight is saying really stupid things to provoke you. It's easier than actually learning something or accepting reality."
"We denier cultists don't give a rat's ass about the science or physical evidence that shows that the Earth is warming up and climate patterns are changing, but we do delight is saying really stupid things to provoke you. It's easier than actually learning something or accepting reality."

OMG, It actually figured it out! Well, most of it. The last sentence fragment is almost there. But inadequate. Truth is, it's easier than anything (else)!
The non-religious do not give a rat's ass about your fantasies but we do delight in winding you up. It's better than going out for a walk in THE COLD.
LOLOL.....translated from denier cult lingo, here's what the Huffer is actually saying:

"We denier cultists don't give a rat's ass about the science or physical evidence that shows that the Earth is warming up and climate patterns are changing, but we do delight is saying really stupid things to provoke you. It's easier than actually learning something or accepting reality."

OMG, It actually figured it out! Well, most of it. The last sentence fragment is almost there. But inadequate. Truth is, it's easier than anything (else)!

You're right, little retard, brainless denial of reality is "easier than anything (else)!", and especially easier than actually understanding the science supporting AGW.
You're right, little retard, brainless denial of reality is "easier than anything (else)!", and especially easier than actually understanding the science supporting AGW.

Ah, the rage of an overwrought religious zealot! A beautiful thing to watch blossom.

LOLOL.....soooooo out of touch with reality....

Debunking your deranged twaddle is amusing, Huffer, not 'enraging'. Where do you get these insane notions.....oh, right, you're retarded...
Nawwww.. The USMB warmers NEVER post threads about the weather..

Correct. We don't declare every hot day proves global warming. It's the honesty thing.

Yeah, you pretty much do, Komrade. You haven't got an honest bone in your body. If you did, you wouldn't be a libturd.

Strangely, most denialists claim we do. But then, most denialists are hopelessly lost in their alternate reality. It's a result of the cult brainwashing.

The irony is killing me!
"We denier cultists don't give a rat's ass about the science or physical evidence that shows that the Earth is warming up and climate patterns are changing, but we do delight is saying really stupid things to provoke you. It's easier than actually learning something or accepting reality."

OMG, It actually figured it out! Well, most of it. The last sentence fragment is almost there. But inadequate. Truth is, it's easier than anything (else)!

A "denialist" is anyone who doesn't bow down before the volcano god or howl for virgins to sacrificial to it.
The joy of seeing a meltdown play itself out! Almost as much fun as watching Global Warming Hobbyists freezing in their ever-so-clever slogan tee-shirts which they wore because everybody knows it's steaming hot in Global Warmed Antarctica.

So why are you melting down so badly?

Oh wait, you're just lying about rational people supposedly having a meltdown. I get it.

This is what bugs me most about denialists, the lack of honesty. The lie about everything, shamelessly, and don't feel any shame over it. The whole culture of dishonesty they foster is just repugnant to decent people.
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You can tell when liberals run out of arguments. They start inventing new scatological invective. Which does argue they can be creative every now and again.

It's second stage Freudian preoccupation that dominates such speech. I just consider the source. And it's mostly pathetic. :eusa_boohoo:

American Falls froze yesterday. Times of cold often follow times of drought. I guess that's how nature replenishes trees.
Quite honestly, we don't care about your religious beliefs though we certainly support your right to them. Besides, it keeps us laughing. Denial is immaterial though essential to keeping the party going. Beyond that it's as irrelevant as all your propaganda.
On the second page of this thread already and not one of the denier cultists has actually engaged with the information in the OP.

Nothing but pointless off-topic drivel, as usual with the deniers.

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