
Well, first off...breathing pure smoke (whatever kind) is not good for your lungs no matter which way you look at it. Whether your for or against marijuana, inhaling smoke is bad for you.

And that's probably the worst thing you can say about it.

But someone else believing something is bad for me, does not give them any right to enforce a law based on it.

What does me inhaling smoke that's bad for me, have to do with ANYONE ELSE?

Cigs are bad for people, but there's no law that says a legal adult can not smoke them.
what is politics really morals and bleifs.if not explain what politics are. for those who dont i want to try to presude them i dont understand the problem.

im not saying lets give the stoners and hippies weed so they can get high and eat pizza and laugh all night. i am saying we should nationallize the medicenal uses of marijuana.

also before you yell pothead or stoner think about booze. drunks boozers acholoics etc what is there excuse for drinking tell me five good uses for achol.

as far as my spelling goes what does that have to do with anything. this is a discussion about marijuana not who spells the bes. guess what i grantue you i have miss spelled a ton of words i really dont care.

it is harmfull to you in that aspect we should say you need to stop. even if its your body you can harm others. i agree though on the ciggertts etc. im saying we should legalize it for patents who need it not for stupid people who just want to break the law.
Most likely "WEED" as you put it is illegal in the US because if it was legalized it would probably put a tremendous amount of American companies out of buisiness and be desasterous to the economy because of the 100's if not 1000's of uses of the plant.

Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

The above link is a fantastic source to explain the incredible amount of uses for hemp...
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Most likely "WEED" as you put it is illegal in the US because if it was legalized it would probably put a tremendous amount of American companies out of buisiness and be desasterous to the economy because of the 100's if not 1000's of uses of the plant.

Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

The above link is a fantastic source to explain the incredible amount of uses for hemp...

You don't think it would create just as many companies and businesses in order to produce, market and sell the stuff?

It'd sure put a lot of Big Brother agencies of the government out of work.
Hemp is illegal because for many reasons having nothing to do with the damage that hemp actually does to the people

State and local governments make a fortune fining people for simple possession.

Hemp is a threat to the paper industry, and the petroleum industry and the drug industry.

It is vitually impossible to tax the stuff since everyone can grow their own.

Keeping it illegal is practically a full employment law that serves to keep lawyers, judges, cops and prison guards employed.

Confiscation laws make it possible for local and state governments to buy police toys they couldn't otherwise buy.

Making outlaws of stoners keeps a lot of people marginalized who might otherwise be seriously involved in politics and local civil affairs, too.
Most likely "WEED" as you put it is illegal in the US because if it was legalized it would probably put a tremendous amount of American companies out of buisiness and be desasterous to the economy because of the 100's if not 1000's of uses of the plant.

Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

The above link is a fantastic source to explain the incredible amount of uses for hemp...

This remains my belief as well, as to why we will never see marijuana legalized.

Dupont ALONE has enough political power to keep that from happening. Imagine their losses if hemp cultivation and production was allowed, for instance.
You don't think it would create just as many companies and businesses in order to produce, market and sell the stuff?

It'd sure put a lot of Big Brother agencies of the government out of work.

Probably so, Gunny.

But does "Big Paper", "Big Petrochemical", "Big Oil", Big WHATEVER, care about that?

There is an establishment, and hemp threatens that. Unless all the "Big ____" got together and decided THEY will corner the market on hemp, it will never see the light of day.

Now, if all the stoners got off their asses and banded together to create their own CREDIBLE special interest group, MILLIONS STRONG, maybe something could be done.

But the corporate establishment, and the government chumps that are owned by them all know damn well that the nation's stoner base will never be worth a damn politically, except for their votes to keep the chumps in power.
And that's probably the worst thing you can say about it.

But someone else believing something is bad for me, does not give them any right to enforce a law based on it.

What does me inhaling smoke that's bad for me, have to do with ANYONE ELSE?

Cigs are bad for people, but there's no law that says a legal adult can not smoke them.

Last I checked, Cigarrettes don't benefit drug lords that kill innocent people or terrorist that want to kill you....
Last I checked, Cigarrettes don't benefit drug lords that kill innocent people or terrorist that want to kill you....

If you happen to buy cigs on the black market, how could you be sure?

I mean, if weed was legalized, it would be produced by American farming companies for the market. At that point, it wouldn't be benefitting potential criminals anymore.

Of course, there will always still be that possibility that if you buy on the black market, you WILL be aiding criminals. Just like anything else.
Hemp is illegal because for many reasons having nothing to do with the damage that hemp actually does to the people

State and local governments make a fortune fining people for simple possession.

Hemp is a threat to the paper industry, and the petroleum industry and the drug industry.

It is vitually impossible to tax the stuff since everyone can grow their own.

Keeping it illegal is practically a full employment law that serves to keep lawyers, judges, cops and prison guards employed.

Confiscation laws make it possible for local and state governments to buy police toys they couldn't otherwise buy.

Making outlaws of stoners keeps a lot of people marginalized who might otherwise be seriously involved in politics and local civil affairs, too.

You are spot on my man except for one thing. If it were sold in stores people probably would pay the extra for tax because lets face it pot heads are lazy. I smoke and could very easily grow my own tobacco but why put forth the effort when i can buy it already rolled and ready to go from a store.
If you happen to buy cigs on the black market, how could you be sure?

I mean, if weed was legalized, it would be produced by American farming companies for the market. At that point, it wouldn't be benefitting potential criminals anymore.

Of course, there will always still be that possibility that if you buy on the black market, you WILL be aiding criminals. Just like anything else.

Cigs on the black market??
Cigs on the black market??

Yes Brian, cigs on the black market.

Not everyone gets their cigs legally by purchasing them at stores. They can be smuggled in and sold on the black market, where you can get them at greatly reduced prices.

This is one of the reasons the ATF exists.
You don't think it would create just as many companies and businesses in order to produce, market and sell the stuff?

It'd sure put a lot of Big Brother agencies of the government out of work.

You have hit the nail right on the head.

There is a lot of money wrapped up in subjugating people and unconstitutionally stealing their freedom for victimless crimes, which of course aren't crimes at all.

Prisons being built is big money. Staffing prisons is big business. Prison workers unions, not to mention admin staff, service staff and other necessary workers for these institutions, is big business. Police unions, who would see a great reduction in their workforces if the drug laws were repealed, have tremendous political clout. Its a circular system of self-perpetuation. Want to build prisons and create jobs, you have to arrest people. Want to fund underfunded police operations through fines, you have to arrest people. Want to satisfy the needs of the overabundance of defense attorneys, who have a huge pro-expansion of criminalization lobby, got to arrest people.

Drug laws are nothing less than the American people being under siege for job creation to accommodate the electorate through employment. It allows politicians to go to their electorate and say "in my term we created X number of jobs." Meanwhile, those numbers are inflated by way of the persecution of people who are observing their constitutional rights of privacy and freedom without effecting others' constitutional rights to the same.
Most likely "WEED" as you put it is illegal in the US because if it was legalized it would probably put a tremendous amount of American companies out of buisiness and be desasterous to the economy because of the 100's if not 1000's of uses of the plant.


The above link is a fantastic source to explain the incredible amount of uses for hemp...

That's why Anheiser Busch's top tax deductible charity donations go to anti-drug efforts. It would be the end of them.
Last I checked, Cigarrettes don't benefit drug lords that kill innocent people or terrorist that want to kill you....

Oil does. I guess that's going to be illegal next (sarcasm)

Ronald Reagan had no problem funding an international terrorist organization based in Nicaragua which had a huge drug trafficking operation.
marijuana was found 2000 bc. it was smoked by nepolian and was brought through europe and to the us. our first three presidents smoked weed. we made weed illegal in the early 20th centry. the paper given to the supream court said that mexicans were smoking it. that was put on the top reason for illegalizing it. marijuana helps pain helps hunger and proved to fight off canser cells. it does microscopic harm to the body. i know most people heard coke is more harmful then coke is to the body,excluding stupid things done under influence. why is marijuana illegal again?!?!?!
There is no reason. America is an uptight puritanical society.
You have hit the nail right on the head.

There is a lot of money wrapped up in subjugating people and unconstitutionally stealing their freedom for victimless crimes, which of course aren't crimes at all.

Prisons being built is big money. Staffing prisons is big business. Prison workers unions, not to mention admin staff, service staff and other necessary workers for these institutions, is big business. Police unions, who would see a great reduction in their workforces if the drug laws were repealed, have tremendous political clout. Its a circular system of self-perpetuation. Want to build prisons and create jobs, you have to arrest people. Want to fund underfunded police operations through fines, you have to arrest people. Want to satisfy the needs of the overabundance of defense attorneys, who have a huge pro-expansion of criminalization lobby, got to arrest people.

Drug laws are nothing less than the American people being under siege for job creation to accommodate the electorate through employment. It allows politicians to go to their electorate and say "in my term we created X number of jobs." Meanwhile, those numbers are inflated by way of the persecution of people who are observing their constitutional rights of privacy and freedom without effecting others' constitutional rights to the same.
Let's not forget that Prison Labor is essentially slave labor.
Now, if all the stoners got off their asses and banded together to create their own CREDIBLE special interest group, MILLIONS STRONG, maybe something could be done.

I think weed should be decriminilized. I mean if you know anything about the weed laws you would know they were founded on racism, lies, and cover ups. I mean when herry J Anslinger started his cursade against the green in the 1930s, he claimed it gave mexicans violant behaviors and super-human strenghth. then in the 1940s the first medicle tests were done on the body after smoking a J by the state of new york. These tests proved that every basis for its criminilization was un true. Then in the 60s JFK and Lyndin Jhonson helped the cause by green lighting tests about dopes effects. All showed that the drug was less harmful then ciggeretts. Then Nixon came to office and that chucklehead sent a medicle team to research effects and its legal status. The commision reported, to nixons sadness, that weed is not dangerous and tha having a small amount at home should be fine. smoking in public should still stay illleagl. So in the 1970s it looked like weed would be dicriminilized. one third of the nation had dicriminilized until...REAGAN!! and with his famous anti-drug of all kind including marajuna it was crminilized all over again, except in certain states such as oregon.
oh and shattered, i smoked my way through high school and it was great, i mean why go to high school when you could go to school high?
Oil does. I guess that's going to be illegal next (sarcasm)

Ronald Reagan had no problem funding an international terrorist organization based in Nicaragua which had a huge drug trafficking operation.

Oil is on it's way to becoming illegal. The libs won't be happy until we are forced to live without it.

Just like they're trying to make wood illegal by forcing us to not harvest it.

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