
Maybe if Weiner had not called Breitbart's honesty into question and if he had not accused Breitbart of a crime he didn't commit, Breitbart would not have had to show all the evidence to clear his name? Again, I couldn't be Breitbart. But he is definitely not the guilty party in this incident.

You know, I don't recall Congressman Weiner ever being on Capital Hill without a whole entourage of colleages and staffers around him.

This photo is rather poignant:

So The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, in fact, lashing out against Weiner, against his word to NOT post the photos online, implying IF Weiner wanted to fight he would when he turned around and POSTED them online as the sniveling little closeted Underpants Sniffer he is?

Weiner accused Breitbart of a federal crime on national television. He did so to cover his own ass knowing full well Breitbart was totally innocent. And Breitbart DID NOT post the picture he said he would not post. He has been completely exhonerated by the radio staff who did post it who are explicit that he neither expected nor gave permission for the staff to have that photo. And for whatever it is worth, there were those still accusing Breitbart of making claims he couldn't back up. Well he backed up his claims.

If there weren't people so determined to destroy Breitbart because he dared expose one of their beloved heroes--and if the 'hero' had not been so willing to accuse somebody of a crime to save his own ass--things would not have gone so badly for Congressman Weiner.
But you back somebody like Breitbart into a corner with untrue accusations of criminal activity, one cannot blame Breitbart for setting that matter straight.
Maybe if Weiner had not called Breitbart's honesty into question and if he had not accused Breitbart of a crime he didn't commit, Breitbart would not have had to show all the evidence to clear his name? Again, I couldn't be Breitbart. But he is definitely not the guilty party in this incident.

You know, I don't recall Congressman Weiner ever being on Capital Hill without a whole entourage of colleages and staffers around him.

This photo is rather poignant:

So The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, in fact, lashing out against Weiner, against his word to NOT post the photos online, implying IF Weiner wanted to fight he would when he turned around and POSTED them online as the sniveling little closeted Underpants Sniffer he is?

Weiner accused Breitbart of a federal crime on national television. He did so to cover his own ass knowing full well Breitbart was totally innocent. And Breitbart DID NOT post the picture he said he would not post. He has been completely exhonerated by the radio staff who did post it who are explicit that he neither expected nor gave permission for the staff to have that photo. And for whatever it is worth, there were those still accusing Breitbart of making claims he couldn't back up. Well he backed up his claims.

If there weren't people so determined to destroy Breitbart because he dared expose one of their beloved heroes--and if the 'hero' had not been so willing to accuse somebody of a crime to save his own ass--things would not have gone so badly for Congressman Weiner.
But you back somebody like Breitbart into a corner with untrue accusations of criminal activity, one cannot blame Breitbart for setting that matter straight.
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.
So The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, in fact, lashing out against Weiner, against his word to NOT post the photos online, implying IF Weiner wanted to fight he would when he turned around and POSTED them online as the sniveling little closeted Underpants Sniffer he is?

We certainly have had our fun with Mr. Weiner here, but I don't think anyone here has routinely called him The sexting perv from NY in every post. What is it with your need to demonize those who you cannot accept?
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.

You really have no idea how gullible and childish this make you look do you?
I love it Weiner flashes his tweenie all over the freaking internet, up down and all around, lies about it, nay,,, calls press conferences to lie about it and you dumbAsses blame whom????? Brietbart that's who.. what a bunch of morons..
Weiner is responsible for his actions. And Brietbart is responsible for Brietbart's actions, which include flashing pictures around of a naked man.

This,,, Ravi,, in case you didn't know shows nothing but desperation on your part and is termed "grasping at straws." :eusa_hand:

What LIEberrhoidal Ravi, Sarah G(angrenous), Pissalian, the Black Racist Psycho Swine MarcATL, etc., don't realize when they attack the Knight of Truth & Righteousness Breitbart is that they not only exhibit IDIOTIC LOGIC, but that they subject their whole LIEberrhoidal Agenda into disrepute.
Weiner wrongly legitimized the Closeted Underpants Sniffer BriteBart when he apologized to to the KAWK-picture havin deviant on national TV.

That sick demented PREEVERT has NEVER been right about anything yet. He was wrong about ACORN, wrong about Sherrod, wrong about all his other made-up stories, videos and pranks. He's a self-proclaimed journalist that's nothing but a 2-bit RW hack.
Post by MarcATL

This is because he's a damn good Congressman. He's serving his constuency well. In this age of a bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing Corporate bought and controlled hucksters and crooks...do you blame them?

I blame all of us for not holding our congressmen to moral standards. The pictures were nothing. The arrogance of his lies and blaming everyone else for his own shortcomings is unacceptable as far as I am concerned.

Whether or not he has done his "job" and done it well, as long as we keep letting these men think they can get away with anything and everything, they will continue to do so. I honestly do not have a problem with them electing him again. However, I think that he should do the honorable thing and resign.

He has disgraced himself... as much as that is hard to believe possible for any Congressperson.

Maybe if Weiner had not called Breitbart's honesty into question and if he had not accused Breitbart of a crime he didn't commit, Breitbart would not have had to show all the evidence to clear his name? Again, I couldn't be Breitbart. But he is definitely not the guilty party in this incident.

You know, I don't recall Congressman Weiner ever being on Capital Hill without a whole entourage of colleages and staffers around him.

This photo is rather poignant:

So The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, in fact, lashing out against Weiner, against his word to NOT post the photos online, implying IF Weiner wanted to fight he would when he turned around and POSTED them online as the sniveling little closeted Underpants Sniffer he is?

You know Breitbart was set up by your own inbred deviants of the Clinton spin machine, don't you. Breitbart didn't release the pictures as he said, and everyone knows it. Someone with something to gain did. 'Scuse my megaphone, but:

SOMEONE WHO WANTS THE ONUS OFF OBAMA AND ON WEINER who will miraculously weather the invented online weiner-flash saga.

Tell me you didn't invest in Oscar Meyer ahead of time. I'm speculating that Nancy Pelosi and Harry the Reed did. If you didn't, don't you wonder why you weren't in the loop? :lol::lol: Because you're a poor, useful idiot to the Clinton/Weiner plot to take the onus off His One, the Obama.Nation. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Obama's commies are doing as much damage to free enterprise as they possibly can without totally tanking the economy. Only trouble is, employers are seeing through this ploy to destroy and will return with a burn to the enemies of freedom that these unscrupulous scallywags are.
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Weiner wrongly legitimized the Closeted Underpants Sniffer BriteBart when he apologized to to the KAWK-picture havin deviant on national TV.

That sick demented PREEVERT has NEVER been right about anything yet. He was wrong about ACORN, wrong about Sherrod, wrong about all his other made-up stories, videos and pranks. He's a self-proclaimed journalist that's nothing but a 2-bit RW hack.

You are forgetting the topic at hand of course.
Are you taking any prescription medications?
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.

You really have no idea how gullible and childish this make you look do you?

He's just like his hero Weiner.
Arrogant, shameless, and stupid.
Weiner wrongly legitimized the Closeted Underpants Sniffer BriteBart when he apologized to to the KAWK-picture havin deviant on national TV.

That sick demented PREEVERT has NEVER been right about anything yet. He was wrong about ACORN, wrong about Sherrod, wrong about all his other made-up stories, videos and pranks. He's a self-proclaimed journalist that's nothing but a 2-bit RW hack.

Oh, poor baby....did that mean ole nasty Breitbart take one of your pawns? Why, that mean nasty man. He's obviously a racist, bigot, homophobe, and and a big poopy pants. Yeah, that's it.
Weiner is responsible for his actions. And Brietbart is responsible for Brietbart's actions, which include flashing pictures around of a naked man.

I suppose DA's should stop prosecuting child molesters because Ravi and the Loony Liberal MSM will accuse them of being perverts for presenting evidence.

Yes, because presenting evidence in court is the same thing as showing it to your fellow rightwingloons.

The fact remains, and ReichtWingers on this board, and every where else, will NEVER admit it...The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, and continues to walk around with KAWK pics of another man on his Smart Phone and shares them with his fellow ReichtWing male friends.

Do you think the PREEVERT will ever come out of the closet? Or will he KKKONTINUE to scam the RW public with his FauxMarriage and FauxWife? KKKONsidering you guys fall for his FauxJournalism, I guess that question is already answered.

Someone's gonna out his A$$ soon enough and THEN we'll see how the Reicht copes with that.

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Weiner is responsible for his actions. And Brietbart is responsible for Brietbart's actions, which include flashing pictures around of a naked man.

I suppose DA's should stop prosecuting child molesters because Ravi and the Loony Liberal MSM will accuse them of being perverts for presenting evidence.

Yes, because presenting evidence in court is the same thing as showing it to your fellow rightwingloons.


Note: Samson has not, will not, nor can not PRODUCE a single shred of evidence or proof of a DA's Court evidence being found online.
The fact remains, and ReichtWingers on this board, and every where else, will NEVER admit it...The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, and continues to walk around with KAWK pics of another man on his Smart Phone and shares them with his fellow ReichtWing male friends.

Do you think the PREEVERT will ever come out of the closet? Or will he KKKONTINUE to scam the RW public with his FauxMarriage and FauxWife? KKKONsidering you guys fall for his FauxJournalism, I guess that question is already answered.

Someone's gonna out his A$$ soon enough and THEN we'll see how the Reicht copes with that.


Oh yes, yes, yes. Keep going. You're getting me all aroused.
So The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was, in fact, lashing out against Weiner, against his word to NOT post the photos online, implying IF Weiner wanted to fight he would when he turned around and POSTED them online as the sniveling little closeted Underpants Sniffer he is?

Weiner accused Breitbart of a federal crime on national television. He did so to cover his own ass knowing full well Breitbart was totally innocent. And Breitbart DID NOT post the picture he said he would not post. He has been completely exhonerated by the radio staff who did post it who are explicit that he neither expected nor gave permission for the staff to have that photo. And for whatever it is worth, there were those still accusing Breitbart of making claims he couldn't back up. Well he backed up his claims.

If there weren't people so determined to destroy Breitbart because he dared expose one of their beloved heroes--and if the 'hero' had not been so willing to accuse somebody of a crime to save his own ass--things would not have gone so badly for Congressman Weiner.
But you back somebody like Breitbart into a corner with untrue accusations of criminal activity, one cannot blame Breitbart for setting that matter straight.
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.

Come on Marc. Even you aren't that intellectually dishonest. Are you?
Weiner accused Breitbart of a federal crime on national television. He did so to cover his own ass knowing full well Breitbart was totally innocent. And Breitbart DID NOT post the picture he said he would not post. He has been completely exhonerated by the radio staff who did post it who are explicit that he neither expected nor gave permission for the staff to have that photo. And for whatever it is worth, there were those still accusing Breitbart of making claims he couldn't back up. Well he backed up his claims.

If there weren't people so determined to destroy Breitbart because he dared expose one of their beloved heroes--and if the 'hero' had not been so willing to accuse somebody of a crime to save his own ass--things would not have gone so badly for Congressman Weiner.
But you back somebody like Breitbart into a corner with untrue accusations of criminal activity, one cannot blame Breitbart for setting that matter straight.
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.

Come on Marc. Even you aren't that intellectually dishonest. Are you?

May I answer that? ;)
Weiner accused Breitbart of a federal crime on national television. He did so to cover his own ass knowing full well Breitbart was totally innocent. And Breitbart DID NOT post the picture he said he would not post. He has been completely exhonerated by the radio staff who did post it who are explicit that he neither expected nor gave permission for the staff to have that photo. And for whatever it is worth, there were those still accusing Breitbart of making claims he couldn't back up. Well he backed up his claims.

If there weren't people so determined to destroy Breitbart because he dared expose one of their beloved heroes--and if the 'hero' had not been so willing to accuse somebody of a crime to save his own ass--things would not have gone so badly for Congressman Weiner.
But you back somebody like Breitbart into a corner with untrue accusations of criminal activity, one cannot blame Breitbart for setting that matter straight.
Your defense is a piss poor defense if I ever saw one. In fact, it's more like an indictment.

You start off by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart is totally exonnerated, however, you end by saying that The Underpants Sniffer BriteBart was backed into a corner.

Liars lie...and your pants are ENGULFED in flames.

Come on Marc. Even you aren't that intellectually dishonest. Are you?

Don't you dare try to put your flipping flopping flim flam on me Mr.

Which one is it...was he exonerated or was he lashing back?

Stand on your word or come clean!

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