
Weiner broke the House Ethics Rules.

Even Pelosi has Ordered A Weiner Probe.
Weiner broke the House Ethics Rules.

Even Pelosi has Ordered A Weiner Probe.
And right on cue is our Intense neocon sock puppet. Thanks for proving my point, bunky.

psssst. you're sock has a hole in it :eusa_whistle:

Sorry toodles, I don't swing that way...but I'm sure Intense can help you out with that sock fetish thing of yours.

If you weren't so drunk on your own ego you would be a good asset here TCL. You need to get over yourself and grow up some. Think before you pollute and destroy the validity of what you have to say. As you are, you carry too much baggage for rational debate. The Statesman, is way beyond your reach Son, you are just too offensive to anything that moves or breathes. You keep those people skills in mind and work on them. Just letting you know where I stand. No pissing contest going on here. You stand or fall on your own merit.
If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.

rumor has it the wife is pregnant now too

The NYT had a story which confirmed this as fact today.

Rather convenient, I must say.
sounds like mr weiner got himself all sexed up online then went home and hit up the wife
He may have too if weiner hadn't been so stupid as to launch an organized attack on Brietbart.. but that's what Dummies dew.

If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.

rumor has it the wife is pregnant now too

I hear it's hillary's.
I've posted the House Ethics Rule he broke in #1226 in this thread.

He also broke another rule about using government resources.

But, as he is a whack leftwing loon, you'll defend him until he prematurely evacuates the House of Representatives.
There is a silver lining to the Weiner Fracas...it's providing employment opportunities for Slutrepreneurs!

I’ve been watching Weinergate unfold and the women with whom he sexted and sexbooked crawl out of the woodwork, and I’ve been trying to think of a name for the growing number of women who are making money by selling their stories of having sex with, having sexted with, or having otherwise gotten sexual with a famous man.

Slutrepreneur, perhaps?

Surely, I mean no “slut-shaming” by this moniker. It’s not so much that these women may or may not be sexually slutty — after all, in the case of Weinergate, how truly slutty can you be when you’re limited to a direct message on Twitter? — it’s that these women are so quick to wag their tongues, share their dirty text messages, and sell their photos and stories to whatever media outlets will pay the price.

Like journalists, they are media sluts.

In the case of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s wiener gone wild, ABC News reportedly paid Weiner’s former virtual lover Meagan Broussard between $10,000 and $15,000 “to license dozens of photos, emails, Facebook messages and cell phone call logs.”

Are you a (hopefully) young, (ideally) attractive woman looking to generate extra income fast? Earn big bucks by getting frisky online or offline with a political figure or Hollywood celebrity, and media outlets that insist they don’t “pay” for stories will buy the detritus of your torrid affair! All you have to do is take the cash — and infamy awaits you....

Anthony Weiner and the Rise of the 21st Century Slutrepreneur - Susannah Breslin - Pink Slipped - Forbes
psssst. you're sock has a hole in it :eusa_whistle:

Sorry toodles, I don't swing that way...but I'm sure Intense can help you out with that sock fetish thing of yours.

If you weren't so drunk on your own ego you would be a good asset here TCL. You need to get over yourself and grow up some. Think before you pollute and destroy the validity of what you have to say. As you are, you carry too much baggage for rational debate. The Statesman, is way beyond your reach Son, you are just too offensive to anything that moves or breathes. You keep those people skills in mind and work on them. Just letting you know where I stand. No pissing contest going on here. You stand or fall on your own merit.

So everyone else can be nasty, condescending, slandering little cusses, and if I respond in kind I'm the big bad poster? :eusa_eh:

Translation: this Intense jackass has grudge because he can't best me in a rational, logical debate. So all he does now is follow me around and spew these little diatribes. Pretty pathetic, almost Intense-ly so! :razz:
Yes, Weiner is an idiot...his actions and lies will possibly cost him a re-election and possibly his marriage as well. So be it.

But for the neocon driven GOP to whoop and crow as if they are totally without sin on this matter is a joke in a half, given their history in just the last 30 years.

Breitbart better enjoy his short lived victory, because the Sherrod lawsuit is looming on the horizon!
So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!

I think he has a standing reward posted for anyone that can prove anything he has ever posted is a lie. You should go and collect on it since this is the first time you think he has ever told the truth.

Oh puh-leeze! Breitbarts BS has been disproven six ways to Sunday on numerous occasions...he, like his dim witted followers and supporters, just keep repeating the lie and denying facts to the contrary. Case in point:

Big Falsehoods: A guide to Andrew Breitbart's lies, smears, and distortions | Media Matters for America

Shirley Sherrod took him up on the offer, my willfully ignorant Windbag...but not in the way Breitbart expected:

First Read - Shirley Sherrod sues Breitbart

Sherrod v Breitbart DCDC 1-11-cv-00477-RJL Doc 27, Memo in Oppo to -19- (Motion to Dismiss) w 3 Attachments by Sherrod

There you go ...... the certified arsehole TaichiLIEberrhoid uses Soros's discredited Smear Machine, Media Matters, etc....AS THE SOURCE FOR HIS SHITTY SMEARS !!!

Amazing as it may seem. these LIEberrhoid arseholes STILL feel that they can foist their transparent bullshit on America.
Is Gingrich a PERV?

Is Senator "Wide Stance" Craig a PERV??

How about Vitter...he a PERV too?!??


Hey Black Racist LIEberrhoid Swine MarcATL......howzabout your fucking contemptible and profoundly UGLY looking CERTIFIED TURD Malcom X (who looks like a black replica of WEANIE WEINER with spectacles) and is an indisputably convicted felon, a DOCUMENTED brutally bullying, cowardly pimp that beat the shit out of his white prostitutes.....WHO YOU, IN YOUR BIZARRE MENTALLY UNSTABLE MIND, UNDERSTANDABLY MEMORIALIZE IN YOUR SIGNATURE PHOTO.



The only conclusion I can come to is that you, yourself, are a PSYCHO.....maybe even CRIMINALLY INSANE PSYCHO !!!
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Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates dating from before he ran for the Senate in 2004.

The service's proprietor, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 51, faces federal charges of racketeering for allegedly running a prostitution ring out of homes and hotel rooms in the Washington area.

Vitter is in his first Senate term after serving six years in the House. During his Senate campaign, Vitter was accused by a member of the Louisiana Republican State Central Committee of carrying on a lengthy affair with a prostitute in New Orleans's French Quarter.

Senator's Number on 'Madam' Phone List - washingtonpost.com
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates dating from before he ran for the Senate in 2004.

The service's proprietor, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 51, faces federal charges of racketeering for allegedly running a prostitution ring out of homes and hotel rooms in the Washington area.

Vitter is in his first Senate term after serving six years in the House. During his Senate campaign, Vitter was accused by a member of the Louisiana Republican State Central Committee of carrying on a lengthy affair with a prostitute in New Orleans's French Quarter.

Senator's Number on 'Madam' Phone List - washingtonpost.com

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thanks Chris for this timely reporting. :rolleyes:

Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why aren't the Republicans calling for David Vitter to resign?
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Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why aren't the Republicans calling for David Vitter to resign?

Do you REALLY need help figuring this out for yourself?

Did Vitter lie and say his phone was hacked?

Did he try to place the blame on someone else?

Not to mention this story is 4 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with the Weiner story.
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Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates dating from before he ran for the Senate in 2004.

The service's proprietor, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 51, faces federal charges of racketeering for allegedly running a prostitution ring out of homes and hotel rooms in the Washington area.

Vitter is in his first Senate term after serving six years in the House. During his Senate campaign, Vitter was accused by a member of the Louisiana Republican State Central Committee of carrying on a lengthy affair with a prostitute in New Orleans's French Quarter.

Senator's Number on 'Madam' Phone List - washingtonpost.com

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thanks Chris for this timely reporting. :rolleyes:

Whaddya expect. Chris is a human jockstrap like MarcATL.
They're members of the Wiener Protectorate Bureau.

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