
So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!

Your compliments are just so ....precious. :lol:

And right on cue is our Intense neocon sock puppet. Thanks for proving my point, bunky.
So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!

Your compliments are just so ....precious. :lol:

And right on cue is our Intense neocon sock puppet. Thanks for proving my point, bunky.

psssst. you're sock has a hole in it :eusa_whistle:
What LAW did Weiner break?!??

He needs to stay.

A Democrat can be a KKK Grand Kleagle, drown his gf and not even bother to report it until the next day like Ted Kennedy (Oh, Dems lost the Kennedy seat), give a female intern a facial in the Oval Office...what the fuck is the big deal about Weiner.

Mark stands with his Weiner!
Again...I say. What LAW did Weiner break?

What LAW did Weiner break?!??

Don't know yet.
That's what I thought...nada.

What LAW did Weiner break?!??

What makes you think it was just ONE?
How do you know it is?

That's right you RW Faulkers...ya got bupkiss.
To all the Right-Wingers calling for Weiner to step down: Remember this guy?


Prostitution scandals D.C. MadamIn early July 2007, Vitter's phone number was included in a published list of phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, a company owned and run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, also known as the "D.C. Madam", convicted by the U.S. government for running a prostitution service. Hustler identified the phone number and contacted Vitter's office to ask about his connection to Palfrey.[18][19] The following day, Vitter issued a written statement:

“ This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.[20] ”

The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was included in phone records dating from his days as a member of the House of Representatives.[6] Phone records show that Vitter's number was called by Palfrey's service five times, the first on October 12, 1999, and the last on February 27, 2001.[21] Two calls were placed while House roll call votes were in progress.[22][23]

On July 16, 2007, after a week of self-imposed seclusion, Vitter emerged and called a news conference. Standing next to his wife, Vitter asked the public for forgiveness. Following Vitter's remarks, Wendy Vitter, his wife, spoke. Both refused to answer any questions.[24][25][26]

As background, several news outlets reported that in May 1999, Vitter replaced Congressman Bob Livingston after Livingston resigned due to an adultery scandal.[1][27][28] Vitter said about Livingston's decision to resign, "It's obviously a tremendous loss for the state. I think Livingston's stepping down makes a very powerful argument that Clinton should resign as well and move beyond this mess", referring to Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky scandal.[29]

Vitter will not face criminal charges due to the statute of limitations.[30]

Vitter incurred significant legal and public relations expenses in his efforts to avoid giving testimony in the Palfrey trial and to respond to the ethics complaint. Consequently, his attorneys sought permission from the Federal Election Commission to use campaign funds to pay for these expenses.[31][32] The Commission, along partisan lines, couldn't agree whether funds could be used for reimbursing costs related to the Palfrey trial but did allow them to pay for expenses connected to the Ethics Committee complaint.[33][34][35]

[edit] Canal Street MadamOn July 10, 2007, Jeanette Maier, the "Canal Street Madam", alleged that Vitter was a customer on more than one occasion in the 1990s, when Maier was identified by federal prosecutors as operating a $300 per hour brothel.[36] The Times-Picayune reported that "Maier offered no evidence or documents to support her claim."[37] A polygraph (lie detector) test was arranged for a New Orleans prostitute who claimed Vitter hired her and had sexual intercourse with her. The prostitute passed the test.[38]

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've been consistent. Weiner should step down. But it sickens me to see people like Eric Cantor calling for Congressman Weiner's resignation, when he wouldn't do the same for a guy that had actual sex with women and committed a crime by paying for sex..

The double standard goes on and on.. To make matters worse, Vitter is a "family values" politician who called for Bill Clinton to step down after his escapades.. What a hypocrite.

Weiner should leave.. but people who have propped up Vitter and let him be as a U.S. Senator, but are yelling about Weiner.. Those people cannot be taken seriously.

If this shit is wrong for a public servant.. It doesn't matter what the party label is - it's wrong.
Yikes! That MFer even LOOKS like a creep!! The PREEVERT seems to be scanning the halls of Senate looking for snatch.

He's the kinda of MFer women pull their kids away from. He just looks like he would touch a little girl inappropriately.



Cal. It is beyond lame this desire to deflect.

So stop deflecting. So you agree Vitter should be gone, too?


That Palooka's done for!

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So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!

Your compliments are just so ....precious. :lol:

The TaichiLIEberrhoid doing the bidding of his masters or employers, The Soros Smear Machines: Media Matters, Daily Kos, and such ....... comes up with a list of unproved distortions and outright LIES against the Knight of Truth & Righteousness Breitbart who has NOT been caught in a SINGLE false statement that this Piece of Shit TaichiLIEberrhoid and his colleagues like the Black Racist fucktard MarcATL, LibTURD Sarah G(angrenous), and a slew of others that pollute the Forum with their pestilential presence can SPECIFICALLY state.

BTW, I suppose the Black Racist Swine MarcATL, in attacking Sen Vitter for prostitution, conveniently "forgets" that probably the ONLY negro that attained public recognition of any magnitude, the "saintly" MLK, is a WHOREMASTER par excellence, with the FBI holding files yards thick on MLK's predilection for legions of white prostitutes.
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So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!

I think he has a standing reward posted for anyone that can prove anything he has ever posted is a lie. You should go and collect on it since this is the first time you think he has ever told the truth.

Oh puh-leeze! Breitbarts BS has been disproven six ways to Sunday on numerous occasions...he, like his dim witted followers and supporters, just keep repeating the lie and denying facts to the contrary. Case in point:

Big Falsehoods: A guide to Andrew Breitbart's lies, smears, and distortions | Media Matters for America

Shirley Sherrod took him up on the offer, my willfully ignorant Windbag...but not in the way Breitbart expected:

First Read - Shirley Sherrod sues Breitbart

Sherrod v Breitbart DCDC 1-11-cv-00477-RJL Doc 27, Memo in Oppo to -19- (Motion to Dismiss) w 3 Attachments by Sherrod
What LAW did Weiner break?!??

He needs to stay.

A Democrat can be a KKK Grand Kleagle, drown his gf and not even bother to report it until the next day like Ted Kennedy (Oh, Dems lost the Kennedy seat), give a female intern a facial in the Oval Office...what the fuck is the big deal about Weiner.

Mark stands with his Weiner!
Again...I say. What LAW did Weiner break?

That's what I thought...nada.

What LAW did Weiner break?!??

What makes you think it was just ONE?
How do you know it is?

That's right you RW Faulkers...ya got bupkiss.

who cares if he broke a law or not. he is moraly corrupt and not fit the represent the US governement. He lied about it on top of it. maybe you are just as moraly corrupt as he is and find his behavior acceptable. you probably had no issues with rangel either. you want to see the country flounder in the toilet, your call. most of us don't
BriteBart being a LIAR of the highest order is the LEAST of that closeted freak's problems.
He needs to stay.

A Democrat can be a KKK Grand Kleagle, drown his gf and not even bother to report it until the next day like Ted Kennedy (Oh, Dems lost the Kennedy seat), give a female intern a facial in the Oval Office...what the fuck is the big deal about Weiner.

Mark stands with his Weiner!
Again...I say. What LAW did Weiner break?

That's what I thought...nada.

What makes you think it was just ONE?
How do you know it is?

That's right you RW Faulkers...ya got bupkiss.

who cares if he broke a law or not. he is moraly corrupt and not fit the represent the US governement. He lied about it on top of it. maybe you are just as moraly corrupt as he is and find his behavior acceptable. you probably had no issues with rangel either. you want to see the country flounder in the toilet, your call. most of us don't

Now you sniveling little snots don't care that a LAW was NOT broken? NOW?!??

How convenient.

I will see your same shatty A$$ falling on the sword of the law soon enuff when one of the truly DEGENERATE GUTTERSNIPE of the ReichtWing exposes their deviant ways.

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Yupp.. Kills me how Brietbart is running around acting like he cares about Weiner's family.. Yeah right. Like he didn't mean for this to come out.. My ass!

I've called for Weiner to resign.. so has Democrats and Republicans.. Now I'm just waiting on Republicans to also call for David Vitter to step down.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

He may have too if weiner hadn't been so stupid as to launch an organized attack on Brietbart.. but that's what Dummies dew.

If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

He may have too if weiner hadn't been so stupid as to launch an organized attack on Brietbart.. but that's what Dummies dew.

If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.

rumor has it the wife is pregnant now too

The letter from the CEO is hysterical. :lol:

To be clear, we’re not just looking for another figure head, we’re looking for someone, a rich sugar daddy, who truly embodies the spirit of SugarSugar.com, as is apparent by your lust for younger women on the internet. At the same time, we’re looking for someone who is level-headed and will refrain from blowing their load amidst the harsh lights of the media circus your picture has aroused.

SugarSugar.com will offer you $50,000, but you can feel free to lie about the size of your paycheck. We’re happy to stuff your pockets, and this will be the easiest money you’ll ever come by. We would love for you to Tweet about our website as well, however long it may take for you to type 140 characters with the one finger hunt and peck method…

We need a firm answer by the stroke of midnight; otherwise, we’ll be forced to give you the shaft and instead extend our offer to Plaxico Burress, who we’ve heard also prefers to keep a loaded pistol in the crotch of his pants.

This stuff just writes itself.

This is why he will be gone...and soon.

The Dems can't risk having Mo and Mo Bettah Weiner Palooza stories out there.
He may have too if weiner hadn't been so stupid as to launch an organized attack on Brietbart.. but that's what Dummies dew.

If Weiner didn't care enough about his family to NOT post PICTURES OF HIS DICK on the internets and to NOT engage in PHONE SEX with WOMEN HE COULDN'T SAY WITH CERTITUDE WEREN'T JAILBAIT, it's not Breitbart's responsibility to protect Weiner's family from Weiner's actions.

rumor has it the wife is pregnant now too

The NYT had a story which confirmed this as fact today.

Rather convenient, I must say.
The pervert confessed to shocking behavior and it seems that t was the tip of the iceburg. How can the left still defend him? I hope he never quits. Weiner -whiner-weener? It's too good to be true.
Is Gingrich a PERV?

Is Senator "Wide Stance" Craig a PERV??

How about Vitter...he a PERV too?!??

Is Gingrich a PERV?

Is Senator "Wide Stance" Craig a PERV??

How about Vitter...he a PERV too?!??


Somebody is having issues tonight.

Get help.

Take meds.

Go play in traffic.

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