
Yupp.. Kills me how Brietbart is running around acting like he cares about Weiner's family.. Yeah right. Like he didn't mean for this to come out.. My ass!

I've called for Weiner to resign.. so has Democrats and Republicans.. Now I'm just waiting on Republicans to also call for David Vitter to step down.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

I am certain that Breitbart wanted to be the sole person in control of that nude picture of his erection, that can now be viewed on the Internet.

He is rather pissed that those guys more or less "stole" that picture from him.
I can't disagree with that.:lol:
So liberals are still beside themselves about Brietbart doing his job as a journalist?

Jesus, get some perspective and quit misdirecting the blame in this matter on anyone else besides Weiner himself.

Guy is a sleazebag.
Yupp.. Kills me how Brietbart is running around acting like he cares about Weiner's family.. Yeah right. Like he didn't mean for this to come out.. My ass!

I've called for Weiner to resign.. so has Democrats and Republicans.. Now I'm just waiting on Republicans to also call for David Vitter to step down.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

Please warn me if you are going to use words like that---it offends me. TYIA

Then your really not going to like Weiner's next set of pics...
Well, whatever, I see now the rightwingloons are attacking Weiner's wife, no big surprise.

First person to drag her into the discussion...Chris Matthews, when he asked his panel if she was partly to blame since she knew about this before they got married.

Btw, I didn't know she was getting $700,000 in consulting fees to "hang" with the Hillster. Is that paid for by the taxpayer?


Holy fucking moly!

Good thing she's not a Republican!
Well, whatever, I see now the rightwingloons are attacking Weiner's wife, no big surprise.

First person to drag her into the discussion...Chris Matthews, when he asked his panel if she was partly to blame since she knew about this before they got married.

Btw, I didn't know she was getting $700,000 in consulting fees to "hang" with the Hillster. Is that paid for by the taxpayer?

To be fair, half of that is probably to pretend she's married to Weiner. Pretty cheap salary, if you ask me. More leadership calling for his resignation and nobody stepping up to teh microphone to say anything else.
Only took him 48 hours to break that promise.

Yupp.. Kills me how Brietbart is running around acting like he cares about Weiner's family.. Yeah right. Like he didn't mean for this to come out.. My ass!

I've called for Weiner to resign.. so has Democrats and Republicans.. Now I'm just waiting on Republicans to also call for David Vitter to step down.
If Brietbart cared about Weiners family he would have kept this private instead of orgasming over the Weiner.

If Weiner cared about his OWN family then he never would have done these things

I think we should cut this guy some slack. His voting constituency is going to deep fat fry him in the next election. It is not like he did anything illegal, he only lied.

Like that is a big suprise from a liberal democrat.

The letter from the CEO is hysterical. :lol:

To be clear, we’re not just looking for another figure head, we’re looking for someone, a rich sugar daddy, who truly embodies the spirit of SugarSugar.com, as is apparent by your lust for younger women on the internet. At the same time, we’re looking for someone who is level-headed and will refrain from blowing their load amidst the harsh lights of the media circus your picture has aroused.

SugarSugar.com will offer you $50,000, but you can feel free to lie about the size of your paycheck. We’re happy to stuff your pockets, and this will be the easiest money you’ll ever come by. We would love for you to Tweet about our website as well, however long it may take for you to type 140 characters with the one finger hunt and peck method…

We need a firm answer by the stroke of midnight; otherwise, we’ll be forced to give you the shaft and instead extend our offer to Plaxico Burress, who we’ve heard also prefers to keep a loaded pistol in the crotch of his pants.
Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” or It may be time to go Weiner
Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog.


All joking aside, Rep Weiner is distracting us from promoting our "scare to seniors" about Rep Ryan's Plan to save Medicare. We can not get our message out.

We must get rid of him NOW! He is a distraction to our attempts at distraction to seniors about PapaObama Care taking 500 billion from Medicare now

He must be stopped; he is keeping us from distorting the real message

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Here's the real point to this entire thing...

If you don't want bad things to be said about you or have to deal with serious consequences for your actions, don't do stupid things that will get you into the situation. If Weiner had kept his weiner out of the camera lense, NONE of this would have happened. It's apparent that the man has a problem. Now, he has BIGGER problems. He needs to resign and focus on his family if he intends to keep that together.

This isn't Brietbart's fault. Technically, the pictures were released when the weiner tweeted them.

As for the unfortunate position that Mrs. Weiner finds herself in, I can only say that I feel sorry for her. If she knew before she married him, then she is partly responsible for being in this position. But, unltimately, it's his fault for putting her there. I heard today that she is pregnant. If so, then this just got more distressing for them both.

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