
Hey! you dumbass whining libturds.. when you take naked pictures of your tweenie and tweet them you should be smart enough to know you have KNOW expectation of private parts remaining private.. now tweet that whydonchya? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Certainly some of the recipients of suggestive or inappropriate Weiner pictures probably did nothing with them. But was Congressman Weiner so naive that he thought NONE of those women would pass them around to their girlfriends? That there was no possibility that at least one of his on line encounters or one of their friends would take advantage of such a great opportunity for blackmail or extortion? Given President Clinton's experiences with 'bimbo eruptions', did he honestly think once somebody went public that others would not come out of the woodwork?

If there was no other reason that he was unfit for high office, hitting that high on the stupid meter should be reason enough.
What the HECK do you think was going through Mr. Wide Stance's mind when he was trolling airport men's stalls looking for some KAWK?

You think that sick PREEVERT ever stopped to consider one of those unsanitary and unsavory random strangers would report his closeted sexually demented A$$???

So, while you are reliving history for the edification of the nation, you would also disapprove of using one's apartment as a same-sex brothel then?
and so it goes....

Top Dem calls for Weiner to resign
By MIke Lillis - 06/08/11 03:48 PM ET

One of the Democrats' top campaign lieutenants has called on Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) to resign.

Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.), the head of recruiting at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said Weiner's "offensive" behavior makes him unfit to remain in office.

"Having the respect of your constituents is fundamental for a member of Congress. In light of Anthony Weiner’s offensive behavior online, he should resign,” she said in a statement Wednesday.

Her pronouncement will add even more pressure to Weiner, who's been struggling to maintain support from his party.

Tim Kaine, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, also urged Weiner to step down. Kaine said Weiner's dishonesty surrounding the incident was worse than the behavior itself.

Top Dem calls for Weiner to resign - TheHill.com
Is Wiener accused of having a WMD and a homeland security threat?
Oh, he will go into rehab like Tiger Wood and Linsey Lohan and come out smelling like a rose.
Much ado about nothing.
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Certainly some of the recipients of suggestive or inappropriate Weiner pictures probably did nothing with them. But was Congressman Weiner so naive that he thought NONE of those women would pass them around to their girlfriends? That there was no possibility that at least one of his on line encounters or one of their friends would take advantage of such a great opportunity for blackmail or extortion? Given President Clinton's experiences with 'bimbo eruptions', did he honestly think once somebody went public that others would not come out of the woodwork?

If there was no other reason that he was unfit for high office, hitting that high on the stupid meter should be reason enough.
What the HECK do you think was going through Mr. Wide Stance's mind when he was trolling airport men's stalls looking for some KAWK?

You think that sick PREEVERT ever stopped to consider one of those unsanitary and unsavory random strangers would report his closeted sexually demented A$$???

So, while you are reliving history for the edification of the nation, you would also disapprove of using one's apartment as a same-sex brothel then?

Tell me something...why do you think the GOP is chuck-full of closeted homosexual men?

Why do you think there are so many sexually repressed PREEVERTS in the Grand Ole Partay?
What the HECK do you think was going through Mr. Wide Stance's mind when he was trolling airport men's stalls looking for some KAWK?

You think that sick PREEVERT ever stopped to consider one of those unsanitary and unsavory random strangers would report his closeted sexually demented A$$???

So, while you are reliving history for the edification of the nation, you would also disapprove of using one's apartment as a same-sex brothel then?

Tell me something...why do you think the GOP is chuck-full of closeted homosexual men?

Why do you think there are so many sexually repressed PREEVERTS in the Grand Ole Partay?

Avoiding talking about Bawney Frank's little pranks with the truth reaching the light of day, are we? And why not let's just strongarm people to shut up about the Weenie wife's boss's employe's bazarro-world hubby who types for sex before engaging brain? Get it?

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Is Wiener accused of having a WMD and a homeland security threat?
Oh, he will go into rehab like Tiger Wood and Linsey Lohan and come out smelling like a rose.
Much ado about nothing.

That's what people thought about Clinton's little shenanigans, too, until his propensity to obstruct justice landed him a nice fat impeachment and a nicer, fatter disbarment.
What LAW did Weiner break?!??

He needs to stay.

A Democrat can be a KKK Grand Kleagle, drown his gf and not even bother to report it until the next day like Ted Kennedy (Oh, Dems lost the Kennedy seat), give a female intern a facial in the Oval Office...what the fuck is the big deal about Weiner.

Mark stands with his Weiner!
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He stood there and lied to the the people.
He made an incredibly bad judgment.
If he lies on this how can you trust him on what he says about the bills on the floor
How can he make good judgments on any of the bills that he votes for.
He needs to go.
Is Wiener accused of having a WMD and a homeland security threat?
Oh, he will go into rehab like Tiger Wood and Linsey Lohan and come out smelling like a rose.
Much ado about nothing.

You think he smells like a rose? Where have you had your nose missy?
Oh and Oreilly has to hate this story. There is no way he could talk about this really due to his damn background.

How much did ya pay ol billo....how much.
so what I'm hearing on Hannity is that the picture we didn't see was a fully nude picture of weiner in a very excited state so sayeth Mr. Brietbart.

He also says he won't release that picture..

Only took him 48 hours to break that promise.

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