
That's fine. I also would like to see "journalists" with a little integrity.

By "integrity," you mean "suppress information embarrassing to the the party."

Exposing Larry Craig GOOD
Exposing Richard Curtis GOOD
Exposing David Vitter GOOD

Exposing party member Weiner - BAD - Making Breitbart an "asswipe" and probably a criminal...

The press has a two-fold job, protect the party and savage the republicans. Breitbart violated the calling of "journalism."
It appears that Rep. Weiner may have sent a naughty pic...

Big Yawn!!!!!

Unless the Congressman was a moral crusader --- who gives a fuck?


While Rep. Weiner was out trolling the net for babes to get some tittilation for himself, just a cojuple of months ago, he was trying to get the only black Supreme Court Justice we have disbarred based on his wife's income.

Does that come close enough to being a holier-than-thou little prick, sir or ma'am?
Hey! you dumbass whining libturds.. when you take naked pictures of your tweenie and tweet them you should be smart enough to know you have KNOW expectation of private parts remaining private.. now tweet that whydonchya? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Utter guttersnipe...the lot of them!

Protect the party, Marc. Attack the hated enemies of the party. You must protect the hive...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you're a mindless fucking drone...

Oh wait, I guess I am saying that...

Never mind....

Hey you Underpants Sniffer defender.....when are you going to call out the closeted Underpants Sniffer BriteBart for walking around with pictures of men's penises on his person and sharing them with his fellow RW men?
Hey you Underpants Sniffer defender.....

Hey you flasher perv defender...


What partisan buffoon you are.

Let's compare and contrast, you sniveling little Underpants Sniffer Defender.

Here we have a man on the Left who loves women so much, he can't help himself but to share, what he perceives, as his better body parts' pictures with them.

On the Right we have a bonafide closeted PREEVERT who walks around with said pictures that he hacked from the web and keeps them on his person, via his SmartPhone and then walks around sharing them with various and sundry of his fellow RWer male friends, some of which in turn post on the web.

RepubiCON$....where being closeted PERVS are the norm. Just ask Mr. Wide Stance

Get it.....Re-PUBE-iCON$?!??

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Hey! you dumbass whining libturds.. when you take naked pictures of your tweenie and tweet them you should be smart enough to know you have KNOW expectation of private parts remaining private.. now tweet that whydonchya? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Certainly some of the recipients of suggestive or inappropriate Weiner pictures probably did nothing with them. But was Congressman Weiner so naive that he thought NONE of those women would pass them around to their girlfriends? That there was no possibility that at least one of his on line encounters or one of their friends would take advantage of such a great opportunity for blackmail or extortion? Given President Clinton's experiences with 'bimbo eruptions', did he honestly think once somebody went public that others would not come out of the woodwork?

If there was no other reason that he was unfit for high office, hitting that high on the stupid meter should be reason enough.
Hey! you dumbass whining libturds.. when you take naked pictures of your tweenie and tweet them you should be smart enough to know you have KNOW expectation of private parts remaining private.. now tweet that whydonchya? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Certainly some of the recipients of suggestive or inappropriate Weiner pictures probably did nothing with them. But was Congressman Weiner so naive that he thought NONE of those women would pass them around to their girlfriends? That there was no possibility that at least one of his on line encounters or one of their friends would take advantage of such a great opportunity for blackmail or extortion? Given President Clinton's experiences with 'bimbo eruptions', did he honestly think once somebody went public that others would not come out of the woodwork?

If there was no other reason that he was unfit for high office, hitting that high on the stupid meter should be reason enough.
What the HECK do you think was going through Mr. Wide Stance's mind when he was trolling airport men's stalls looking for some KAWK?

You think that sick PREEVERT ever stopped to consider one of those unsanitary and unsavory random strangers would report his closeted sexually demented A$$???
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