
I was just reading that the x-rated pics are circulating on the internet now. I guess Brietbart decided to release them?

Or one of the multiple people he sent them to released them. TPM has a while set of emails between Weiner and Ginger Lee. Do you think it might be remotely that a porn star/exotic dancer might see the profit potential in Weiner pics?
No...Please don't resign!

I know...he's just too much fun.

But it looks like even his staff is getting ready for the inevitable outCUM...

SLOW ROAST: Anthony Weiner has survived to play with his congressional BlackBerry for another day. But if he’s looking for messages of encouragement from other Democrats, he’ll find an empty screen.

Members of his staff (who were accepting Weiner’s lies as the truth until he fessed up to them Monday afternoon, just before facing the cameras) have left his Rayburn suite largely unattended while they roam the halls looking for other jobs. Pelosi (ditto) has written an official letter doubling down on her call for a full-up Ethics Committee investigation — assuring the drip-drip of coverage will continue for months unless the one-time king of Queens politics quits Congress. Yesterday’s “Call someone else” will long be remembered as one of the most biting bits of advice Reid has ever given. Party officials in New York aren't taking his calls, either, while working to recruit an alternative candidate in the 9th District — either for 2012 or for a special election if Weiner resigns. Former City Councilman Eric N. Gioia of Queens would be their top choice.

But the most important sign of Weiner’s shrinking half life came on a Virginia TV station yesterday, where Senate candidate Tim Kaine made clear that Weiner-slamming is acceptable in public by 2012 congressional candidates. “Lying publicly about something like this is unforgivable and he should resign,” the former Democratic national chairman declared.

CQ Roll Call Daily Briefing
Yes, yes, Weiner is a victim as are the women. They are all victims and you are not allowed to judge them because they are victims. You mean nasty racist tea baggers.....and, and....you're homophobes....yeah.....and you're mean to poor people and steal lunch money from "the children".....yeah......hic.....
But typically, Ravi applies a moral relativistic filter which equates the two.

For those of us with a proper ethical compass, whatever Breitbart has done PALES in comparison to Weiner's actions.

There is an ethical gray area in the world of journalism. Does a public figure's personal privacy trump the public's right to know that their elected leaders are, as Ravi put it, asswipes?

In that area I am not going to defend Breitbart, but neither will I condemn him. If the people who have power over the quality of our very lives are not held to some moral or ethical standard, we cannot know who is more deserving of our trust and confidence. We can't really trust a dishonest man to be honest when he describes his own character. We are dependent on a free press to advise us in such things.

But one reason I am no longer a member of the media is that I could not do what Breitbart did. I couldn't ruin a person's life just to get a scoop or a headline. And, as an investigative reporter, I was increasingly being pressured to do just that.

So it is difficult for me to admire what Breitbart did. But because I do think the American people and the people of New York deserve to be able to judge the character of those they elect to high office, it is difficult for me to condemn him either.
Nobody put a gun to Weiner's head and made him put nekked pix of himself out there.

Breitbart's big mistake here was expecting better from Opie and Anthony.
Breitbart didn't invent the lack of integrity we see in journalism today. Look at the coverage. He is just responding to what the public has an appetite for.
Weiner's initial reaction while not what you'd like to see from an elected official was typical as well.
90% of the story here is that his name is Weiner.
But typically, Ravi applies a moral relativistic filter which equates the two.

For those of us with a proper ethical compass, whatever Breitbart has done PALES in comparison to Weiner's actions.

There is an ethical gray area in the world of journalism. Does a public figure's personal privacy trump the public's right to know that their elected leaders are, as Ravi put it, asswipes?

In that area I am not going to defend Breitbart, but neither will I condemn him. If the people who have power over the quality of our very lives are not held to some moral or ethical standard, we cannot know who is more deserving of our trust and confidence. We can't really trust a dishonest man to be honest when he describes his own character. We are dependent on a free press to advise us in such things.

But one reason I am no longer a member of the media is that I could not do what Breitbart did. I couldn't ruin a person's life just to get a scoop or a headline. And, as an investigative reporter, I was increasingly being pressured to do just that.

So it is difficult for me to admire what Breitbart did. But because I do think the American people and the people of New York deserve to be able to judge the character of those they elect to high office, it is difficult for me to condemn him either.
Nobody put a gun to Weiner's head and made him put nekked pix of himself out there.

Breitbart's big mistake here was expecting better from Opie and Anthony.

But...but...but...I heard that Breitbart and his gang of Rush, Newt, Cheney and Rove drug and kidnapped Weiner. They shaved his chest, took the crotch pics, and sent them to underaged girls on the internet with whom they had been tweeting for a few weeks prior to The Sting.

It was a Set Up!
The pressure for embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign is mounting Wednesday, with two congressional Democrats calling on the embattled New York congressman to step down from office.

Rep. Allyson Schwartz, D-Pennsylvania, is the top-ranked House Democrat to publically call on Weiner to resign, while Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Arkansas, is the first Democratic senator to call for Weiner’s resignation.

“Having the respect of your constituents is fundamental for a Member of Congress,” Schwartz said in a statement. “In light of Anthony Weiner’s offensive behavior online, he should resign.”

Democratic Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas also said today that it would be a “good thing” if Weiner resigns.

Two Congressional Democrats Call for Rep. Weiner to Resign - The Note
It's the same old double standard the left has used for years. Protesting a democrat policy is "an angry racist mob". Protesting a republican policy is "speaking truth to power".

Anyone who reports the truth about a democrat is a sleazy muck-raking hack. Anyone who reports the truth about a republican should get a Nobel Prize for journalism.
And an Ex Girlfriend turns:

Anthony Weiner’s former girlfriend, Kirsten Powers, defended him on TV to millions of people after he insisted to her that he didn’t send lewd photos on Twitter. Now she takes him to task for his rampant misogyny—and says he must resign immediately.

Anthony Weiner lied to the country about his sexual misconduct online. He also lied to me.

I had been defending him, based on what he told me, but no more. Weiner must resign from Congress immediately.

This has not been my position previously during the scandal, but as I have recovered from the shock of seeing an old friend’s life unravel and have had time to get my mind around the extensive and sociopathic lying in which he engaged, there seems to be no other choice than for him to step aside and stop hurting his family, friends, and the Democratic Party. As more information trickles out about his online behavior with women, it has also become clear that he does not have the character to be in a position of leadership because of his misogynist view of women and predatory behavior....

Anthony Weiner
I am the only one thinking "opposite hand" when "Weiner's former lover" is mentioned?
And only one has a direct impact on the country's laws and it's pursestrings...
That is true. But it doesn't make Brietbart less of an asswipe.

Brietbart has nothing to do with the behavior of Weiner. Brietbart is not the reason one of your soldiers got wounded. It was self-inflicted.
Doesn't make him anything less of a panty sniffer and toad. Only people like you could admire someone that flashed a naked picture around when there was no longer any reason to do so.
But typically, Ravi applies a moral relativistic filter which equates the two.

For those of us with a proper ethical compass, whatever Breitbart has done PALES in comparison to Weiner's actions.

There is an ethical gray area in the world of journalism. Does a public figure's personal privacy trump the public's right to know that their elected leaders are, as Ravi put it, asswipes?

In that area I am not going to defend Breitbart, but neither will I condemn him. If the people who have power over the quality of our very lives are not held to some moral or ethical standard, we cannot know who is more deserving of our trust and confidence. We can't really trust a dishonest man to be honest when he describes his own character. We are dependent on a free press to advise us in such things.

But one reason I am no longer a member of the media is that I could not do what Breitbart did. I couldn't ruin a person's life just to get a scoop or a headline. And, as an investigative reporter, I was increasingly being pressured to do just that.

So it is difficult for me to admire what Breitbart did. But because I do think the American people and the people of New York deserve to be able to judge the character of those they elect to high office, it is difficult for me to condemn him either.
Nobody put a gun to Weiner's head and made him put nekked pix of himself out there.

Breitbart's big mistake here was expecting better from Opie and Anthony.
Mistake? LOL! Mistake is what you call it when you do something by accident.

Poor you.
Breitbart didn't invent the lack of integrity we see in journalism today. Look at the coverage. He is just responding to what the public has an appetite for.
Weiner's initial reaction while not what you'd like to see from an elected official was typical as well.
90% of the story here is that his name is Weiner.
:lol: Now the public made him show naked pictures?
If a Congressman can't use a cell phone to take some pictures of his little weiner to share with a few close (million) friends, what's the point of being an attack dog pit bull scumbag liberal Democrat Congressman?

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