
I was just reading that the x-rated pics are circulating on the internet now. I guess Brietbart decided to release them?

In this case, I request there be no links provided!


Smart man.

What is Seen cannot be Unseen.

I had the misfortune of seeing it whilst doing my daily read of Business Insider...not a place I would have expected to encounter The Weiner.
Serious question, do you think Breitbart should be arrested and executed as a warning to others not to expose party members?

The left is doing its damndest to make Breitbart the villain. Anybody who exposes or embarrasses a leftist darling must be destroyed. Why else do you think people like Limbaugh or Hannity or Coulter or Palin et al are so vehemently hated with an intensity and duration unprecedented in my (or anybody's) lifetime? They all dare to expose the weakness in the leftist program or the clay feet of the leftist icons. What they say can be seldom refuted, so they must be destroyed personally.

Those of us on the right are not immune to the syndrom of blaming the messenger, but I honestly have seen nothing like the intentional attempts to destroy people personally as has been the norm for the last decade or so.

So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.
Did someone force Brietbart to show the naked picture to anyone?

You're so transparently stupid it is breath taking.

I don't know that he did. Do you? I know there are some blogs accusing him of it. But is there any credible source claiming this? Has he admitted it? Has he denied it? After the days of crucifying Breitbart for 'hacking Weiner's account' and/or manufacturing the story etc. etc. etc., and then being vindicated by Weiner's own confession, I think Breitbart should not be accused further until there is some evidence that he released the naked picture after he said he wouldn't. Breitbart deserves benefit of the doubt.

Weiner at this point deserves none.
FF...get with the program.

The left is doing its damndest to make Breitbart the villain. Anybody who exposes or embarrasses a leftist darling must be destroyed. Why else do you think people like Limbaugh or Hannity or Coulter or Palin et al are so vehemently hated with an intensity and duration unprecedented in my (or anybody's) lifetime? They all dare to expose the weakness in the leftist program or the clay feet of the leftist icons. What they say can be seldom refuted, so they must be destroyed personally.

Those of us on the right are not immune to the syndrom of blaming the messenger, but I honestly have seen nothing like the intentional attempts to destroy people personally as has been the norm for the last decade or so.

So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.
Did someone force Brietbart to show the naked picture to anyone?

You're so transparently stupid it is breath taking.

I don't know that he did. Do you? I know there are some blogs accusing him of it. But is there any credible source claiming this? Has he admitted it? Has he denied it? After the days of crucifying Breitbart for 'hacking Weiner's account' and/or manufacturing the story etc. etc. etc., and then being vindicated by Weiner's own confession, I think Breitbart should not be accused further until there is some evidence that he released the naked picture after he said he wouldn't. Breitbart deserves benefit of the doubt.

Weiner at this point deserves none.
He admitted it. In fact he has a whining post about how he was victimized on his blog.

And no, he's never done anything to deserve the benefit of the doubt.
But typically, Ravi applies a moral relativistic filter which equates the two.

For those of us with a proper ethical compass, whatever Breitbart has done PALES in comparison to Weiner's actions.
So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.

It's just absolute and irrefutable proof that the left is authoritarian and opposes freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Signs and portents: not looking good for Weiner's longevity

Rep. Allyson Schwartz, a leading official at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, called for the New York Democrat to resign on Wednesday after a picture of a man’s genitals — purportedly a Weiner self-portrait — began circulating on the Internet. Contacted by POLITICO, a Weiner spokesman neither confirmed nor denied that the picture was of Weiner.

“Having the respect of your constituents is fundamental for a member of Congress. In light of Anthony Weiner’s offensive behavior online, he should resign,” the Pennsylvania congresswoman, who serves as chairwoman of recruiting and candidate services for the DCCC, told POLITICO...

Allyson Schwartz says Anthony Weiner should resign - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
He's not a victim. Neither is Brietbart. They are both asswipes.

And only one has a direct impact on the country's laws and it's pursestrings...
That is true. But it doesn't make Brietbart less of an asswipe.

Brietbart has nothing to do with the behavior of Weiner. Brietbart is not the reason one of your soldiers got wounded. It was self-inflicted.
But typically, Ravi applies a moral relativistic filter which equates the two.

For those of us with a proper ethical compass, whatever Breitbart has done PALES in comparison to Weiner's actions.

There is an ethical gray area in the world of journalism. Does a public figure's personal privacy trump the public's right to know that their elected leaders are, as Ravi put it, asswipes?

In that area I am not going to defend Breitbart, but neither will I condemn him. If the people who have power over the quality of our very lives are not held to some moral or ethical standard, we cannot know who is more deserving of our trust and confidence. We can't really trust a dishonest man to be honest when he describes his own character. We are dependent on a free press to advise us in such things.

But one reason I am no longer a member of the media is that I could not do what Breitbart did. I couldn't ruin a person's life just to get a scoop or a headline. And, as an investigative reporter, I was increasingly being pressured to do just that.

So it is difficult for me to admire what Breitbart did. But because I do think the American people and the people of New York deserve to be able to judge the character of those they elect to high office, it is difficult for me to condemn him either.

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