
Hey NY, you won't have weiner to kick around any more! But you can still see him online at Watch the Weiner.org

I think we got another 100 pages in us personally.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929. He was a great civil rights leader. The King Center says so.

Breitbart didn't invent the lack of integrity we see in journalism today. Look at the coverage. He is just responding to what the public has an appetite for.
Weiner's initial reaction while not what you'd like to see from an elected official was typical as well.
90% of the story here is that his name is Weiner.

I know. But I don't know that makes Breitbart a great guy that he is willing to sacrifice somebody's personal life to satisfy the public's appetite for titillating stuff on public figures. I couldn't do it. There are moms and dads and siblings and kids and friends and other innocent people to consider.

But because I know that if there aren't folks with the skill, persistence, and interest to dig out the truth of things, the scoundrels of the world will win as they do everywhere there isn't a free press, I can't accuse Breitbart for doing that.

So I don't know what Breitbart's motives were though I suspect they were less than pure. But the results of his efforts have exposed the lack of character, dishonesty, and unworthiness of the public figure targeted. And I have a difficult time seeing that as a bad thing.
So I don't know what Breitbart's motives were though I suspect they were less than pure. But the results of his efforts have exposed the lack of character, dishonesty, and unworthiness of the public figure targeted. And I have a difficult time seeing that as a bad thing.

I classify this as Speaking Truth to Power. This issue is not the pics themselves - they are props to address a bigger issue.

Ah, Weinergate, you are the gift that keeps on giving, the crotch-shot that launched a thousand puns. Yet, sadly, some people fancy themselves far too serious to embrace the hilarity.

"Just pathetic," an example of "American Puritanism," journalism professor Jeff Jarvis pronounced the media focus on Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) alleged boxer-brief malfunction.

Spare me. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good old-fashioned political sex scandal. They're entertaining, and they may even be edifying—reminding us that self-styled "public servants" are often less responsible, more venal, and just plain dumber than those they seek to rule.

The Lessons of Weinergate - Reason Magazine
So I don't know what Breitbart's motives were though I suspect they were less than pure. But the results of his efforts have exposed the lack of character, dishonesty, and unworthiness of the public figure targeted. And I have a difficult time seeing that as a bad thing.

I classify this as Speaking Truth to Power. This issue is not the pics themselves - they are props to address a bigger issue.

Ah, Weinergate, you are the gift that keeps on giving, the crotch-shot that launched a thousand puns. Yet, sadly, some people fancy themselves far too serious to embrace the hilarity.

"Just pathetic," an example of "American Puritanism," journalism professor Jeff Jarvis pronounced the media focus on Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) alleged boxer-brief malfunction.

Spare me. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good old-fashioned political sex scandal. They're entertaining, and they may even be edifying—reminding us that self-styled "public servants" are often less responsible, more venal, and just plain dumber than those they seek to rule.

The Lessons of Weinergate - Reason Magazine

That's true. If it was just a stupid prank involving one dumb photo and one college co-ed, and if the Congressman had owned up to it and that was all there was to it, he would have weathered a few days of embarrassing weiner jokes and then everybody would have moved on. It was his own stupid behavior that didn't ring true with most, and not Breitbart, that created the Weiner scavenger hunt resulting in unveiling of the whole sordid picture.

And the left's best efforts to make Breitbart the villain also contributed to that because it backfired bigtime and exposed Weiner as an even bigger dishonest schmuck.

Again, I would never have released the initial picture for the world to see. But I can't condemn Breitbart because he did.
He's not a victim. Neither is Brietbart. They are both asswipes.

Of course, had Breitbart not been an asswipe and exposed a party member, then there would be no need to criticize Weiner.

Weiner is the victim!

You never answered, do you think Breitbart should do prison time or worse for sedition against the party?
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Poor Weiner....:cry:
He's not a victim. Neither is Brietbart. They are both asswipes.

Of course, had Breitbart not been an asswipe and exposed a party member, then there would be no need to criticize Weiner.

Weiner is the victim!

You never answered, do you think Breitbart should do prison time or worse for sedition against the party?[/QUOTE]

Why is Breithbart an asswipe?
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