
Yeah....I just read that Brietbart was showing them to some radio talking heads and that is how they got out.

Why would someone do such a thing? I mean, seriously, Brietbart is just as low as Weiner.

Yeah, REPORTING bad behavior by party members should be dealt with by death.

The press has a job to do, and that is savaging Republicans while protecting party members. Breitbart MUST be silenced, right Ravi?
At this point, there is no reason in the world to be showing people the naked pictures.

It's Out: Purported X-Rated Weiner Photo on Internet - FoxNews.com
Yeah, REPORTING bad behavior by party members should be dealt with by death.

The press has a job to do, and that is savaging Republicans while protecting party members. Breitbart MUST be silenced, right Ravi?
At this point, there is no reason in the world to be showing people the naked pictures.

It's Out: Purported X-Rated Weiner Photo on Internet - FoxNews.com

Breitbart said that while he was in the studio, Opie -- real name, Gregg Hughes -- snapped a photo of the graphic image "without my permission." Breitbart said he's shown the image to other members of the media as proof of his claims, but until now nobody has made that image public.


Who is worse: The flasher Weiner or the peeper Brietbart?
I seriously doubt you have the reasoning abilities to tell the difference.
It's all over the internets.

Even Business Insider has the NSFW pic.


It was pretty stupid of Breitbart to show it to Anthony & Opie, which makes me think he did it on purpose.
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I was just reading that the x-rated pics are circulating on the internet now. I guess Brietbart decided to release them?

I had heard about 2 days ago they existed. So they did release them eh? It's amazing how these things keep piling on. Almost like the releases are planned to keep it in the forefront
Yeah....I just read that Brietbart was showing them to some radio talking heads and that is how they got out.

Why would someone do such a thing? I mean, seriously, Brietbart is just as low as Weiner.
The media is scum for the most part. as we were discussing on here last night why do they feel the need to go beyond the candidates themselves and bring in the family members? It's all about selling a story at any cost. I don't condone what Weiner did or any of his counterparts for that matter, Vetter, Arnie, Edwards. any of them. Should the media be exposing all this? IDK. I have mixed emotions. I do think the media goes too far. But on the other hand politicians have developed and I don't care attitude about it becasue for the most part they get off with little repercussions. did he break the law? no but he does represent the USA. and he doesn't reperesnt it well with these actions.
The media are quite often scum, but they are the scum that help us hold even Bigger Scum accountable.
At this point, there is no reason in the world to be showing people the naked pictures.

Serious question, do you think Breitbart should be arrested and executed as a warning to others not to expose party members?

The left is doing its damndest to make Breitbart the villain. Anybody who exposes or embarrasses a leftist darling must be destroyed. Why else do you think people like Limbaugh or Hannity or Coulter or Palin et al are so vehemently hated with an intensity and duration unprecedented in my (or anybody's) lifetime? They all dare to expose the weakness in the leftist program or the clay feet of the leftist icons. What they say can be seldom refuted, so they must be destroyed personally.

Those of us on the right are not immune to the syndrom of blaming the messenger, but I honestly have seen nothing like the intentional attempts to destroy people personally as has been the norm for the last decade or so.

So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.
At this point, there is no reason in the world to be showing people the naked pictures.

Serious question, do you think Breitbart should be arrested and executed as a warning to others not to expose party members?

The left is doing its damndest to make Breitbart the villain. Anybody who exposes or embarrasses a leftist darling must be destroyed. Why else do you think people like Limbaugh or Hannity or Coulter or Palin et al are so vehemently hated with an intensity and duration unprecedented in my (or anybody's) lifetime? They all dare to expose the weakness in the leftist program or the clay feet of the leftist icons. What they say can be seldom refuted, so they must be destroyed personally.

Those of us on the right are not immune to the syndrom of blaming the messenger, but I honestly have seen nothing like the intentional attempts to destroy people personally as has been the norm for the last decade or so.

So yeah, they'll continue to focus on Breitbart and make him look as scummy as possible. Anything to take the attention off an embarrassment that might make their side look bad. The "it's okay if they do it if they've never condemned it" defense is beginning to wear a little thin.
Did someone force Brietbart to show the naked picture to anyone?

You're so transparently stupid it is breath taking.
At this point, there is no reason in the world to be showing people the naked pictures.

It's Out: Purported X-Rated Weiner Photo on Internet - FoxNews.com

Breitbart said that while he was in the studio, Opie -- real name, Gregg Hughes -- snapped a photo of the graphic image "without my permission." Breitbart said he's shown the image to other members of the media as proof of his claims, but until now nobody has made that image public.


Who is worse: The flasher Weiner or the peeper Brietbart?

I don't think he took any pictures, he's only publishe pictures weiner put on the internet himself.
That pic must be from before Breitbart drugged Weiner, shaved his chest, and took the crotch pic.

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