Nobody Gets A Trophy

Okay .. sure are alot of trends across America .. but if you say so.

Detroit Public Schools: 81.9% Black, 76% graduation rate, 18% graduates proficient in reading.
Memphis Public Schools: 72.2% Black, 81.5% graduation rate, 17% graduates proficient in reading.
St. Louis Public Schools: 77.4% Black, 86.9% graduation rate, 44% graduates proficient in reading.
Birmingham Public Schools: 95% Black, 90% graduation rate, 78% graduates proficient in reading.
Atlanta Public Schools: 72.25 Black, 86.6% graduation rate, 22% graduates proficient in reading.

National Average Graduation Rate: 87%
What does racial graduation rates have to do with this topic?

And so you identified total black popullation of 1,407,705.

There are 48 milion blacks. So you re citing 2.9 percent of the back population and even less when you are talking about kids. Studies have shown tht between 9-31 percent of the white population in meric agree with racist opinions. So should I ssume that whites are racists bsed on those numbers like y ou try mking assumptions bout all blacks bsed on 5 cities?

Black graduation rates had nothing to do wth this discussion and the race of the chidren in involved was not mentioned. South Bend Indiana is a majority white town. 56 percent of the city is white. The majority of students in South Bend schools are white. So why are you being allowed to inject race into this nd why isn't the op on you about doing so?

Public school doesn't automatically mean black schools. More white students are in public schools than any other race and in this state a whole lot of white rural chidren attend junior college before they go to the big colleges in this state because their rural schools did not prepare them for college. For some of them, that's all the college they do.
I mean the guy that thinks he knows more than the facts.

You've already admitted that you haven't been in a public school in DECADES. Here you are lapping up sensationalist media and jumping through hoops for the leftist media like an obedient little poodle.
... a whole lot of white rural chidren [sic] attend junior college before they go to the big colleges in this state because their rural schools did not prepare them for college. ...

NO, they do it to save money.
Look at you, obeying the commands of your leftist media masters to salivate on cue.

Violence in schools is up - fact

North of 80% of kids are being graduated with only 17% at reading proficiency - fact

Agendas are being prioritized over learning - fact

Instead of being defensive, and trying to dismiss a growing problem, why don't you try and be civil and come to a solution?
You've already admitted that you haven't been in a public school in DECADES. Here you are lapping up sensationalist media and jumping through hoops for the leftist media like an obedient little poodle.
So I'm supposed to ignore the problem...Great idea...

Why don't you focus of teaching instead of just getting through not giving a shit if the kids learn or not?

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