
He is in violation of the House Ethics Rules:

* * *

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


If Bitter Pilly thinks Weiner's behavior and evasive lies reflect CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives, then that says a great deal about her ethics.

I wonder if you would have gone to the trouble if Weiner was a Republican. I think not. What a good, hypocritical conservative you are.
Project much? :lmao:
Obviously what he did was dumb. But what grounds should he be resigning on? His wife should have issue with what he did more then the rest of us. He broke no laws.

I'd get fired from my job if i did that. And that's the problem I have with our government. and this isn't abouts libs or cons. but these guys set it up so they operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us. That's BS, they work for us, we pay their salaries. The standards they are held to should be no different than the private sector. Because the act like they do because they can get away with it.

What job would fire you for emailing girls behind your wifes back?
Is it time now to post the list of spouse cheating republicans in congress?

Naw..Wiener sorta screwed the pooch here.

After Clinton, I dunno how anyone lies about this sort of shit.

He's going to be in a world of hurt now.

But if this is all he's done..he should stick to his guns.

If not..he'd better be thinking what channel with take him on as a political commentator.:lol:

He's done it six times,, that we know of..
I think your mistaken, if you believe this will not effect Weiner's abilities in Congress. He has made his career on fact checking and lambasting the Republicans for moral lapses. Poof! End of his shtick.
I dare anyone to go after Newt now.

I'll make sure I post your comments along with my foot and cram it up your backside.

More false equivalencies from the Reicht.

Weiner never went around talking about or claiming to be Morally Right, nor espousing family values.

Gingrich, et al, did.

It's the hypocrisy stupitt.
he broke his oath of office? really?there's a part of the oath of office that says you have to be asexual?

only in an alternatie reality.

bummer though, you won't be able to make any more weiner jokes along with the other people who've never seen one. :thup:

Did he break his oath of office? Probably not, but I know for a fact he lied. HE actually admitted it. Why can't you?
He has every reason to resign. He broke his oath of office - and has proven himself to have no integrity.

If the people in his district reelect him, then they deserve him.

Broke what oath??? Do not take pictures of your pecker hanging out??? Never heard of it.

You'll defend any Democratic, no matter what they did...

He could have been caught fucking your pet poodle and you'd be trying to get an autographed picture of the "event"...

Now sex with animals is illegal in most states except TX and AL I think.
Weiner just admitted to everything......and he's not resigning.

This is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

A Democrat begs for forgiveness after denying it but refuses to resign where as a Republican resigns for the good of the office.

As long as Weiner is not a political liability he will stick around. Charlie Rangel is still in office.

This is pathetic......and expected.

no offense, but hell with that. he has no reason to resign. rightwingnuts have to resign because they spend their careers pretending they're bastions of morality and push radical religious right agendas. THAT's why when a closet homosexual spends 20 years talking about how vile gays are that he has to resign when people find out he's gay.

no one gives a damn about what they do personally. it's about the hypocrisy

he has no reason to resign because his constituency isn't rightwingnuts who think their politicians are supposed to preach 'christian values'.

it's a beautiful thing.

i know the right hates anthony weiner, but his constituents, you know ... THE PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR HIM AND WHO HE REPRESENTS.... probably don't much give a flying about his personal life.

So Republicans have to resign because they're hypocrites? That is the one unforgiveable sin? Okay, are there particular topics that people aren't allowed to by hypocritical about? Or is it just family values stuff? If it's stuff related to their jobs it's okay?

From my Post #1160 on this thread

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., one of the most outspoken supporters of President Obama’s landmark health care overhaul just one year ago, is reportedly now looking into how a health law waiver might work for his constituents in the Big Apple.

After recently encouraging Democrats to stop “hiding under our desks” and to “be proud of” the unpopular law, the likely mayoral candidate is shopping for alternatives. . . .

. . . .The congressman was trying to debunk Republican “myths” about the health care law during a speech at the Center for American Progress. He used the waivers as way to describe how flexible the law actually is and how “this notion that the government is shoving the bill down people’s throats” is not true.

“The administration needs to make this argument more forcefully,” he said. “A lot of people who got waivers were … people who are our friends.”

The New York Democrat said that he does not have the power to get the city to apply for a waiver but that he is “personally looking at whether he can make the numbers work.”

“We in New York already have hospitals, we already employ doctors and we employ nurses. We have a lot of uninsured people. … [Setting up] the exchanges is the one piece of the puzzle that would be difficult for us to do,” he said. “I’m just looking internally to whether the city can save money and have more control over its own destiny.
Report: Rep. Anthony Weiner Wants ObamaCare Waiver for NYC | The Blaze
he broke his oath of office? really?there's a part of the oath of office that says you have to be asexual?

only in an alternatie reality.

bummer though, you won't be able to make any more weiner jokes along with the other people who've never seen one. :thup:

Did he break his oath of office? Probably not, but I know for a fact he lied. HE actually admitted it. Why can't you?

Post # 1226. He violated the House Ethics Rules.
Wow.. Was I ever wrong about this one. I guess I wanted to believe Weiner, because I've always been a fan of his politics.. but I was wrong. Weiner should have resigned.. This will affect his ability to do his job for the rest of his term. At least Chris Lee had the decency to resign.. Weiner obviously doesn't. No excuses for this guy.. I just wish it would've been someone else that discovered it; apart from Brietbart. He finally gets one thing right, and now the media is really gonna treat him serious.

I feel terrible for Weiner's wife.. 6 encounters over 3 years.. Wow.

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