
There is probably a lot of rescheduling going on in DC right now. Weiner appointment at six? Tell him we'll get back with him soon.
Obviously what he did was dumb. But what grounds should he be resigning on? His wife should have issue with what he did more then the rest of us. He broke no laws.

I'd get fired from my job if i did that. And that's the problem I have with our government. and this isn't abouts libs or cons. but these guys set it up so they operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us. That's BS, they work for us, we pay their salaries. The standards they are held to should be no different than the private sector. Because the act like they do because they can get away with it.

What job would fire you for emailing girls behind your wifes back?

lmao - spin, spin, spin. lewd pictures? pretty much anyone i know.

heck you get caught posting on the job you'll get fired
Obviously what he did was dumb. But what grounds should he be resigning on? His wife should have issue with what he did more then the rest of us. He broke no laws.

He should resign because, as a Congressman, he is held to a higher standard. If we demanded the resignation of people who act like this we would have a lot less people acting like this in office.

Just something to think about.
I think it's rather interesting that his wife wasn't there. Not exactly the typical stiff upper lip, stand by your man response of a career politician's wife.
I'd get fired from my job if i did that. And that's the problem I have with our government. and this isn't abouts libs or cons. but these guys set it up so they operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us. That's BS, they work for us, we pay their salaries. The standards they are held to should be no different than the private sector. Because the act like they do because they can get away with it.

What job would fire you for emailing girls behind your wifes back?

lmao - spin, spin, spin. lewd pictures? pretty much anyone i know.

heck you get caught posting on the job you'll get fired

I'm spinning nothing. I said what he did was wrong and stupid made worse by lying. But you said your job would fire you for doing something that was on your own time. I want to know what kind of job would do that.
There will be more perv photos coming out in the coming days. He sent a lot more perv photos to other girls. Stay tuned.
I'd get fired from my job if i did that. And that's the problem I have with our government. and this isn't abouts libs or cons. but these guys set it up so they operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us. That's BS, they work for us, we pay their salaries. The standards they are held to should be no different than the private sector. Because the act like they do because they can get away with it.

What job would fire you for emailing girls behind your wifes back?

lmao - spin, spin, spin. lewd pictures? pretty much anyone i know.

heck you get caught posting on the job you'll get fired

At any government job if you are caught with pornographic pics on your computer, or even going to websites, you can and will get fired. Don't know if he was using government Blackberry/computers when doing this shit, just sayin.

I guess Dem Politicians are exempt.
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If I was a Democrat, I'd be pissed.

By admitting it and resigning, Weiner would have allowed this controversy to slip away into the realm of "both sides have idiots...oh well, when we find out about it we ask them to resign. Time to get back to the important issues."

Instead...the Dems will have to now face weeks of discussion as to whether or not they are the party that drums any Republican out of office for any scandal (some less scandalous than this one)...and then looks the other way when one of their own lies repeatedly, smears innocent peoples' names through the mud to try to squirm out of their own guilt, and then admits it and the Dems allow him to go right back to work as if nothing at all has happened.

Seriously, Dems...you WANT this guy to resign...its not going to play out well for you if he doesn't.
Weiner just admitted to everything......and he's not resigning.

This is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

A Democrat begs for forgiveness after denying it but refuses to resign where as a Republican resigns for the good of the office.

As long as Weiner is not a political liability he will stick around. Charlie Rangel is still in office.

This is pathetic......and expected.

no offense, but hell with that. he has no reason to resign. rightwingnuts have to resign because they spend their careers pretending they're bastions of morality and push radical religious right agendas. THAT's why when a closet homosexual spends 20 years talking about how vile gays are that he has to resign when people find out he's gay.

no one gives a damn about what they do personally. it's about the hypocrisy

he has no reason to resign because his constituency isn't rightwingnuts who think their politicians are supposed to preach 'christian values'.

it's a beautiful thing.

i know the right hates anthony weiner, but his constituents, you know ... THE PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR HIM AND WHO HE REPRESENTS.... probably don't much give a flying about his personal life.

Right just like John Edwards???

Besides, its you leftists who portray your political ideology as morally superior.

No......the left is the party of no morals or principles.

What they do is attack the right for having them and not always adhering to them.
I dare anyone to go after Newt now.

I'll make sure I post your comments along with my foot and cram it up your backside.

More false equivalencies from the Reicht.

Weiner never went around talking about or claiming to be Morally Right, nor espousing family values.
No, he and liberoidal socialist windbags just claim their alleged moral superiority in every other area of life, other than their sexual preversions.

Nevermind the tax cheats, insider traders, war profiteers, no-bid contract payola.....
I'd get fired from my job if i did that. And that's the problem I have with our government. and this isn't abouts libs or cons. but these guys set it up so they operate by a different set of rules than the rest of us. That's BS, they work for us, we pay their salaries. The standards they are held to should be no different than the private sector. Because the act like they do because they can get away with it.

What job would fire you for emailing girls behind your wifes back?

lmao - spin, spin, spin. lewd pictures? pretty much anyone i know.

heck you get caught posting on the job you'll get fired

Plus if you're in a serious job for a firm that commands respect and dignity, and your junk winds up on the front page of the local newspaper, you're probably going to be shown the door.

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